Categories: Junooniyat

Junooniyat 14th September 2023 Written Episode Update: Jahan and Ilahi get arrested

Junooniyat 14th September 2023 Written Episode, Written Update on

Scene 1
Jahan fills Ilahi’s hairline and makes her wear the mangalsutra. Ilahi gets teary. Husna sees Jordan coming with the police. Jordan asks the inspector to hurry. Ilahi and Jahan touch Dolly’s feet. Husna tells Jahan and Ilahi. Jahan says we are coming in a bit. Bau ji says yes go. Jahan comes outside with Ilahi. Jordan says this is my wife. Jahan says are you out of your mind? He says you’re marrying my wife and I should do nothing? Husna distracts everyone inside. Ilahi says I am his wife and that was my worst mistake I married a man like him. That’s why I am divorcing him. You can arrest me. It’s not Jahan’s fault. The girl says she loves him a lot. Jahan says no arrest me. Jahan says Ilahi go inside. She says no it was our plan. Inspector says let’s

arrest both then. They arrest. Ilahi says to Jordan it was a fake wedding. If you do anymore drama I will do a domestic violence case on you. Jahan says to Jordan if you wanna become Sultan you have to ensure mama doesn’t get to know anything. Police takes them.

Jahan and Ilahi get locked. Ilahi says lock me in women jail. She says stay with your hero now. Everyone asks Jordan where are Ilahi and Jahan. Dolly comes. She asks what happened? There is a drunk prisoner in jail. He says you brought her here from mandap directly? Is there a third person between you two?? I know you both love each a other a lot. Confess your love and tell her you love her a lot. Dolly asks Jordan where are Jahan and Ilahi? Jordan says they asked me to not tell but I have this bond with you. He tells her something. Ilahi says I am sorry Ilahi you’ve to go through all this because of me and my mom. Ilahi says but she’s getting better now. We will tell her everything next week. Dolly says to Jordan you’re such a good brother. He booked Ilahi and Jahan a room in hotel. Husna is worried. Jordan gets a call. The inspector says they’re both locked in one cell. Jordan says they can’t stay together.

Scene 2
Ilahi asks Jahan what happened? He says mosquito? He slaps himself. Ilahi laughs. Jahan asks do you still think I fled? Why do you think I cam back? To take revenge? Do you think I still don’t love you? Ilahi is shocked. Jahan says I know i said in party I came back to take revenge. But I had to no other option to stay. I can die but I can’t stop loving you. I loved you and will always do. Ilahi gets teary.

Jordan comes to police station. He says get them both out. Inspector says first you asked us to arrest them and now you want them out? Ilahi says I am idiot and emotional but I had no other that day. Everything, every proof was against you. My heart didn’t want to believe but everyone believed it all. You said you wanted to sing the finale with me but then you signed the contract. Jahan says I didn’t sign any contract. Jordan lied like everytime. Ilahi is shocked. Ilahi says even if it’s true, why did you leave without telling me anything? I know you panicked but couldn’t you call me? He says I called you so many times. Nothing was in my hand. Ilahi says then why didn’t you contact me after coming back? I saw you at the market by chance otherwise I would never know. Jahan says I saw you and jordan at a dhaba and you both looked happy. Ilahi says so you thought you shouldn’t talk to me? Jordan sets fire outside the police station. Ilahi says how can anyone be happy with a man like jordan? You’ve no idea what he did with me after marriage. He has only tortured me. He didn’t let me sign the contracts, he cut my hair short, he hit me, hit my dad. And he even burned my hand. Ilahi cries. Jahan gets angry. The prisoner wakes up and says share your heart out before it’s too late. Ilahi cries. Jahan sits next to her. He tries to console her. Ilahi sees Jugnus in the prison. She smiles. Ilahi tries to catch them. Jahan catches them for her. They both smile and recall the past. They catch one together.

Jordan sets woods on fire outside. The constable says that man is gonna burn himself. They all rush outt.

Episode ends

Update Credit to: Atiba

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