Categories: Junooniyat

Junooniyat 25th July 2023 Written Episode Update: Ilahi’s meeting gets cancelled

Junooniyat 25th July 2023 Written Episode, Written Update on

Scene 1
Jordan says you wanted the fight to not go forward so your and Jahan’s truth doesn’t come out. Speak Ilahi. Jordan takes her phone and says let me see how many times you message him. Ilahi says you won’t find anything because there’s no such thing. I’ve never even spoken to him. Her phone rings. It’s Mahip. Jordan cuts the call. Mahip says how dare this girl cut my call. Inder says she’s with Jordan. Dont’ interfere. Let them sort out their issues. Mahip says only I can interfere in jordan’s life. No one else. Ilahi says jordan leave my hand it’s hurting.

Jahan calls someone and asks to find out what scam happened in Mehta Industries. Which projects were going on and who was the signing authority and what was Baljeet’s

role. He says I will pay as much as you want. But i want this information. Jordan shoves Ilahi. She falls. Jordan says what about my pain? If you saw Jahan for the first time after mandap how were you so calm? He betrayed you and your family. He left you alone and ashamed your family in front of the world. How were you so calm? He shouts. He breaks the bottles. Ilahi says does breaking bottles give you peace? no right? If it did, I would be doing the same. Now listen to me. i knew Jahan was in Chandigarh. Jordan is shocked. Ilahi says I saw him at the market but I didn’t even meet him. I was as shocked as you. I don’t even want to meet him. You were so excited about your interview I didn’t want to ruin your mood. Jordan throws a bottle and says you’re lying. Ilahi says I am not lying. I could hide it but i didn’t because my heart is clear. I have moved on and I expect you to trust me. One more thing, i promised my dad that I will give this marriage another chance and I will fulfill my promise. Now it’s upto you if you wanna trusst me or not. I am waiting for you outside. I wont’ go anywhere without taking you.

Scene 2
Baljeet calls Jahan and asks if he’s okay. Jahan says I am fine but why did Jolly uncle had to tell you everything. Baljeet says he had to. If I knew they were coming I wont’ sent you there. Jahan says we’re not scared of anyone. Baljeet says Mahip is very dangerous. Jahan says I understood her. She’s very clever. Biji and Bau ji dont’ even know the truth. They don’t even inder promised to bring you back. They still think you’re hiding there after doing a scam. Baljeet says I know they’ve no idea. They believe the story Inder and Mahip told them.

Scene 3
Ilahi prays for her family. She hears dadi crying. Dadi says what is happening to our family. Bau ji asks her to calm down. Bau ji asks Inder to find out what Jahan wants. Why did he come back? Inder says are Baljeet and dolly here too? Biji says no. If they were here they would come to meet us. Mahip says hey did such a huge fraud. What face would they come here? We sent them to canada to save them from jail. our company would fail and close. Baljeet is a fraud and so is Jahan. He was wearing expensive suit and gifts. How did he get so much money? I am sure it’s all fraud. Please rest now. They leave. Biji says to Bau ji we should meet Jahan oncce. Bau ji says we’re soo unlucky that we had to go away from our kids. Ilahi prays that whatever is the truth it comes out. Biji coughs. Ilahi brings a water for her. Biji says why didn’t you sleep? Ilahi says I will. She gievs her water and massages her feet.

Scene 2
Ilahi serves everyone breakfast. She gets ready for her meeting. Ilahi says to her mom’s photo I need your blessings today. The producer I sent my sample called me to his office. I hope I get this chance. Jahan gets ready for the concert and says this is my life’s most important day. Sultan has to succeed. Ilahi is going out. Jordan coems in. Ilahi asks how was your rehearsal? He says good. Where are you going? SHe says going for shopping with Husna. I made palak paneer for you in lunch. Ilahi leaves. Jordan thinks she’s hiding something. He follows her.

Seerat coughs. Jahan asks her to take medicine. He sees some kids singing sultan’s song with his t-shirts. Jahan gets out of the car and asks who is he? They say you dont’ know? THat’s sultan. Jahan says who? They say he’s a big singer. He wears mask so no one gives him bad eye. He sings for us and we recall our mom. He will sing at the concert today. Jahan says why aren’t you going then? They say we don’t have money. Jahan says don’t worry about that.

Scene 3
Ilahi is on her way. Jordan follows her. Ilahi meets Husna on the way. Jordan thinks she wasn’t lying and he leaves. Ilahi and husna see him leaving. Husna says he was following you. Ilahi says I don’t feel good about lying but I will tell everyone when I get the chance. Husna says you’re not doing anything wrong. Ilahi says thank you for coming. Husna says I am going to Sultan’s concert today. Ilahi says he’s a great singer. Husna says so are you.

Ilahi comes to the office to meet Mr. Bedi. Mahip also comes there. She says to Mr. Bedi thanks for giving me time on such a short notice. Nice to meet you. Mahip says Ilahi what are you doing here? You came here to meet Mr. Bedi to get a chance? Best of luck. She leaves. Ilahi wonders if she knew about her meeting. The receptionist says he’s busy he can’t meet you. Ilahi says but he set up a time with me. The receptionist says he is busy, you can leave. Ilahi goes in Mr. Bedi’s room. He says how dare you. Call security. Ilahi says I am sorry sir. I am Ilahi, we spoke on phone. You called me here to meet. give me one chance please. He says you are very ill-mannered and stupid. Now I know why your MIL was saying that. We don’t want to work with an artist like you. Ilahi leaves.

Episode ends

Precap-Jahan says Ilahi why are you not listening? Ilahi says I am married and someone else’s wife now. Jahan says I know. You couldn’t even wait for me and married so quickly? You don’t wanna know what happened that day? Ilahi says I am not interested in listening to another lie. He says you think I am lying? She says yes, you ruined my life. You will give a reason to defend yourself. But you wrote the end of our story so don’t try to re-start it now.

Update Credit to: Atiba

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