Fan Fiction

Just A Bet? (SamAina FF): Chapter 1

Hi guys! I’m new to TU and I’m crazy about YUDKBH, so I decided to write a fanfic. Hope you like it!

“Just answer me in ‘Yes’ or ‘No’, Sameer please!” Naina shouted, “Did you place a bet?” Sameer couldn’t. He just couldn’t reply. He just bent his head in shame and utter guilt. But that was enough for her. She had got her answer. Tears welled up in her eyes and began trickling down her cheeks, as she started crying uncontrollably and backed away from him, their memories flashing in her mind.

Meanwhile, Munna and Pandit arrived, and walked up to the sobbing girl. “Naina,” But, she put up her hand signalling them to stop, and continued walking slowly backwards until she reached the end of the cliff. Sameer couldn’t take it anymore and turned to walk away, as fast as possible. Neither Munna nor Pandit could stop him, and after a quick look at Naina, they rushed behind their friend.

Now that she was alone, Naina started crying more openly. Why? Why did her first love have to betray her? Swati kept telling her not to trust him. Why hadn’t she listened to her friend? ‘Sameer’s heart is even more beautiful than he is..’ That’s what she had said a few hours back when Swati once again warned her. She had heard everyone say it, “Sameer is like his name, he’s like the wind. Never stays in one place.” Despite everything, she had made the blunder of trusting him. Her knees suddenly started shaking.

No, her body couldn’t take it anymore. Her head suddenly felt heavy and started spinning due to the weight of everything running through her mind. She couldn’t even take a step backwards. The last she saw was the river below the cliff, before she fainted…
“Is everyone here?” Shanti teacher shouted, as the students got ready with all their bags. They were finally leaving Mount Abu. Munna and Pandit rushed up to their teacher, and panted out, “Shanti teacher, Sameer isn’t here.” The teacher panicked and said, “He isn’t here? Go find him! We have to leave!” The two boys nodded and ran in opposite directions. “Munna, wait!” Swati screamed, “I’ll come with you!” Even in the tense situation, the boy couldn’t help smiling as his love offered to help him.

“Let’s go!” He said, and they rushed up the grassy slope ahead of them. Swati suddenly tripped, and Munna offered his hand to steady the girl. Their eyes locked, and although Swati was hesitant, she whispered, “I trust you,” before sliding her palm into his.
By luck, Pandit had chosen the right direction, as he saw Sameer sitting under a tree, his eyes full of tears. He walked towards his friend and asked, “Sameer, admit it at least now. You really love Naina, don’t you?” There was a silence, before Sameer replied, “Pandit, I don’t love her. But, my mother never made a sweater for me. She never stayed up with me during my illness. And Naina did these things, which my own mother never did. What kind of a relationship is this? That girl is an angel. We call her ‘padhaku’, ‘behenji’, don’t we? But in these few days, I saw Naina from a different perspective.”

As he fell silent again, Pandit suddenly shrieked, “Oh my god! I completely forgot what I was here for. Sameer, we’re leaving. They all are waiting for you. We’ll talk about this in the bus.” Saying this, he hauled his friend to his feet,  and they ran back to where the others were. Munna and Swati had already returned with no trace of Sameer, and everyone was relieved to see him back. “Sameer, where were you? Now, let’s leave.” said Shanti teacher, with a sigh of relief.

“One minute!” Sameer’s eyes scanned the crowd of students, and he demanded in worry, “Where’s Naina?” Swati, Munna and Pandit gasped as they realised that she too was missing. Swati shrieked, “Oh my god! I didn’t notice she wasn’t there too!” Shanti teacher impatiently pursed up her lips, “God! It isn’t like Naina to be so irresponsible. If we don’t find her in five minutes, the bus will leave! The other students, along with Rakesh Sir and the Principal have already gone in the other bus. Students, quickly! Spread out and find Naina Agarwal as quickly as possible! Now!”

At this, Sameer was the first one to run, as he raced up to the cliff where he had last seen her. During the painful revelation. Would she still be there? Was she okay? He was tensed like he’d never been before. Under other circumstances, he wouldn’t have been able to face her, but now, worry had engulfed him. She’ll be fine, he ensured himself, and before taking the small turn to the cliff, he took a deep breath. After which he saw it.

Half of her body lay on the cliff, and the rest was in the air, hanging downwards. Sameer was dumbfounded, and his eyes welled up with tears as he ran to her and pulled her feet back so that she was now fully on the cliff’s land. “Naina.. Naina, ye kya hogaya? Naina!” He screamed her name multiple times, but the unconscious girl didn’t stir. The helpless boy screamed the names of his other classmates and Shanti teacher, but he was out of their hearing, for this place was quite away from where the others were. Sameer was not going to leave her here at any cost.

He knew he had no other no option, and took a deep breath. Sliding one of his arms gently under her waist, he put the other on the upper part of her back, and locked his palm under her arm. Slowly, he lifted her up and walked steadily down the cliff, back to where the others were back with no trace of the girl. As they witnessed the sight before them, all the students and Shanti teacher gasped, and some put their hands to their mouths.

“Sameer! What’s this? What happened to her?” Shanti teacher panicked, and Sameer gently put her down and replied with concern, “Shanti teacher- teacher -sh- she fainted!” “Someone get water, quick!” Swati screamed, and Munna immediately fished out his bottle and threw it to Sameer, who sprayed a few drops on her face. No effect. “Shanti teacher! She’s not stirring!” he screamed. Shanti teacher regained composure and responded, “Sameer, stop worrying, she will.”

Saying so, she sprinkled some more water on her, and suddenly, the girl got up with a jerk. The boy ran to her side at once and whispered with concern, “Naina! Naina, are you okay?” Seeing him, her eyes again welled up with tears, and when Shanti teacher asked her the same question, she answered, “Yes teacher, I am fine. I don’t know how I fainted.” And as she said the second sentence, she turned to him.

Their eyes locked, and after a few moments, his head bent down again. He couldn’t look at those innocent eyes any longer than that.

I do hope you liked it! Please do comment!! Thank you so much for reading!


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