Fan Fiction

Just like love story OS

Remember me??
After ‘why can’t he understand’ and ‘love doesn’t see any boundaries’ this is my third attempt to write on Mehrya.. Well this is my first story which I thought of unlike than the other which I dreamt… Hope this story will be able to please you….

1. Shaurya Khanna- Rich businessman; playboy, had played with emotions of many girls. Left home because of his behavior. Lives with his friend Ajay
2. Ajay- Friend of Shaurya, who had misguided him..
3. Vicky- Loyal friend and well wisher of Shaurya
4. Karuna- Shaurya’s mother
5. Mehak- Innocent, rich, sweet, kindhearted, helpful and sincere girl. Lives with her Kanta Chachi and Jeevan Chachu in their lavish bunglaw but for some project living in a stay as a poor middle class girl.
6. Nehal- Mehek’s roommate in the stay
7. Sonal- Mehek’s childhood bestie..

Mehek had recently entered the stay and found her roommate Nehal to be very friendly. She had to prepare a lot for this project- researched on middle class living, bought low costing dresses and so on. However it wasn’t very difficult as being a rich girl, her values resemble to simple people. Instead of getting irritated, she was enjoying the life of a middle class girl. Noone knew who she actually is..

On the other hand Shaurya was getting bored with his routine life. He didn’t denied that being surrounded with lots of girls and playing with them was full of enjoyment. But he was so used to his life and needed a change. At present he was sitting in the balcony enjoying his coffee… Ajay saw him lost in thought and approached him.
Ajay- Hey what’s up?? Something bothering you??
Shaurya looked at him sighed and then smiled- Nothing bro… just feeling bored with my life
Ajay- So have a change
Shaurya- Yep thinking about that only but no good idea striking..
Ajay- Remember the first time I met you with this life..
Shaurya- Do you have any idea for now too??
Ajay- Of course I do… You are bored with these stupid flirty girls, right?? Try something new. You can try with some middle class for a change… They are a hard nut to crack… But you’ll definitely enjoy
Shaurya- Sounds interesting… But do you think playing with them will be ok…as you know na… these may ruin their life…
Ajay- Nothing of that sort will happen… You just enjoy… Afterall we get only one life..
Shaurya smirked
Ajay- I can give you address where you’ll find bunch of such girls.. Just get ready tomorrow morning..
Shaurya- Not in the morning I have a meeting and I never compromise with work.
Ajay- Ya ya I know, so evening??
Shaurya nodded..

Next day they reached the stay where Mehek is staying…. they can see many girls
Ajay pointed towards Nehal and asked Shaurya about her..
Ajay- See her… She will be perfect
Shaurya- No look by her side… That girl is completely middle classy and gonna be my treat…
Ajay- But she seems to boring
Shaurya(smiling evilly)- I’ll get much out of her….


Vicky(on call)- Please bro… now stop all this…. And what you are thinking of messing this girl’s life
(Shaurya had clicked a small and send it to Vicky for her details)
Shaurya- No Vicky you are getting me wrong, I really want to interact with her… I am really attracted to her.. (Lying because he know that Vicky will never permit)
Vicky- Really??
Shaurya- Yes Vicky…I never felt so in my life ever..
Vicky- Ok let me see what can I do…
Vicky called Karuna maa and informed everything happily. Karuna was so happy at last her son was on track and may return home quick.

Later Vicky called Shaurya and informed that the girl is Mehek who shifted in the stay recently. She is orphan and in a search of job for livelihood…
Shaurya planned accordingly…

