Alright I am back again. I know you guys are probably impressed and shocked by my work because I posted all my 3 ff’s and I am finally giving an epilogue of this ff. I am posting my new ff regularly and posted the other ff after like an eternity and now this one. I am impressed by myself lmao. well sorry for doing this much talk but honestly, aren’t you guys impressed that I posted 3 chapters in just one day? I am literally laughing and at the same time, on cloud nine, Ok enough of my stupid talks, let’s just finish with this epilogue. By the way guys, I did so much hard work to upload all the chapters, I derserve comments so please comment on all of my ff’s to show me that I did a great job (I should stop praising myself now lmfao) and encourage me….
“I hate you so much, Sanskar. I am giving you divorce as soon as I get out of this condition. Oh God, doctor do something. I am going to kill each one of you if I have to bear this pain for one more second.” Swara said who was lying on the delivery bed all ready to give a birth to a new life. Sanskar was just holding her hand trying to soothe her pain but his ears were paining a little to much with all the hospital staff in the room. The gynecologist was kind of used to it but Swara was screaming a little too much. Sanskar was so shocked to see her like this. He still remembers when she informed him about the baby.
“Swara, where are you? I have a real good news for you.” Sanskar said when he found her sitting on the bathtub thinking something really seriously. “You are here and I am looking for you all over the house.”
Swara looked up and saw him smiling but she didn’t know how to break the news of her pregnancy. After consulting her doctor, she took a pregnancy test just an hour ago and when it came positive, she just sat there in shock with a blank mind. She even forgot what she was thinking. It was a big responsibility and of course, she was happy but would she be able to become a good mother?
She suddenly came out of her mouth and saw Sanskar all happy, “What happened, Sanskar? You look so happy.”
“Well, you know how I was waiting for the foreign clients to sign the deal. They called me this morning and informed me that they are signing the deal. Swara, I am so happy. I love you so much!” Sanskar said and pecked her lips. She smiled but Sanskar could see she was really lost somewhere. “Hey, what happened? You look tensed.” He asked with concern
“Sanskar, I have to tell you something.” Swara said by having no idea what to tell him.
“Yeah, I am listening.” Sanskar said.
“Actually, you know how I was a little sick this whole week. I just took a pregnancy test and it came out positive.” Swara said trying to figure out his facial expression. He looked as shocked as she was. It’s been two years and they still didn’t discuss about the kids’ topic so she didn’t know what he would say.
“So you are saying that we are becoming par… parents?” Sanskar said stuttering out the words. When she nodded, he sat down on the bathtub just like her and she sat beside him. She leaned on her shoulder and they both were silent. “Are you sure?” Sanskar asked her to make sure if he was listening correctly and she nodded. They both let out a big sigh.
“Are we ready to do this?” Sanskar said and she just shrugged her shoulders.
“So we are becoming parents.” He again said to which she nodded again. “What are you thinking?”
“I don’t know. I think I am really scared, happy, excited and confused.” Swara honestly said and looked at him. They both smiled.
“I can’t believe this. We are having a baby.” Sanskar said and she nodded. They both laughed and hugged each other. He picked her up and got on the bed. “I am so excited, oh I love you so much.” Sanskar said and they both kissed each other.
Flashback ended.
“Swara, just one last push.” Sanskar said trying to motivate her and he could see tears in her eyes.
“Sanskar, it is hurting too much.” Swara said to which Sanskar just kissed her. She smiled and the doctors let her take few breaths before trying again. When she was ready, she pushed one last time and the baby was out.
“It’s a boy.” The doctor exclaimed and they both were so happy to see a healthy boy crying. After the nurse cleaned him, she took him to Sanskar and he was frightened to hold him. She showed him how to hold him and he did. It was the best feeling to hold his own blood in his hands. He was so little and fragile that he was scared if he moved his hand a little, it’ll break his bones. He was so happy to see his beautiful and healthy son.
After a little while, everyone entered in Swara’s room to see the little guy who was sleeping now. The nurse gave them an hour to see the baby and then, she will take the baby to the nursing care for his normal checkup. Everyone was fighting over holding the baby whereas Sanskar just sat beside Swara who was having tears in her eyes. “He is our baby, our son.” Swara said looking at him excitedly with tears in her eyes. He nodded and they both smiled. “I love you and thank you so much, Swara for this life.” Sanskar said and kissed her forehead. “How about if we name him Arav? I like that name since the beginning.” He again said and she loved that name.
She nodded and said, “Arav Sanskar Maheshwari. It sounds perfect.” They touched their foreheads and then, looked at their family members who were still fighting and yelling at each other.
********************************THE END******************************************
Please please comment and tell me if you liked this epilogue or not…
Love it
Loved it so much..?
Awesomee dearr ??
Amazing dr……
Will miss u!
Can u give me the names of all ur fanfictions plzzz
Love is stupid (Swasan) and Selfless-Swasan
Loved it
aww….so cute. Awesome……thanks for uploading all 3
Sanyaaaaaaaaa !!! let me tickle u for this cuteee sa epilogue… waaaa tickle tickle tickle… love it dear… Thnk u for writing this… God bless u…
Loved it
Just love it.. ?
Bith are same
Amazing update… pls post next update soon…
Love it
It is indeed a superb writing
Awesome dear just read ur ff today in one go Amazing dear from starting till now…n the end was Amazing love swasan relationship n sanskar understanding for swara
Waooooo vvv sweet nd beautiful ???