Categories: Junooniyat

Junooniyat 4th September 2023 Written Episode Update: Dolly gets to know the truth

Junooniyat 4th September 2023 Written Episode, Written Update on

Scene 1
Inder says what will we do at the party. People will say Ilahi is Jordan’s wife. Rasika says and now about divorce. Mahip says I don’t want anyone to talk about divorce. I don’t want any shame on Mehta family. Ilahi says I understand but this will be out one day. Mahip says we will see it. Jahan says I have a plan. Jordan has to help us. Inder says he will. Jahan tells his plan.

Mahip says to Jordan Jahan made a good plan. Media and people will reveal it for us. They will tell her she’s your wife. Make sure it doesn’t affect your Sultan deal. Jordan says I will teach Ilahi a lesson. Dolly says to Ilahi this dress is so pretty. Did Jahan give it to you? She says yes. Dolly gives her a necklace. She says it’s for you. She says Jahan should wear

twining shirt with you. I got a jacket for him as well.

Scene 2
The party starts. Jahan recalls he said their plan is that Jordan and Jahan will wear the same clothes. When mom introduces Ilahi people won’t know which son is she talking about it. We have to do it for a while and then I will take mama out. Inder said no one would call media. Ilahi said if Jordan coopoerates. Jahan said he will, he has a lot at stake. Jordan says to Jahan you made the plan and now you are wearing a different jacket. He says mama insisted. We’ve to be together in the party regardless. Ilahi comes downstairs. Jahan looks at her and smiles. Jordan says your bhabhi looks good right? Jahan asks Ilahi to be with Dolly. Dolly introduces Ilahi to a guest as her DIL. She says but she’s.. Ilahi distracts Dolly. Jordan says this drama will end in a while. He calls someone and says come to the party. Do as I say. Jahan asks Jordan you look happy? He says it’s my parent’s anniversary. Jahan says we had to be together. HE says it was your plan so you follow me.

Ilahi’s family comes. Amar hugs Ilahi. He says I hope you’re okay. I am so proud of you. You’re saving a life. Ilahi says I am able to do this with your support. She meets Lucky. Ginni says Jordan and Jahan together? They touch Biji’s feet together. Dolly asks Jahan to get them some refreshments. Jahan asks Jordan to come with him. Ilahi asks Dolly to rest. Bau ji says I wish what happened didn’t happen. I feel so sad we lost a DIL like Ilahi. Bebe says maybe Ilahi will take her case back. He says no. She says okay we won’t talk about it. Jordan meets a girl and says do as I say. Seerat comes in. Jordan says to Seerat hi, I am Jordan Mehta. We never had a proper introduction. I am your new music sensation or Sulta. Seerat says leave me alone. He says once I become Sultan I will also teach her a lesson.

Scene 3
A girl congratulates Inder and Mahip. Mahip says you’re from newspress? How did you come here? Inder asks Mahip how did she come here? She says I don’t know. Seerat meets Dolly. She says hi Ilahi. She says in heart I know Jahan still loves you. I hate you. More guests come. She introduces Ilahi as her DIL and says that’s my son. She points at both Jordan and Jahan.

A lot of media comes. Inder says it’s a family affair. Please don’t take photos. They ask for one family photo. Inder says no. Mahip and Varun say they will create a scene for no reason if we don’t take a picture. Dolly says to Jahan stand next to Ilahi. She says to Seerat they look like hero heroin together. Take my photo with them. Jordan says that happy family is gonna break soon. He says something to the waiter. The waiter tells Jahan someone is waiting for him outside. The reporter says where is the superstar couple? Jordan and Ilahi. jordan comes there. The reporter says where is your wife Ilahi? Everyone is shocked. She says the picture would be incomplete without Ilahi. She announces on mic Ilahi please come for a family picture. Dolly says go Ilahi. Where is Jahan? The reporter says Ilahi Dosanj Mehta your family is waiting for you. Dolly says we should also go in the photo. Baljeet says it’s only for Inder and Mahip. Dolly says no they’re calling Ilahi as well. She goes near the stage. Ilahi looks for Jahan. The reporter says Ilahi ji please come stand with your family. Ialhi is scared. Ilahi stands with Bebe. The reporter says Ilahi please come stand with Jordan. Dolly is coming there. the reporter says now it’s a perfect picture. Husband and wife in one picture. Dolly says wait. You’ve a misunderstanding. Ilahi is my DIL. Jordan is her BIL. The reporter says no Ilahi is Jordan’s wife. Dolly is shocked.

Episode ends

Precap: Dolly asks why is everyone calling Ilahi, Jordan’s wife. Ilahi says I will tell the truth, I am Jahan’s wife.

Update Credit to: Atiba

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