As per plan, one day he saw Mehek crossing the road and got her deliberately…
Mehek was returning from the search of a job and feel down after getting hit. Shaurya immediately got down and extended his hand for help…
Shaurya- I’m extremely sorry. It was completely my fault.. I didn’t saw you coming… I hope you are all fine
Mehek was pleased by the courtesy he showed…
Mehek(smilingly)- No worries I’m fine… Just a little sprain… thanks for your help
Shaurya- Oh you got sprain because of me.. So so sorry… Come with me let’s go to the doctor’s clinic
Mehek- No it’s fine, nothing serious
Shaurya-But I’m responsible… Please accompany… Else I’ll feel guilty
Mehek smiled very sweetly as his concerned words… Shaurya for a while got lost in that beautiful smile but soon controlled..
Shaurya opened the door and signaled to come and sit… She nodded and sit in the car..
Mehek was about to fasten sear belts when he asked- may I help you with the belt??
Mehek(trying to maintain her fake identity)- Of course it will be a great help..
Shaurya helped her… He then went and took his seat and drove.
Mehek- Wow beautiful…
Shaurya- Hmm this is my favorite car
Mehek- I was actually taking about the sunset..
Shaurya looked outside the window… It was really wonderful…
Shaurya- That’s much more beautiful…
Mehek smiled and spoke- I really love nature. They give immense peace..
Shaurya smiled at her statement
Shaurya- Maybe I too love it from today..
Mehek- What you mean by today??
Shaurya- Never got time to look… Very busy you know. I really appreciate the beauty of nature..
Mehek- Then I must be sorry for wasting your time..
Shaurya- Not actually… I am enjoying your company
Mehek smiled again and blushed a bit.
Shaurya(thinking) – She looks beautiful while blushing… Like some angel… her red cheeks looks so delightful…..
Mehek- Well I guess me too
Her voice brings him back from his thought and he smiled.. They reached their destination. Mehek quickly get down and insist him to go as he had already wasted his time for her.
Shaurya- Okay miss I’ll go but can’t I get the name and number of my new friend..
Mehek- Mehek, Mehek Sharma… and she gave her number….. And yours??
Shaurya- Shaurya Khanna and you’ll get my number only when I’ll call you..
Saying so he drove away and she did smiling…

After a week:
Mehek received a call- Hello
Shaurya- Remember me??
Mehek- Who??
Shaurya- Shaurya…
Mehek- who??…. Oh you
Shaurya- seems you took a lot time..
Mehek- Sorry actually busy with my new job..
Shaurya- Wow congrats… let’s celebrate that…
Mehek- no, not needed…
Shaurya- Come on Mehek.. Tell me your address I’ll pick you up at 5
Mehek- But…
Shaurya- No but… Just tell me your address
Mehek- Okay then meet me where we meet first..
Shaurya- Ok done meet you then… Don’t be late
Mehek- I’m never
He cut the call. He himself don’t know but he was feeling a great relief after hearing her voice after a week..
Shaurya to himself- I kinda missed her…. What what did I say?? No I never missed her… It’s stupid to think so

Evening… In a restaurant

Mehek- The decoration is too good…
Shaurya- I come here regularly.
He told boasting about his bank balance unaware of the fact that it’s her regular place too…

Waiter came and have the menu..
Shaurya was like ordering all the costly dishes…
Mehek- why are you wasting that much money in food??
Shaurya thought typical middle class value
Shaurya- It’s for the celebration and don’t worry is not much for me.
Mehek- Maybe not for you but there are many people who can’t even afford food. Isn’t it better to feed them to celebrate. It will give us joy and them food. Afterall we eat to live not love to eat…
Shaurya felt a point on it and packed some food and walked out with Mehek.
They gave the packets to roadside kids.
Mehek was too much impressed by his act… While he was distributing food, Mehek was interacting with the kids and playing with them. He looked at her and admired her innocence…. she was looking the most beautiful the jumping, laughing, playing, smiling… Shaurya felt his heartbeat to be a little faster but he neglected and dropped her home and went back…
Mehek and Shaurya both were thinking about each other. Mehek was feeling attracted while Shaurya thought how to make her feel so..
Days passed and Shaurya tried all his way to trap her. He for the first time cancelled his meeting on her birthday. He thought to himself that it was to win her but deep inside his heart, he wanted to see her special smile on her special day.

