Kaala Teeka 28th May 2016 Written Episode, Written Update on TellyUpdates.com
Scene 1
Leela is buying jewelry. The jeweler tells her that sharmila came to her shop and wanted to sell her wedding jeweler. She asked me not to tell you. Leela says you better told me. You can leave.
Manjiri says on call to kali, you have to win this war. Kali says gauri can do anything. I never thought she would try to kill me. It risked yug’s life. Manjiri says nothing will happen to him. Your sindur will take care of him, You have to fight it. That is faith. Leela comes in and says who are you teaching all this? Manjiri hangs up. Leela asks sharmila how are you? She says I am good. Leela says dont worry ever we are always here for you. Leela says this is jewelry for our daughter. VIshwa says it wasn’t needed. Leela says it was needed you are super clever. Vishwa says you can’t blame us. We really respect you. leela says then why did you send sharmila to jeweler to sell her jewelry. Sharmila says it is not their mistake. I just went to get them polished. Leela says don’t be scared of anyone. Sharmila says don’t do this please I beg you. This is my home now. This is my fate. Don’t trouble it more for me. Neel says sharmila don’t say that. You have tolerated enough.
Vishwa says leela tell her that sharmila is fine here. Neel says dadi you are worried for right. Vishwa and manjiri are dazed. Vishwa says what are you saying. Neel says I promise you. No one can harm or trouble sharmila here in this house anymore.
Yug is sitting he recalls old times and says I wish time could stop right there. Life would have been so easy. Sattu asks how are you now? Yug says very well. Sattu says thank you for helping me saving pari. Pari told me about you and Kali. If you love her then why don’t you trust her. Yug says every time I trusted her i was proved wrong. I feel like maybe gauri and others are right. Kali wants another chance.
Kali asks pari how will I reach there? Pari says be at resort’s backside. They will take you. Don’t ruin this chance. You have to prove yug. She sees gauri coming. Pari says they correct kundlis. Gauri leaves. Kali and Pari smile. Kali says I hope everything works out for you. What if yug doesn’t come.
sattu says I feel like whenever your heart and mind are at war, listen to your heart. Give Kali one more chance. She deserves it.
Scene 2
Gauri says to the villagers I am the chosen one. They give her and injection. Gauri says what you did. She faints.
Maa saab says the wait is over today. Sattu stay with shivpal and I will stay with doctor. Shivpal shouldn’t see the doctor. Dadi says what to do of this roop. Pari says I will keep her busy. sattu says I wont like it if she is rude to you. Today is the last evening. you won’t have to tolerate anymore. Maa saab says this engagement won’t happen at any cost. Don’t worry. Sattu will say no for engagement. Pari says stay around him.
Roop says to shivpal i am here for my work. If i don’t get 10 lac or I wont engage and expose you as well. And see.. you know my nature. I don’t threat. Shivpal says I will arrange.
Sattu calls shivpal and asks where are you? Function is about to start. He says I will be there in 2 hours. Sattu calls doctor and asks when wil you reach? He says i will reach on time don’t worry.
Kali calls yug and says I wanna show you proof of my innocence. Be at the back of the resort.
Gauri is being hung by the villagers. They do her arti. Gauri says what are you people doing? Bring me down. You said you will take me to yogi. The woman says we sacrifice the one who does sin on this night. That creature comes to us and says God has chosen her. And we sacrifice them. Like you said. Gauri says bring me down. I am gauri jha. If anything happens to me you will all be killed. Please let me go. The man says our God sent you here. Gauri says let me go. The man says you have to confess your sins. If you try to lie then you will drowned in water.
yug is locked in a room. His phone is dead as well. Gauri says I didn’t do anything.
Kali says where is yyug. yug comes out. Yug breaks the door and starts driving. There is a tree on the way.
Next part in Meri saasu maa’s update.
Update Credit to: Atiba
There is no use of mahasamgam. Kali never Prove herself guys.it’s so disgusting story. I think again gouri win because of Leela.I never watch this serial. I hate writer of this story. Good bye kaala teeka
Me too I’m done with show too.. Again evil win… It sucks! Writer go hell
Actually,it u read meri sasu mom.,u will know that yug knows the truth now
don’t leave this serial guys…. kaala teeka will be on right track bcz yug and kali were loving each other extremly and I didn’t like this mahasamgam but love yug and kali
As you sow u reap so true this Gauri herself get trapped love KaYu
This is ridiculous… So when Kali prove that she innocent… That stupid loud speaker leela spoiled everything… Really what’s wrong with writer.
Hey guys kayu never unite.dear writer I think you don’t know one thing all viewers are want to win good always but in this serial evil always win over good. It’s so disgusting. No one are help to kaali. Iam so sad kali. Iam sorry
Really ah anu… now i also feel like dun wana de epi… pity kaali… after so much things she had done stil being defeated by all villains… so sad…
u r right anu…I’m also feel sad for kali. This writer never going unite KaYu.
* i feel like dun wana watch de epi
don’t say so…. manjari is helping kali in her mission and I’m sure KaYu will unite
That promo is useless.. Please stop giving fake hope to viewrs writer…this mahasangam is bullshit.
Please writer end this show… If evil is always win no use of it… I hate u writer… Poor Kali, I feel really bad for Kali . I don’t know how u going to prove ur self????????????????
