Categories: Junooniyat

Junooniyat 26th September 2023 Written Episode Update: Jahan fights for his life

Junooniyat 26th September 2023 Written Episode, Written Update on

Scene 1
Ilahi says it’s all because of you. Why did you have to hit them. Police was taking them. Jahan got shot trying to save me after you did that stupid thing. Have you ever thought about anyone but yourself? You are crazy. You’re a selfish moster. Everyone is shocked to hear this. Ilahi cries and says just go. Ilahi cries. Mahip comes and slaps Ilahi. She says how dare you talk to my son like this and ask him to leave. You should leave. Get out of here. You’re the root cause of all the problem. She hugs Jordan and asks him are you okay?

Jahan’s surgery is going on. Mahip says you’re responsible for all his. If you weren’t there this won’t have happened. Ever ince this girl came ot our lives she’s brought only curse. And you’re

blaming Jordan? Amar says enough. don’t you dare to say all that against my daughter. I will cross all limits. Ilahi stops him. Ilahi goes to Dolly. She says stay away from me and Jahan. Because of your his life is in risk. Go from here. Amar asks Ilahi to come with him. She says no I can’t leave Jahan like this. The doctor comes outside. He says operation was successful but there’s a lot of blood loss. His life is in danger. Amar asks Ilahi to go. She says I won’t go until Jahan is okay. He says what are you made of? No one values you here. Ilahi says I can’t leave Jahan in this condition. Amar says for me, you’ve to go. He takes Ilahi from there. Ilahi cries for Jahan.

Scene 2
Ilahi goes to the temple and prays for Jahan. She cries. Ilahi recalls her moments with Jahan. Ilahi recalls how he used to help her with everything. He said you will never be able to go away from me. Ilahi said what if something happens to me?. He said I can do anything to protect you. I can get a bullet for you. Ilahi said don’t say that. Ilahi cries and says God please save Jahan. You’ve to save him. Jordan recalls what Ilahi said.

Jordan sees Ilahi around. SHe says I hate you Jordan. Jordan breaks things in anger and says I didn’t do anything. Ilahi prays for Jahan at the temple. Jahan is in the hospital. Amar says I don’t know why God tests her like this. Husna says she still loves Jahan a lot. Inder comes to Jordan. Jordan hugs him and cries. Inder asks what happened? He says no one loves me. Whoever I love goes away from me. No one loves me, I don’t deserve it. Inder says don’t say that. I love you my son. Jordan says you’re lying. He says I went to festival to make Ilahi mine. She has gone away from me forever. When they pointed gun at her, I was blank but Jahan came in front and saved her. Will Jahan be okay? Will he die? Inder says don’t say that. He will be fine. Jordan hugs him and cries. Jordan says you should go to Jahan. He needs you. Please go. Jordan cries in his room. Inder says please open the door. Jordan says leave me alone. I deserve this.

Mahip says to Dolly please rest. You’re not well. Poor Jahan. I hope he gets okay. Ilahi is a curse for our family. I don’t know what she wants from our sons. They can’t see her truth. She got ready right on her wedding day with Jahan to marry Jordan. She thought he’s well settled. Then Jahan came back so now she wants to divorce my son. I want Jordna to get rid of her. But you stay careful. She’s doing all this to come back to Jahan’s life and ruin it.

Ilahi prays in the temple. Mahip says save your son from the magician. Jordan leaves in anger. Dolly looks at Jahan and cries. Amar asks Ilahi to come home. Ilahi panics for Jahan. She says I’ve to go and see him. Ama rasys he will be okay. You’ve prayed for him. Ilahi says please let me go to the hospital. I am alive because of hhim. He saved my life. Ilahi comes to the hospital. She goes ot Jahan’s room. Ilahi cries. Ilahi says Jahan please open your yes. Jahan’s heart beat goes down. Ilahi calls the doctor. The doctor gives him CPR. THe nurse says he’s no more. Ilahi screams.

Episode ends

Precap: Doctor tells Jahan’s blood is O-ve and they didn’t find any donor. Ilahi remembers Jordan has this blood group and rushes to him for help. Jordan is about to commit suicide says if Ilahi isn’t for me, I won’t remain alive.

Update Credit to: Atiba

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