It was one month now and Mehek called Shaurya to meet her. The next day she will take leave and start living her old life. So thought of revealing her real identity to him. She thought of confessing her feelings to him.
Shaurya also sensed that she must tell about her having some feelings for him and was overjoyed with his victory. He went there with Ajay and asked him to good and enjoy his victory..
Mehek came dressed in a designer frock suit with light makeup. She was looking pretty. He couldn’t take his eyes of her. He could see nothing except her. She always effect him but the thought that she will be telling about her feeling makes him more restless.
Mehek stood beside him… He smiled lovingly… She smiled back..
Mehek- You came in life in the most unexpected time. That time when I was no me. You befriend me, you supported me, you helped me, you took care of me and most importantly you make me fall for you. I never in my life thought that I will find you in my life. Though I don’t know about your feeling, I feel you too like me. If its not so then I will not mind… We will remain friends forever.
Shaurya was feeling strangely excited. He was dreamily listening to her. He was so lost in the moment that he couldn’t figure out when she ended. He kept staring at her. His heartbeat was very faster and he could feel it very nicely. Seeing Shaurya starting at her she blushed hard and tucks her hair to hide her blushing face. She softly called his name… He was brought back to present. He had plans, many plans to play with her but his words then contradicts.
Shaurya- Sorry Mehek I never felt something like that for you. I always thought you as a friend only. I think we shouldn’t meet after today. Bye and please never try to contact with me ever.

He saw her face fall down and her eyes shining due to tears filling there. He was feeling guilty but listening to her confession he didn’t want to hurt her. He himself don’t know why he did changed his mind all of a sudden but that feels the perfect then. Mehek run away crying after managing to get the word sorry out of her mouth. He felt it very depressing knowing this was their last meet. Ajay came from behind.
Ajay- What’s this yrr you messed everything… Why you changed track in mid??
Shaurya unable to express his real feeling- She was too boring. I thought that she could be of some use but no dude he was a stupid emotional girl and I want enjoying her. Those rich flirty girls are much better.

Ajay laughed in agreement which made Shaurya very angry but he controlled. They returned and he headed to his room.

When he entered, he saw Mehek sitting on his bed. He was surprised with two fact., first her presence and second he was getting very happy due to her presence. He headed towards her when she disappeared. He thought- What this Shaurya… You ate dreaming… Stupid you, just forget her now she is out of the list.
As he turned he again saw Mehek laughing at him. He was mesmerized by his own thought of a laughing Mehek. He walked out of his room when he listened her voice calling him. He took deep breathes to control the uneasiness…. He dreamed water and returned to his room and goes to bed. He could not sleep. He was well occupied by her thoughts. Her eyes, her smile, her talks, her innocence, moments spent with her. He felt his eyes welling up with tears. He could not accept that he will never meet her again. He was getting like going to her then only and spend his every moment with her, tell her what she meant for him, tell her how much he loved him……. He stopped at this thought and rewind it. He realised he had fallen deeply for her. He loved her, he loved her so much. He understood the reason of his restlessness. He thought to remain away from him and not to hurt her but couldn’t hold himself and thought of going to her as soon as the sun rises. He tried to sleep but in vain… He never believed love but he is in love, not from today but for the past month. He just doesn’t realize his true feelings for her. He felt immense pleasure after realizing that he is in love.

