Fan Fiction

K.R.I.Y.A.M •BeNaam Rishta• Episode 49

K.R.I.Y.A.M •BeNaam Rishta•
abhimanyu-No no,I didn’t did anything
Krishna-Abi what have you done?
Abhimanyu-(holding on to her shoulders) no I didn’t do anything…
-Flashback ends-

Abhimanyu-NO!! no I didn’t did anything,but STILL GOD PUNISHED ME,I wanted Krishna to be mine but no no first Arjun and now Saiyyam,theses birlas never let me lived in peace
Meghna-but I thought that Arjun’s death was caused to bulling
Abhimanyu-Aa,you thought,I won’t let the truth to be spilled that easily,I had to do something to cover it up
Meghna-But now what are we gonna do with Krishna??
Abhimanyu-Wait here I am coming..
-Few minutes later-
Meghna-What happened??

Scene shifts to where Saiyyam is carrying unconscious Krishna in his arms.He reaches near another warehouse,more like a house.
Woman-(opening the door) Saiyyam baba,please come in
Saiyyam-Thank you
Woman-No thank sir,you have done so much for us,is bhabi okay?
Saiyyam-I hope so,can you please bring me a glass of water?
Woman-Of course
Saiyyam-(while sprinkling water on Krishna) wake up Krishna,please wake up
Woman-I think she’s open her eyes
Saiyyam-Krishnaa,thank god you’re okay.

Saiyyam-(placing his finger over Krishna’s lips) ssshh
Woman- I’ll leave you guys alone
Saiyyam-Thank God Krishna you’re okay,you know how much I got sacred
Krishna-I need to tell you something
Saiyyam-You don’t have to tell me anything
Krishna-But Saiyyam..
Saiyyam-I know everything Krishna,I am sorry
Krishna-For what?
Saiyyam-For forcing you to marry me
Saiyyam-Krishna I know that I married you enable to get revenge for Arjun’s death,but I didn’t knew that you weren’t the reason behind all this

Krishna-Saiyyam,everyone make mistakes,but marrying you wasn’t that bad
Saiyyam-(smirking) really??
Krishna-yes,I want to thank god t being something in my life that loves me more than himself
Saiyyam-Krishna I never want to leave you ever,and even death shouldn’t separate us,live together and die together
Krishna-(placing her hand over saiyyam’s mouth) Saiyyam!! Don’t talk about death and all,we have a lot of time right? We have long time to live together,start our family,our kids,so much more do to,we got a lot of time.
Saiyyam-I hope too
Krishna-I need to change
Saiyyam-Wait,wear my shirt
Krishna-But Saiyyam?.
Saiyyam-(smirking) you won’t mind,after all I’m your husband
Krishna-(blushing) stop it Saiyyam
Saiyyam-Wait here
Saiyyam went near the idol and brought something
Saiyyam-Krishna mathur,I Saiyyam birla with full rights take you my wife ( fills Krishna’s hairline with vermilion) MRS. KRISHNA SAIYYAM BIRLA

The screen freezes on kriyam hugging
|| I know this one is really short but I’ll make the last one longer,a biiig thanks to every and each person who read my ff since the beginning,the journey was beautiful,and will always be the one of my best memories.||


My home is made out of ashes ☄️ And your ghost still playing with matches ?

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