Fan Fiction

Journey of Love (KKB) Chapter 12

Hey guys hope all r fine thanks for ur support..Loads of love ❤
Note : This story contains some social issues and this is not to hurt anyone or anyone’s personal feelings or intentions.Its purely my views and my frustration over some issues on this society.This is purely my imagination with some real time issues and it’s not against any single person or any govt organization if anyone got hurted of my story I apologize sincerely.
Let’s get into the story.. Happy reading..

Abhi drops Pragya in her friend’s home.Pragya says,Come in.Abhi says,Its okay some other time..I have meeting to go.Pragya says,Its okay just come.. just for a coffee.Abhi asks,Ur coffee.Pragya says,Hmmm..If u want..then okay my coffee.Abhi says,Okay then I’m coming.Pragya smiles n says,Thats my boy.Abhi smiles n says,But don’t take much time make it in 5 mins..coz I don’t wanna be late.Pragya says,Okay.. ACP sir come.Abhi smiles n follows her.Pragya pressed the calling bell.Her friend opens the door.Pragya says,Hey..Hi..n she gets in.Abhi stood silent.Pragya says,Sheela this is ACP sir..I mean Abhishek Mehra Assistant commissioner of police Mumbai..And ACP sir she is Sheela a doctor here in Delhi..shake ur hands and come in.Abhi smiles n says,Hi..Sheela.Sheela says,Hi..Mr.Abhishek..pls come in.Abhi gets in.Pragya says,Yeah..sit here I ll b back with ur coffee.Abhi smiles n sits on the couch.Sheela asks,How r u??Is everything is sorted between u two..Pragya was saying abt u 24/7..Pragya says,Sheela..wait I ll explain u everything later.. it’s a big story.Sheela asks,Romantic story?,she chuckled.Abhi embraced.Pragya says,Romantic??Hmmm…not exactly I ll tell u..

she came thr with his coffee.Sheela says,Okay u guys carry on I ll be back soon.Pragya nods n gives the coffee to him.Abhi says,Hey fuggi.. don’t tell ur frnd how I proposed what if she teased me,he asked with a pout.Pragya laughs n asks,Come on ACP sir..behave like an ACP..what’s in that she won’t mind.Abhi says,U r too bad.Pragya says,Okay u think i ll share our personal with someone..relax..and ur proposal is not that much unromantic it’s the best romantic proposal I had colorful.. positive proposal..I love it ACP have ur coffee remind that u have a meeting to go.
Abhi smiles n says,Thats so sweet of u..btw wait..wait…best proposal u many proposals u had,a jealously peeped in his words.Pragya says,Ufff…I said best proposal I had heard..i didn’t say best proposal ever I makes difference..Abhi says,Oh…fine..okay,he relaxed.Pragya says,Have ur coffee now.Abhi nods n sips his coffee n says,U r the best..this coffee killing me.Pragya pinches him n asks,Killing u what it this coffee tastes like poison or what.Abhi says,Ouchh..idiot I’m giving u the compliment…U know what ur coffee always reminds me abt my childhood.Pragya smiles n asks,Really.. then tell me abt that.Abhi says,We have a lifetime to share all it’s getting late..I’m leaving now,he said placing a peck in her forehead with a slight side hug.Pragya smiles n says,Okay..if ur meeting is over soon let’s go out..if u were free.

Abhi says,Sure I ll tell u..okay..take care..bye..Whr is ur frnd..pass her the message Im running out for a meeting.Pragya smiles n says,Sure.Abhi smiles n left the home.Pragya smiles and closed the door n starts to twirl herself by widing her hands n with a heavy smile..n thinks,Im so happy today.. thank you God..And he too happy today he is smiling without any confusion..God ji please make him happy like this always..

