Hello guys…………..links to previous episode:
SOME FUNNY FIGHTS- meera was on arjun………..their eyes locked into each other , it was almost ten minutes since they were in this position…………….suddenly arjun saw a lizard at the roof and shouted……………………… “ meera…….chipkali………….” meera stood up in an instant and ran on the bed………..arjun laughed at her and said “ its on roof………….” meera turned her gaze towards the top and then eyed arjun angrily while he was laughing……………. ‘ you ………..’ she exclaimed angrily while she took up a cushion and threw on him……..the cushion hit his head and he eyed her angrily…………he threw back the cushion at her and this time it hit meera’s head……….she got hold of 2-3 more from the bed and threw them together on him while he returned to cushions to her………yeh it was a pillow fight…………………… “ meera ki bachi………………i am not goona leave you…………..” “ acha ji,pehle khud to bach jao mujse………………..” they threw pillows at each other the whole night……….
arjun came back from the memory laughing while all others too joined him…………….. “ equal compititors…………….” giya remarked while smiling………………… “ yaa….what do you think i am less infront of HER………….????” arjun asked staring…………… “ it isn’t a thing to be thought……….it is a fact arjun…………..” meera said teasing………………. “ oh really……………???” arjun said like an angry child………….meera nodded while mohit came and stood between arjun and meera……….. “ no more fights……..bhaiyaa –dii……….now it should be just love…………..” he said smiling………………meerjun smiled while arjun said “ she can’t live without fighting with me…………….” “ same pinch …………” meera said angrily…………………. “ ok, your fights cut our story……….its not fair, who is gonna continue………….” giya cut their fight in the middle………………….. “ i will continue…………” arjun said before meera can say anything,………….meera nodded smiling while arjun started:
next morning:
meerjun are seen sleeping on the bed facing opposite directions while the whole room is messed up……………pillows here and there and even some papers…………………..a knock at the door awakes arjun………………….he is half asleep while he suddenly hears a voice…………. “ meera……..seher has came to meet you……………come fast………..” arjun looks towards meera who was sleeping peacefully and hits her arm……………she wakes up and eyes him angrily…………………….. “ maa is standing outside……………..your partner has come to meet you….go and meet her…………….” “ who…………????” “ off course seher……………..” “ oh hello, she didn’t knew anything so don’t dare think her involvement in any way………………….and don’t dare to harm her……………..” “ i am not really gonna harm…………no matter she is part of your plan or not……………….i only need to torture you………………”
“ funny…………” meera said as she stood up…………………………. “ beta………….are you both still sleeping……………….???” rishika asked from outside……………………. “ no ma………….i am coming………………” meera replied going towards the door when arjun realized something and ran to her…………………………just before she was about to open the door he pulls her aside………….. “ are you mad………see this room……what will they think………we are not kids to play pillow fight here……………….” he replied pinning her to the wall………….they were very close………………so close that as arjun spoke , meeera could feel his breath on her face…………………….she pushed him aside………….. “ok , then lets set this room fast…………..”
meera says as she picks up a pillow…………..arjun too starts……another voice from outside………….. “ meera beta…..what happened………are you fine……..????” meera hit her head with her hand irritated and replied……… “ maa , actually my lehenga got struck in the bed……it is not coming out…….i am trying please wait……………………………” “ ok , tell arjun to open……..where’s he……………???” meera eyed arjun who was at a 250 metre per millisecond speed trying to set the room in its old position…………… “ maa that khumbakaran is still sleeping..” she said angrily looking towards him while he stared her shocked…………rishika laughed from outside while arjun got hold of a pillow and a vase………….
……..he tried to scare her showing the vase while she passed him “ oh really” expressions……………….he kept the vase back angrily and threw a thread at her while she thought it to be a lizard and almost screamed but prevented herself seeing the thread on her dress…………….arjun laughed out silently “ you……………”
she said angrily coming towards him while he pinted towards the door innocently. Meera eyed him angrily while arjun laughed.
Good episode dear pls continue soon and read 3rd episode of fAith in love and also comment
thanks a lot sidhi……..already read and commented…………..do tell me if you upload any other ff……………….love you………….be happy……………
Awesome yaar..Cute fight.. 🙂
thanks a lot sweetie……………love you………….be happy………
hey pia…hows u?
btw nice fights…lov u tcr
thanks a lot neha……happy you are liking the fights…..well i am fine……….but burdened under loads of homework…………….what about you…………?????
take care haan..love you………be happy………