Categories: Jodha Akbar

Jodhaa Akbar 13th September 2013 Written Episode Update

Jodhaa Akbar 13th September 2013 Written Episode, Jodhaa Akbar 13th September 2013 Written Update

Scene 1
Jalal is with salima and holds her and says dont hesitate you are my wife I have the right on you and your love salima says yes. Jalal says you loved Khan baba? as he loved you alot salima doesnt respond to his question and says some questions has no answers jalal says but If husband ask any question then wife has to give answer and lays down salima on bed she closes her and says you are my husband and answer is yes jalal says then why did nikkah with me I fulfilled My responsibilities but i never came to your room as you were khan baba’s wife but today you didnt thought about him when getting closer to me? She says because i cant stop you , you are my husband jalal says so you choose your current husband over your dead husband whom you loved and present that box to

her, ask her to eat it she says if you are presenting this then i surely will eat she is about to eat when jalal stops and says no you are not the one.

Scene 2
adham says i think i know the real culprit maham ask who adham says you, only you have guts to do it so please spill the beans now and trust me i will be happy if you did it as then it will be shown that you love more, then jalal and you did for my future maham is angry.

Scene 3
jalal gets up from bed, salima says i didnt get it he says i wanted to know something and got it. He places her dupatta on her head and says you were khan baba’s respect, you are and you will be i am sorry for all this salima is still confused so jalal says someon tried to trap you and failed , man can be wrong one time but if twice then he is a fool which i am not, first he trapped jodha now you but i will find him, he leaves.

Scene 4
maham says to adham are you mad , to show that i love you i will do such thing, i didnt brought jalal to this world but i have given him feed and this allegation is disgrace to my loyality with jalal, there is between you and jalal , you doubted on me and if jalal find any clue against he will not ask me. She ask him to leave and cries, she sadly sits on bed and says i dont know what is the truth but this is true that i love my son more than anyone more than jalal and remember adham’s bitter words where he throws maham away says go and bring jalal’s heir to this world so that he will become big and get the throne and me i will be just his servant. He ask her to leave, maham comes to him and caresses his face fb ends. She says how to tell you that only i am behind this conspiracy in fb it is shown that it was maham who brought that box from that man then we maham stealthily put that dathura in many boxes of kesar brought for ruks when salima comes asking for rahim maham handles her and sends her off Then she discovers that the box was missing.

Scene 5
ruks is dressing her wound in her room when jodha comes and ask about her wound ruks says about which wound you are talking about that on hand or on heart. Jodha says you saved me.. Ruks sends hoshiyar out and says to see around herself before talking about political issues and ask the reason for coming jodha says i wanted to thank you ruks says i said earlier that i have the authority of this harem and jalal’s mind if i didnt stop him that night you would have.. Jodha says question is why you stopped him? Earlier you were against me and i think now you know the real culprit ruks says its not your concern jodha says it is he trapped me and brought disgrace to my family so i have to know ruks says you are not so clever to understand political issue nor you have the right to know, go and celebrate your freedom jodha says because of him suffered much, me and my family suffered house arrest, sukaniya’s groom got killed, ruks says because I saved you that doesnt mean you have become important part here and you have no importance in jalal’s life also, and refuses to tell her anything and sends her away with her questions as no one was allowed to interrupt queen in her sleep n rest

Scene 6
In her room Maham is worried about her missing box She thinks of finding out who had it As she would be caught Maham goes to meet Jalal in his room .. And questions why he released Jodha from arrest .Jalal tells her that he had found out she was not culprit .. Maham wants to know who what was the clue he had As she is minister she had the rights to know Jalal says he had decided he would not share his clue with any one but Maham was different He decides to show her Maham is shocked to see the box in Jalal’s hand .

Precap .. Jalal goes to Meet Jodha .. She breaks the glass container … Jalal is shocked .. Jodha yells at him saying that respect and trust are very delicate just like the glass container once broken cant be mended and even if repaired the crack lines are always visible .. Jala and Jo furious eyelock

Update Credit to: Atiba

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