Categories: Kaala Teeka

Kaala Teeka 15th December 2016 Written Episode Update

Kaala Teeka 15th December 2016 Written Episode, Written Update on

Scene 1
Devri tears Kali’s picture with Naina and Pavitra. He says I will separate them forever. Deva says what will you do now? Devri says sometimes there is win is loss. Manjiri comes in and asks whom are you talking to? And what win are you talking about? He says I am talking myself. I lost everything in life. You are great to give me a chance. If I prove myself I will win. Manjiri says Kali has started trusting you. He says that’s such a good thing to hear.

Doctor hypnotizes Naina. He asks about her invisible friend. He asks how does he look? She says he is older than me and he has no hair. Doctor says to Kali I don’t think she can come out of this. Some miracle can save her. Kali is worried. Kali says what is all this? What should I do now? Leela says only God

can solve this. Leela says I heard what he said. Leela says no one can harm those that are protected by God. This can be a test. Lets go pray. Kali says I should tell manji ma to care for Naina. Gauri says I will. Gauri says I hope everything gets better.

Mahraj says she is in trouble. His man says we can’t find her. We tried so hard. Baba says we are here to pray. Kali comes there.
Naina says i don’t wanna eat. Pavitra says I don’t want to eat either. Devri comes and says I am so hungry and this is pizza. Naina and Pavitra says we wanna eat to. He gives them both pizza. Devri says you will enjoy when you share it with your special people. You are special to each other. After today you two will never fight promise? They say promise. Devri says now both sit here and eat pizza. Pavitra and naian make each other eat the pizza. Manjiri says in heart time changes everything. Devri says my head hurts I think I need to rest. Manjiri says I will drop you to your room. Kali is praying for Naina.
The man says to mahraj is she pavitra’s mother? Mahraj asks kali whats the age of girl you are praying for. Kali says she will be seven. Mahraj says in heart she is not Pavitra’s mother. Mahraj says whats your trouble? Tell me. Kali says my daughter sees another kid and hurts herself because of him. He makes her do weird things. Mahrak is scared.
Naina runs after pavitra to take her slice. Pavitra goes to the other side of the balcony. Naian says don’t go there you will fall. Naina tries to stop Pavitra.

Winds start blowing. Nandy comes and sees Pavitra on the edge. Devri says by the time Kali will come back she would have lost everything. Pavitra slips. Her cloth gets stuck in the nail. Nandu runs to save her.
Kali does havan with mahraj. He says if this fire blows her life would be in danger. Kali covers the fire with clothes from the temple. Nandu runs upstairs to save Pavitra. Pavitra falls. Yug catches her. They all hug her. Nandu says she is fine thank God. Mahrak says you saved her. you did help me. you will be given solution go in the temple.
Kali comes in temple. Pandit ji says this sindur is so pure. Kali says if we pour it on someone dead or ghost so we can see him? Pandit ji says yes it will show him. Kali says ow I will know who is annoying my daughter.

Kali comes home. Naina hugs her. Nandu pavitra has harm from naina. He tells her everything. Nandu says what should i do after all this? Naina says I dont know how it happened. I never did this. Kali says I know who is behind all this. Kali goes in. Naina hugs leela. Kali brings Devri downstairs. Devri says what happened? Kali says he is behind everything that happened.

Precap-Devri says I am giving you last chance if you come back this time empty handed. I will be worse. Deva goes towards naina’s room. There is a knife coming towards the girls.

Update Credit to: Atiba

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