Categories: Kaamna

Kaamna 16th February 2022 Written Episode Update: Yatharth refuses to meet Akanksha

Kaamna 16th February 2022 Written Episode, Written Update on

Sakshi madam ask who else lives in his house, Yatho mentions he lives with his parents but then explains he only resides with his father, Manav warns Akanksha to not take his quietness as a weakness since he let her leave for the sake of their love but if she tries to separate him from his son then would see the extent of his anger.

Some time ago Yatho rushes to the corner when Sakshi madam rushes to him asking what has happened, she helps him sit on the bench them mentions he should not be worried, Yatho while sitting mentions that he doesnot want to meet her so she should send her away, Sakshi asks Yatho to blow the balloons while she sees who has arrived, Sakshi closes the door when she asks Akanksha who is she searching for, Akanksha informs that she has come to meet her son, but she doesnot

know why he ran way from her when Sakshi assures she knows the reason so asks if her son is mad at her, Akanksha asks what is the reason but Sakshi replies this is obvious as a child will only run away from his mother when he is angry with her, Akanksha replies she doesnot want her free advice but just needs to meet her son, Sakshi informs it is better if she doesnot meet him at the moment since he is disturbed so she can talk with home about it, Akanksha informs she knows who would have done this because of which Yatho is mad at her, she leaves when the peon comes calling Sakshi to the principal’s office, Sakshi enters the office when she sees how Yatho is having difficulty blowing the balloons and she assures that he can always come to talk to her if there is anything which is worrying him, Yatho leaves.

Manav is leaving while on the call assuring that he has completed the file and is going to give it to him, he sees Akanksha coming, she questions what has he filled in the heart of Yatho against her but Manav replies that he has not done anything, she mentions she went to meet him but he ran away, Akanksha says she is not going to leave him so easily when Manav replies she is saying this after walking out of the house, Akanksha assures she is going to be the one to get the custody of Yatho however Manav assures that he is also going to see what happens, Manav threatens that he is surely going to do everything for his son, he leaves while she gets angry.

Manav is sitting in the auto, he decides to call Sakshi madam asking if Yatho is stiull at the school when she mentions he is right infront of her, Manav requests her to not allow anyone to meet Yatharth without his permission since this will only increase the problems in the life of Yatho, she informs that his mother came to meet him however he ran away, Manav once again pleads to her, she advises him to resolve the problems that are between him and his wife, but since Manav urges her so she says he can write an official email, sending it to the address that is on her card.

Akanksha sitting in the car calls Rhea requesting her help but she questions who is this, Akanksha asks if she did not recognize her voice when Rhea asks her to not make such heinous jokes since the Akanksha she knew died a few years, Akanksha tries to talk when Rhea replies she herself performed the last rights, she ends the call while Akanksha also gets worried.

Aansh is sitting when Rhea asks how long he is going to stay mad at her, he assures he is not mad but that his friends life got ruined because of which he is sad, Aansh deletes the photo which they clicked together a while ago.

Yatho asks permission to come in when Sakshi madam mentions she was having difficulty finding the right piece for the model, she asks him to make the model which he likes, so he starts making one.

Manav is sitting in the office thinking how Akanksha said that Yatho ran away when she went to meet him, he thinks what will happen in the future, Khushal jee seeks permission to come in and sit on the chair, he asks what happened since he heard Akanksha came to the society, Manav mentions what can he hide from him so reveal how she went to meet Yatho at the school and then also came to threaten him, Khushal jee asks if she was able to meet him when Manav replies she was not, he also doesnot want her to meet him even when he knows it is wrong to make a mother stay away from her son but is she really worthy to be called a mother when she left her family in the middle of the night, Khushal jee mentions that the difference between a mother and women is that a mother never deceives her child, and if she leaves them then was never a mother. Manav questions what if she deceives her child, Khushal jee says then she doesnot have the right to call herself a mother.

Sakshi is with Yatho, she is really amazed that he made such a nice model and asks how many people live in the house when Yatho informs that now he lives with his father. She asks if he is angry with his mother, Yatho mentions this is what he feels, Sakshi questions why he not talks with Manav.

Manav is in the office when he goes to give Chokse sir the file however he is not present, Nariyan jee says that Chokse sir went for the site visit, Manav mentions that he can say to Chokse sir that his file has been placed on the table, Manav hits the chair when Khushal jee asks if he is okay, Manav asks him to tell Chokse sir to place his half day since he needs to pick Yatho from school, Rohan and the other staff start making fun of him when Khushal jee scolds them questioning why are they not doing their work. He assures Manav that the secret is safe with him.

Yatharth seeing the brochure mentions he wants to go to the boarding school, Sakshi madam questions if he loves his father, Yatho replies he really does when Sakshi madam says he would not be at the boarding school, Yatharth mentions that his father really cares for her and does all he can to make sure he doesnot feel that his mother is not with them but doing all this is trying and he doesnot have any time for himself, which is why if he goes to the boarding school then Manav would be able to take care of himself, Sakshi madam says he has said words which are really mature, she once again informs him that if he goes to the boarding school then would not be able to live with his father, if he loves his father then should reveal everything. Manav riding the auto thinks he is going to reveal the entire truth.

Precap: Manav assures that he is now going to be the strength of Yatho who assures they are not going to cry. Yatho at the school tries his best to not go with Akanksha when she forces him to come with her but Yatharth is just calling for Manav.

Update Credit to: Sona

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