Categories: Kaamna

Kaamna 26th April 2022 Written Episode Update: Sakshi informs Manav that she has accepted the job offer

Kaamna 26th April 2022 Written Episode, Written Update on

Manav returns to his house, he is shocked to see Rakesh sitting with Malti aunti, who greets Manav and explains that since he has resigned from the house then must also empty the house, Manav is shocked yet Rakesh explains he would feel really bad to see someone else living in this house when Manav replies that he know how the legal system works as the government gives time to empty the house but they are working on the orders of Vibhav Kapoor, Rakesh explains this is not the case as the officer is coming tomorrow and Chokse sir doesnot want it to happen to someone what he felt when he came to Indore, Manav getting angry replies that he knows it all and will take care of all the matters but Rakesh should leave, he walks out of the house.

Manav gets really tensed when Sakshi mam asks what will happen

now, he mentions they are asking him to end all the memories in a single night he replies that he could have fought with Chokse but it would not matter as they all are working for Vibhav Kapoor, Yatho explains this house no longer belongs to them, Manav calls him closer explaining that where they both would be living is going to be their house, they will call his friend Vinay there and he asks what about Ayesha, Manav says how could they forget her, he leaves explaining he has to do sort this matter. Sakshi thinks how she said she will leave after the case is over.

Akanksha is thrashing the files, Vibhav wonders what is she doing in the room of Niharika, she replies that she is also not going to tell him anything which he desires, he apologizes asking her to come but she in frustration replies that she will only know the entire truth about his relation with Niharika. He is the one who told him the truth about his relation but she feels that it was not the complete truth as other people tend to say something else, he takes the files from her throwing Akanksha out of the house, she is on the floor crying, when he closes the door explaining she must come into this room without his permission. Bubbly is making the video of Akanksha while she is crying.

Akanksha is walking out of the house when Vibhav stops her wondering where is she going, he goes to her apologizing for his behavior explaining he doesnot want to live in his past because first Manav then yatho and now even Niharika but Akanksha replies that she has not gone anywhere as she resides in each and every thing of this house, Vibhav reveals that she was her past however he wants to move ahead in life with her because they are about to start a new life, Akanksha at once gets excited explaining that she was waiting to start the new life with him and someone told her that he started as an assistant in Kholkar industries, Vibhav thinks she doesnot have the talent to get any job by herself but he says that she must believe him and asks where is she going, she says that she was angry so decided to go for shopping and is going to come back after a while.

Manav enters the house asking the person on the call to end a big tempo and some extra people since he needs to finish the work tomorrow, Sakshi mam also asks him to arrange a tempo for them when Manav assures that their belongings will also come in the same tempo but she informs that she has accepted the job in Gowalier as when Manav is starting a new life with yatho so they should also go but Manav gets tensed explaining she made it so suddenly when Sakshi mam mentions this was already arranged from the start, Yatho goes to sleep in the bed when Sakshi mam tries to console him explaining he promised her but Yatho says that he will talk with her in the morning, he thinks how can he make her change her mind.

Manav sees that the clock is not working when he recalls the day they came to Indore and Akanksha was really angry with him, she indicted that a stopped clock signals the start of the bad time, Sakshi mam comes asking what is he doing, he in a state of tensions explains he is not able to understand if coming to this house was his good or bad luck as Akanksha tried to stop him, he exclaims he wished. Sakshi mam says that when this word comes on to the mouth of the people then they tend to live their entire lives in this but she is just going to request him to leave all the bad moments as their weight cannot be carried even by the big tempo but take with him the good memories, he laughs exclaiming they are really small and include her more than Akanksha, she gets awkward asking if he has started packing to get rid of her, Manav replies that he is still a child so he doesnot know how he would react, Sakshi leaves requesting him to not listen to any excuse of Yatharth.

Akanksha is really furious questioning why did she ask her to come because she doesnot entertain those people who try to back bite against Vibhav, Maya questions who is she modeling for as Vibhav assured, she is going to be a big model when Akanksha questions if she has come to pass such comments but Maya explains she is not her enemy but is giving a reality check because she is still trapped but the only difference is that this trap can provide for her, Akanksha questions if she can still become a model when Maya says Akanksha left her because of Vibhav but she is her Mentor and it is her duty to guide, she must focus on her marriage because if she becomes Misses Vibhav then her career would also start, Akanksha questions what benefit does she have in it, Maya replies that if the student is powerful then even the teacher has some benefits.

Sakhi is packing when Malti aunt comes questioning why is she packing all of a sudden, she replies because Manav doesnot want Parth to see it, Malti aunt asks her to not lie to herself because she herself doesnot want to see this packing because she has gotten attached to Yatho, Sakshi sitting explains she was right as now she cannot leave Yatho so easily, Manav comes informing Sakshi that her gift was left in the Mandir, she starts recalling all the moments when Yatharth gave her the gift and brought her to his house, she asks if he cannot keep such a small gift in his new house, Manav immediately starts apologizing but she sits down informing that it was a joke, Manav mentions how he feels that his words have hurt her and if this is the case then he is sorry, Malti aunt signals him to leave while she can handle it.

Yatho calls Ayesha mentioning even Manav has started packing, she replies this means they only have till morning, he suggests to act as if he is ill when she replies they all know about it, he informs even Sakshi mam asked Manav to ignore all his excuses but she thinks that she has found a new plan.

Malti aunti replies that Manav doesnot know that she is sad because of her decision to go to Gowalier, Sakshi explains this was decided because she once again has to leave her Parth when Malti aunti asks her to go and sleep but she says that only a few things are left, Malti aunti says that her heart knows the respect which she has in this house, Sakshi gets emotional.

Precap: Manav reads the name of Parth, he realizes he is the son of Sakshi mam when Malti aunti reveals they lost him in a road accident. Yatharth asks how to spell Gowalier when she tries teaching him the same way because if the teacher is leaving then he must come back to the old way.

Update Credit to: Sona

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