Categories: Junooniyat

Junooniyat 12th October 2023 Written Episode Update: Ilahi meets her mom

Junooniyat 12th October 2023 Written Episode, Written Update on

Scene 1
Ilahi prayys that her voices gets to her mom. Seerat meets her mom. She hugs her and says I was so alone. I missed you so much. Seerat says Dolly aunty wants to talk to you about me jahan. Daljit says you’re in such a hurry. Relax, I will meet them. But I have something important to do. I need to meet poeple I have been praying to meet for long. Jahan is at the temple. Ilahi takes the water bottle and leaves.

Scene 2
The concert start preparing. Ilahi gets ready. She is nervous. Jahan prays for Ilahi. Jahan says Jordan can go to any limit to prove Ilahi wrong. Jordan comes to Ilahi’s makeup room and says drink some water. Jahan prays for Ilahi. Ilahi is about to drink water. Her flask falls. Jordan shouts at the makeup boy for shoving the water. Ilahi says it’s

fine. I will get other bottle. Jordan says I will bring it. You stay here. Jordan gets on a call. Jahan comes to the concert disguisd as a Sardar. Jahan follows Jordan. He sees Ilahi going on the stage. Ilahi feels like Jahan is around. Her dupatta gets stuck in his watch. Ilahi says why do I feel like you’re around. He plucks and hides his facce. Ilahi leaves.

Jordan mixes something in the water and asks makeup boy to give that water to Ilahi and says make sure she drinks it. He says sorry Ilahi. You won’t be able to sing anymore. You will have to fail so I can succeed. The makeup boy gives ilahi water bottle. Ilahi drinks the water. Jordan looks at her and smiles. Ilahi goes to the stage. Jordan gets happy and says now she can’t sing.

Ilahi comes on stage. People chant her name. Husna is also ther. Ilahi says I want to sing this voice for my mom and want it to touch her heart.

Scene 3
Daljit and Seerat are on their way but they’ve to change route due to an accident.
Ilahi starts singing but her voice breaks. Ilahi coughs. Jahan gets worried. People start questioning Ilahi. Jordan says it’s my time to shine. Jordna asks Ilahi ti sing. She says I can’t. She coughs. People throw things at Ilahi. Jordan comes there and stands in front of Ilahi. He says don’t worry Ilahi. I will handle. He takes the mic.. Jordan was imagining all this. Ilahi sings well on the stage. People start enjoying the concert. Jordan is shocked. Jahan claps and cheers for Ilahi. Jordan says I won’t let Jordan harm Ilahi. He saw Jordan mixing something in the water. He replaced the water bottle before makeup boy gave it to Ilahi. Ilahi sings on the stage and the crowd enjoys. Amar sees Ilahi’s video and gets happy. Daljit hears her voice. She stops and says Ilahi.. Seerat asks where are you going mama? She says it was my song, I wanna go in and see. She comes outside the venue.

Jordan slaps the makeup boy and says how is she singing? Did you not give her water? He says you added medicine and I gave her the bottle. Jordan says don’t lie. Jahan comes there and says he’s not lying.
Daljit comes to the concert. She cries and gets emotional. Daljit recalls singing that song. She recalls leaving Ilahi and Amar. Ilahi recalls her mom said she will come back when Ilahi makes a name for herself. Ilahi stops singing. Dolly sings the song. Ilahi is shocked. She comes on the stage and sings with Ilahi. Ilahi cries. Dolly cries with Ilahi. She hugs her. They both cry on stage. Ilahi gets emotional. Seerat cries in the crowd.

Jahan says you can never change. How dare you harm Ilahi’s dream. Jordan says she’s my wife, I can do what I want. What can you do? Jahan says I will tell Ilahi your real face. Jordan says you will tell if you get out here. Jordan hits Jahan. Jahan hits him back. Jahan tries to go out but Jordan doesn’t let him. Jordan and Jahan fight. Jahan shoves Jordan and goes out. He locks Jordan in the room. Jahan says I will show Ilahi Jordan’s real face today.

Episode ends

Precap-Jahan says to Ilahi you think jordan has changed?You’re wrong. I will show you his real face. I don’t want you to stay with him for a second. He mixed something in your water so you can’t sing. Jordan comes there.

Update Credit to: Atiba

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