On the other hand, Mehek cried all the night while packing her stuff. She wasn’t that much hurt when he rejected her but the conversation between Shaurya and Ajay broke her. Yes she listened them talking. The earth beneath her slipped and she stood shocked knowing the real face of Shaurya. The morning was her last last morning there. She decided to forget everything whatever happened as a nightmare. However she also meet one more person who was worth remembering, she wanted to further her, Nehal. Because anything related will remind him.
Shaurya came near the stay to find Mehek moving out with luggage. He approached to her she was devastated looking at him. She felt embarrassed for falling in love with such a cheap person.
Shaurya- Hey where are you going?? You don’t inform me…
Mehek(trying to smile)- Just leaving this place..
Shaurya(felt sad)- Why so?? You don’t even told me
Mehek- you only told me not to contact
Shaurya- I’m sorry…. Actually…….
Mehek- No it’s OK… I know you must be bored with me
Shaurya- No it isn’t like that… Actually I came apologise for yesterday.
Mehek- No need… I’m not angry
Shaurya- really??
Mehek- Yep, from today I don’t know you
Shaurya- what??? Don’t tell this.. Want rubbish
Mehek- You thought that you will pay with my emotions but I’m not an emotional fool. From the very first day I know your motive. I just didn’t told you as I was being middle class but now my project is over so I could live my way
Shaurya- project???
Mehek- I got a project to live middle class life and make a report on it. It’s done note U could live my lavish life again..
Shaurya- You cheated me!!
Mehek- what you did??
Shaurya- U never cheated you
Mehek- I heard your conversation with your friend so don’t try to be oversmart.
Shaurya- You told that you know from the beginning
Mehek- Actually I…I..
Shaurya- Tell me, don’t you love me??
Mehek(with tear filled eyes)- Does it matter?
Shaurya- It do because I too…
Mehek- Shut up!! Don’t dare to play with me more.
Shaurya-I’m not playing anymore… I’m really sorry for whatever I did. Can’t you give me one chance.. Can’t you see the love in my eyes
Mehek- I’ll not fall for those eyes again. That were showing love previously too… You are really talented actor… your eyes fooled me well..
Shaurya- They never fooled you… The feelings were always there but I never understood before. I was fooling no one else other than me.
Mehek- why should I believe you… I could never believe you, I could never believe anyone else…
Just then her car appeared and she went toward it… Shaurya was feeling hurt. He lost her, he lost his life…. She has become her life. He turned back to return only to find Vicky standing there..
Vicky- You had stooped very low. You lied to me… You cheated her as well… You will realise one day when you will fall in love but the person will leave you forever and never return to you ever. That day you will understood the pain they go through….
Shaurya felt tears escaping his eyes listening to Vicky. This was the thing actual happened few seconds ago. He lost his life. He kneeled down in the road itself.
Vicky was shocked to see Shaurya like this.
Shaurya- you’re right only this could make me realise how wrong I was with everyone. I am very guilty. Please now bring her back… I could not live without her. She… She left me forever. Please do something… please.. I love her badly
Vicky- Really bro?? Can I believe you this time..
Shaurya had tears all around his face. He was very much hurt and upset. No one his believing his immense love for Mehek.
Shaurya- I do Vicky….
He couldn’t tell afer that… Vicky understood his honesty… He took him to his home… Shaurya’s real home… Karuna was happy to see him after so many years. But he was looking sad. She thought that he didn’t wanted to return and Vicky forced so he is unhappy. Before she could think more he hugged him and cried.
Shaurya- Sorry mom… sorry I left you alone… I was a mad.. Please ma at least you forgive me… I love you ma… I love you

Karuna was confused by his behavior. Vicky told her everything…. He also ensured Shaurya that he will bring his Mehek back to him. Shaurya hugged him out of happiness… He have very less hope of getting Mehek back in his life but his assurance make him happy. Vicky told him to rest as he looked very tired because of lack of sleep and so much tensions. As soon as he lye down he felt asleep. Vicky smiled looking at him. He called someone..
Vicky- Hi baby!! Could you tell me about Mehek’s address or something
Nehal- You called your gf for another girl’s whereabouts..
Vicky- hmm because the another girl’s love is suffering badly..
Nehal- Mehek’s lover??
Vicky- Yep Shaurya
Nehal- That Shaurya Khanna
Vicky- yes he only… Now can you provide something…
Nehal- I could only give you her bestie Sonal’s number…
Vicky then called Sonal and talked to her about Mehrya’s relation. Sonal promised to make her understood and told she is mature enough to understood…

Shaurya waked up and saw himself in his room. He was peaceful to return his home after so many years. He touched the things and feels them. A smile came in his lips. Suddenly a voice came from behind
“Look I told you na that you don’t love me. Hence smiling after our fight”
He turned to look at Mehek standing near the door… He couldn’t believe his eyes note his ears… He acts confused… She started laughing loudly… Vicky comes from being and told- look I kept my promise… What O am getting in return??
Shaurya immediately hugged him and thanked him. He then hugged Mehek and utter sorry… Mehek also says the same…
Shaurya- why are you sorry… It’s all my mistake
Mehek- It’s my mistake too… I couldn’t trust my love…
Shaurya- If your love is such a playboy… it’s hard to trust
Mehek keeps her finger on his lips and tells- Forget everything afresh with no playboy and no fake identity…
Shaurya- Oh yaa.. what your identity is??
Mehek- know Jeevan??
Shaurya- You mean Jeevan Sharma??
Mehek- He is my chachu. I am orphan who lives with him.
Shaurya laughs…
Mehek- What happened??
Shaurya- and I used to boast of my money in front of you
Mehek too laughed and they hugged each other…
Shaurya- It’s our own love story
Mehek- No Shaurya.. It’s just like a love story…. But actually it’s more than that
Both smiled


Sorry for spelling and grammatical mistakes… Hope to get some criticism which will enhance my writing skill…

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