SO, FROM NOW ON KALI ONLY HAVE DREAM..???????????SO SAD… DONT GET ONE THIS SO IF THERE R TOO MANY VILLIAN. HOW WILL KALI WIN?????this is disgusting. I think this writer is out of his mind… Maybe he/she got fight with his wife/husband… So he/she showing anger threw story….
Don’t show us any mahasangam please.. I was so frustrated watching this…. Just how I thought it end today… Same as on Kali’s wedding day…please stop ur twists it enough?.. This is stupid why can’t they reveal the truth first…. I’m so dissapointed today.. Really not worth…
Hi guys. I tell one thing guys kali will start a new life without yug.because yug told I love kali but I didn’t trust her.guys one thing love between any two people they must trust each other. Yug know everything about kali.if her marriage is done with aryan why she is trying to prove her innocent. Yug didn’t get this point at the end of the show. This is not his mistake this is writer mistake. This writer has no heart and mind.
I’m really disappointed with this serial
nooi guya kayu will be united…becz gauri will tell the truth..did anybdy read the new spoiler of kaala teeka..plz keep patience
yess mia completly agree with u
It was waste mahasangam….
Truth will never be out as they were showing..
Zee tv as always will show evil wining and good losing…. they have ruined every show ….
Wil Kaali prove her innocence any day..?fedup with ths serial..i think i should stop seeing it.yuk is proving again&again that he is a BUDDU first he ws searchng who sang ramji song even though he had many clues around hm now who is hs real wife..??
Useless Mahasangam
Anyone tell me plz… did yug know de truth yet or not???
Yes… Gauri confession but leela was there with prohit.. I don’t know if she going manipulate Yug or not.?
I mean Yug heard all gauri’s confession.
TQ so much for de update!
And the bs continues…..I bet Leela will convince Yug otherwise and we’ll be back to square one….and this blo*dy sharmila and Neel situation CVS that storyline is of no use Leela and gauri is enough to deal with why every serial must have a a overwhelming amount of evil is it really like that in India or the writers and producers have really messed up and twisted lives
I thought its really happen like this in india. Hahah..but so sad .they dont gv the good one win
Hmmm they really leave you to wonder why all their serial is basicly the same
read the meru saasy ma update guari confessed and yug heard everthing and he and kaali reunited
Can anyone tell me what is the precap of kaala teeka..and is it yug trust kaali or jot.cause he lister gauri accept her mistake right.
Precap viswa asked leela what happen to gauri… Leela told him ask Kali and that plan which I don’t get….in close up Yug face kind confuse… I don’t know if he really meant sorry to Kali… It’s all confusing..,
I am also eagerly waiting to see what will happen in next episode.
Blood is boiling….don’t u have ideas of your own don’t torture…stop that mess of mahasangam…
Masangam had started till Aug don’t trust Kali wah bhai trust paane ke lite aur kitna logon ko torture karoge trip me liye….ufffff
Its not Aug its hug..sorry writer
please writer don’t mess up show anymore atleast let yug believe kali completely and tried find prove show everyone that kali is his wife…..how will kali manage in too manu villian?…please don’t show us again yug believe to old hack leela….
precap looked worse I’m so afraid and confuse…im so afraid that kali going suffer if yug believe her then its fine cos he is with her..if not …god know how this writer going drag this track…
I think that you as the writer of this show needs to make Kali say the truth to Yug before next week but, otherwise you are doing a great job just please take my advice.?
I know Yug said sorry Kali but is this true… For this time he believe or not?….even in the wedding day first he said he believe Kali… After he saw video he change his mind….so I’m so confuse yaar.
Hey guyz! Plz dun give up… we give yug n kaali some chances to proof their power of love… in real life also there r many good things hve been manipulated by bad one. I captured next week New Promo : Gauri blames Kaali having affair with Yug infront of Vishwa,Kaali is shocked to hear her #KaalaTeeka
My question is does Yug believe Kali or not?
I duno yar… im also scared leela dadi n gauri wil twist n turn de things again coz de master mind is leela dadi yar. Pity kaali is alone… only her manjima is around.
If that’s the case then Leela and gauri proved kali wrong again….
Guys I think definitely yug didn’t believe kali because of his grandma Leela.no one are help to kali. Pls kali come out of that house.and start new life that is better for u. I so upset for this episode. That stupid Leela again telling a one beautiful story yug definitely believe her grandma Leela. Again kali fail.manji ma also can’t do any help to kali.yug is buddu in this serial. He won’t try to find the truth. What is the use of this hero in this story. Writer this story has no heart and feelings
Hey masz. How can you next promo.
Hi anu… I saw simran pareenja @kaali retweeted de new promo in her twitter acc… but i totally agree with u anu! Let kaali out of de house so yug n de rest realize what it wil be without kaali.. anyway kaali is kaala teeka rite…gauri with her horrible kundli… does she bring any benefits… even yug cant with in de house.
*cant stand with her
Hey masz how can you know next promo
hy guyz new spoiler-gauri’s plan gets successful leela throwa out kaali
kali also win challenge too cos remember Kali challenge with in 3 week she will win her love back and she did expose gauri to yug….. I just hope yug believe her and help her get into that house…