Hey guys……………. so i am early this time……………………….exams ended and i am a free bird now yippe………by the way don’t know why tu team didn’t posted but i named my last part as dilemma so , alright replied to your comments………….here are the links:

sorry guys , i know you would be thinking that i don’t wanna talk or something but its just that i am getting mad to write something…………..seriously i haven’t written anything since 10 days…………….so please forgive me for not talking……………

lets start:
the episode starts with meera sitting crying while arjun reaches his home and starts getting ready for the marriage still teary eyed.
Meera was sitting while she was thinking about seher’s words , seher was right how can she spoil her own life………………………………………she has to punish him but yet…………..marrying him……………is that correct decision……………she did met him just due to one reason……………………..for her revenge but she never planned to marry him……………….how can she marry a devil……………..a devil who spoiled her brother’s life……………….she knew very well why all this marriage idea popped into her mind…………….it was just due to her mother………………………..he mother who loved aarav madly and just wanted to see arjun getting spoiled but why is she stooping so low…………………for her mother who never loved her…………………………..she can punish arjun by other ways………………she can’t marry him……………..she can’t…………………..

Arjun is sitting in his room……………………..he remembers the day when he saw meera………………………………………………………the smile that came on his face wasn’t created one…………….it came itself like a peacock smiles feeling that rain is coming…………………………………he didn’t knew why that smile came but it did……………………………………………………..but he knew he couldn’t smile due to her………………the girl whose brother is responsible for his sister’s , how can she be the reason for his happiness…………….from the day he knew that aarav had a sister…………………he was behind her every step……………………………..he knew it very nicely that she was an architect studying in London due to scholarship……………………..he just waited for her arrival………………………………………………………………….he knew his plans well…………….how he will vow her and make her head over heels on him but fate had other plans………………….he got to know that she too wants to take revenge on his because her rapist brother was is coma ………………………for him what he did was correct……………………that rapist was to be punished and it was better if he would have died………………but yup he paved way for arjun to make his revenge better…………………………..he would make that meera’s life hell so that her pain makes aarav sad…………that was his plan and thats why he supported meera in her plans without even letting her know……………….she thought she was the real player but he was the one who made her dance on his fingers………………………………but today he was forced to think , was he correct in taking revenge from a person who never did anything wrong…………………………. she never did anything……………….aarav did it all but why she needs to be punished…………..???

No…….was there any fault of karishma ………………was there any…………………………………………but she is forced to live as a mentally sick person………………in a closed room……………crying day and night remembering nothing that happened to her………………………………………………………………………………he wore his sehra as this conflict was continuously taking place in his heart……………………………………………..he didn’t knew what was correct but he left everything on destiny now…………………………………..its all destiny……………..all destiny arjun………………he reminded himself…………..
Meera was sitting there in thinking when she heard a knock at the door………………….”yes ma….”

So i end this part here………..just one hope that you like this part…………..


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