Abhi was driving in happy mood he thinks,Thank u Pragya.. Actually thank u my fuggi..u gave me a new life to live..I ll never let u down never ever I ll make u to feel bad..I wanna love u madly..he smiled at himself.Then he reached the venue.The officers from Delhi welcomed him.Abhi accepted their welcome and joined with them in his official meeting with the minister of home affairs.In meeting,He submitted the crime report rate chart to the every officer from their respective city submitted their record.Minister gone through the report and says,Mr.Mehra..Ur city still under high crime records.Abhi says,Well.. Yeah..coz every person who committing the crime has a political party influence behind how could we control the crime rate..just pass us the order to take action against all the suspects even if they politically influenced..can u do that sir..And well u ppl know very well Mumbai is always a city which is under the radar.. every day we are receiving 1000s of cases..well if u gave us the freedom to do against the suspects I ll assure that crime rate ll b reduced..coz we cops are not that much coward sir..well u stop comparing the crime rate with other cities and compare it with previous year crime rate record of’s reduced this year..and moreover some persons from our department are helping the suspects we have this much issues then how can u expect the crime rate ll b reduced.The minister clearly heard him n says,Well..Mr.Mehra I accept what u said was true..well it’s quite difficult to handle city like Mumbai..well I ll have a talk with Prime minister regarding extending cops crew in Mumbai.Abhi says,Thank you sir..and just consider this too..Take some serious action on the department officials who r siding the suspects.
Minister says,Its Not easy as u think but we can do it gradually.. Moreover try to catch the gangster don Simha.Abhi smiles n says,Sir..he is holding the whole govt of the state then do u think it’s quite possible to catch him with strong evidence.. the only way to finish him is encounter.Minister shocked n says,Mr.Mehra what u r saying encounter is not that much easy procedure to do.Abhi says,Sir..that’s ur part..we are trained for tht not to let them to do crimes.Minister says,Ur anger is loyal but anger can’t do anything understand that..We can’t just encounter a man..if we did that we have to face Human rights..cases etc..u very well know how issues arised when a terrorist is punished to hang.

Abhi says,Ya..I know but I don’t understand the fact so weird how the ppl n some organization r siding a man not to hang him who is a terrorist who killed people..hanging a human is against human rights.. well if he is a human he won’t kill 1000s n lakhs of ppl with a single bomb.Minister says,Uff.. any how Mr.Mehra I ll discuss with PM regarding this..okay now meeting is over and u guys doing a great job keep it on.. Happy to see persons like u.Abhi smiles n says,Im Just doing my duty that’s it.. thank you sir.Minister pats his shoulder n smiles n left the conference hall.
It was past afternoon,After the meeting Abhi calls Pragya.Pragya attends the call n says,Haa..ACP ur meeting over.Abhi says,Ofcourse..shall we meet Im free now.Pragya says,Sure..And u know I’m also free.Abhi says,Okay be ready I ll pick u.Pragya excited n says,Ya okay.Abhi says,Okay I ll be in 30 minutes n ends the call.As Abhi reached her was already drizzling.Pragya opens the door n says,Come in.. come in just 5 mins.

Abhi says,5 more minutes u know I’m already late..u r delaying nore..Pragya it’s already drizzling I think we hav to drop the plan.Pragya didn’t mind anything n says,5 mins ACP sir..i ll b back and got into the room.Abhi says,Arey..I’m talking with u..Pragya didn’t answer.After 15 mins Pragya came out in black slight shimmering anarkali n says,Shall we go.Abhi says,Sorry madam it’s heavily raining.Pragya pouts n says,So what I got ready come let’s go.Abhi says,Whr to go it’s raining idiot.Pragya goes near the window and sees the rain n says,Y u came now..go back and come after sometime..we wanna go out.Abhi smiles at her n says,Its okay Pragya we ll go someother time..leave it.Pragya asks,What someother time.. tomorrow we r leaving na,she pouted.Abhi says,Ya..but we are leaving in evening na we have full day..we ll go where ever u want.Pragya upsets n asks,What to do now.Abhi says,Come and sit here.. besides me let’s talk.Pragya says,Seriously we are not going now uh..Abhi smiles n says,Pakka.. tomorrow.Pragya says,oh.. no then wait I ll change.Abhi nods n smiles.Pragya again got into her room n changed to her normal sweat pants and tee.

She came out n sees window n says,I hate u rain.Abhi smiles at her n asks,Hey have u asked Bulbul why she pranked me.Pragya goes to him n sits besides him n says,No.. Actually is that big thing..I Have to thank her for this prank coz of the prank u came here for me na.Abhi asks,Who said I came for u..I came here to attend the meeting..then I thought to just meet u.Pragya stares at him n hits him with pillow.Abhi says,Hey..stop this..Pragya stares at him n says,So how was ur meeting.Abhi says,Leave it as always nothing is gonna happen coz of all this meeting..btw Whr is ur frnd.Pragya says,She is in hospital I mean she is in her work.Abhi says,Fine..that’s good no one ll disturb us na and he layed down by placing his head over her lap.Pragya smiles n asks,Are u feeling sleepy or what,asked while caressing his hair.Abhi smiles n says,No..But u know I always dream to sleep in loved ones lap and now my dream came true coz of u.Pragya smiles.Abhi says,Fuggi..y u r silent speak something.. Start ur bak baks.Pragya says,No today is ur turn I ll hear u..and note it u won’t get this offer frequently.Abhi laughs n asks,Hey can I ask u onething.Pragya says,Yeah..Abhi asks,Dont mind okay.Pragya lil bit panics n thinks he ll ask abt Vijay n says,I won’t mind..ask me..Abhi asks,From Whr u learn to make that coffee..Pragya says,Itni si baat..I thought something serious..Abhi asks,What serious..tell me.Pragya smiles n says,Woh..I learn that from an.. suddenly Abhi’s phone rang.Abhi says,One minute fuggi.he got up and attends the call.Abhi speaks with Commissioner regarding his meeting with Minister.Pragya looks at him.
After the call,Pragya asks,Over with ur convo.Abhi says,Yeah..n he again lay down by placing his head over her lap.Pragya asks,If u wanna marry me then to whom u have to ask.Abhi says,No one..Pragya says,Oh hello..U have to ask my Maa..Abhi says,Thats ur part.Pragya says,U have to convince my Maa..u know my Maa won’t like cops..but u r different from others na so i think she ll like impress my Maa.Abhi asks,What..I have to impress ur maa..what is this..Pragya says,Not only maa have to impress my mama ji..Abhi asks,Then who are in the list..Ur silly friend Purab..ur irritating sister..then ur puppy..who else.Pragya brushed his eyebrows in her thumb n smiles n says,We don’t have puppy..Abhi says,Thank down from the list.Pragya smiles n says,See..after we reached Mumbai u Have to come to my home okay.. come and talk with my Maa.Abhi says,Okay baba I ll come what if ur mom doesn’t approved for our wedding.Pragya says,Dadi is thr to convince first u have to impress my Dadi..u don’t worry be a good boy and come to my home..okay..Abhi says,Okay..okay.. Pragya says,Thats good..On their chit chats Abhi slowly dozed off.Pragya smiles at him n placed a peck on his forehead and carres his hair.
Suddenly her mobile rang from her room.Pragya carefully placed his head over the pillow and goes to her room.Pragya attends the call and asks,Who is this.Caller says,Hello..u had gone to finish ur project not to make ur love…Pragya says,Hello..who r u..just mind ur words..Caller says,Do u think u could be happy with him..if u thought like that u r purely mistaken for ur kind information his life ll end by our hands..

and it is gonna happen so soon..If u wanna him to live a long life with you then ask him to back off from the case what he is handling now.Pragya asks,U r not joking ryt..U gonna kill him..oh really if u really wanna kill him y u r calling me and pleading for ur life..if u have courage and guts then face him..stop trapping me okay..And for ur kind information if u called me again then for sure u ll face ur death soon..and ur life ll end in his it I’m leaving u this time next time I won’t leave u just like that..n ends the call.She worried abt the unknown call and looks at Abhi who is sleeping peacefully..She stares at her mobile and thinks,First I have to find who is the person who called me and how he got my number.
. . .
I end my part here..thank u for all ur comments..Thank u my fuchii.. my Cheeku..My bujia..Riya..Maya..Maahi..Rajesh..Saranya..Nirmal..sasti..Durga..Kirti..Sandy..Divya..Varsha..Mokshi..Rose..Rosy..Vidya..Pratheba..Asmitha..sugan..Trisha..Banu.. Abhigya..Lakshmi..Sherly..Aditi..Roli..surbhi..akshaya..and all my silent readers I’m sorry if I Missed other names..

Maahi – Doing a great job in ur OS write more love to read it.
Maya (author of is this called love) – I read the whole part yesterday it was awesome love it..
Surbhi – u r rocking as always.. lovely work..
Aksahya – U had wrote a new abhigya ff ryt..A gangster and a reporter story of AbhiGya y u stopped in 3 chapters pls do write I really liked it it’s different..its a request pls do continue that..
Aditi – U r awesome keep killing it girl.

Sherly – It’s okay concentrate on ur studies do the exam well..All the best sissy..
Pavithra – I’m really really sorry I’m not active in FB 1000s of sorry.
Roli – Love ur story yaar.
Thank you for reading… Meet u all in next chapter till then take care..Be good stay good stay blessed god bless? Spread love ❤

With love Tisha.


Daddy's little girl ❤?? Read my stories on Abhi and Pragya played by Shabir Ahluwalia and Sriti Jha on Wattpad @srimathi77 Ping me on Twitter @ImSrita Instagram @itisrimathi

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