Shot 16 …
3 weeks later …
The Episode starts with few weeks passed by twinkle was staying with Aditi as she was on complete bed rest due to her surgery while kunj and yuvi same staying at Sarna mansion they both were missing twinkle alott and was feeling lonely without her …
At office too twinkle was on leave as per Aditi demand she wasn’t allowing twinkle to do any kind of work …kunj yuvi and Aditi was handling all the works of the office …
Twinj hadn’t seen each other in these few weeks …yuvi used to visit sometimes at their house and tell kunj about her condition …Aditi and yuvi too started coming close these days and yuvi was happy with the closeness they shared …
@ twiditi house :::
A beautiful morning when the sun wakes up and the birds chirps their musical voices ….twinkle was sleeping peacefully covering from head to toe when her sleep broke due to a dream …
Oh my god that was a really bad dream …which came as a reason and left why that happened with me only babaji twinkle said looking up …no no twinkle you are not weak she said and got up ..
She went downstairs and sees Aditi in kitchen her eyes widened …
You and kitchen ??? Kya baat hai twinkle said while Aditi smiled …
I am making a soup for you I have taken a recipe from Ali isn’t it cool first time I am making something ..Aditi said ..
Yeah I hope I don’t die today twinkle said while Aditi frowns ..
Huhuh I am a good chef okay go and get freshen up I’ll prepare breakfast soon aidti said sending twinkle from the kitchen …while twinkle laughed and went
Soon she got freshen up while Aditi served everything and they both sat …while twinkle looks at the soup …
Why are you staring at it …drink na Aditi said while twinkle nodded and take a sip
How’s it ??? Aditi asked excitedly ..
It’s amazing twinkle said and murmured it’s horrible ??
I knew it you will like after all it was prepare by me Aditi said while twinkle smiled …
Yeah yeah twinkle said and continued drinking while Aditi looked on and snatched the bowl ..
I know it’s horrible Aditi said and twinkle looked on …
No it’s actually amazing but you added salt in excess twinkle said while both laughed …
Still you drank this horrible soup Aditi said and twinkle smiled…
You know Aditi when once kunj was I’ll and I prepared soup even I added salt in excess then his reaction was worth watching twinkle blurted going back down the memory lane and smiling like an idiot soon she realised what she said ….
You are missing him ??? Aditi asked keeping a hand on her hand while twinkle looked on and nodded in no they both continued having their breakfast…
@ Sarna house …
Kunj come down after getting freshen up and completely ready to go for office he kept his blazer aside while yuvi who was still sleepy came outside and sat on dinning table …and yawns …
Yuvi why are you like this go and take bath first huh kunj said while yuvi smirked…
Chal be ?? I am coming to office late today he said again yawning while kunj makes a disgusting expression …
Hmm okay hope Aditi don’t kill you for coming late kunj ended having his breakfast …
Nah nah even she is coming late today or maybe she won’t come today as she said she is going to accompany twinkle to hospital yuvi said while kunj looked on ..
I felt they are hiding something what happen to Twinkle that she needed to go for an surgery kunj said thinking ..
Even I got this doubt I tried asking them when I went to their house but didn’t got any clue they are damn smart yuvi said…
Indeed they are huhuh why my sautan is accompaning twinkle I wanna go hospital with her kunj said ..
Wait ? Aditi was your sautan ??? Yuvi said…
Then who else will be kunj said biting his bread while yuvi started laughing ..
I mean are you serious kunj she is so cute how she can be your sautan ..yuvi asked kunj ..
I already told you I am in not good terms with her since childhood kunj replied while yuvi laughed ..n think if I’ll tell kunj that I likes her he will surely get a heart attack …
What ? Where are you lost ??? Kunj asked snapping his fingers before him ..
Nowhere so you are going to office this much early yuvi said ..
Now I am not in mood to go even you are coming late twinkle wasn’t there even I am missing her daily sitting in her cabin staring at her desk I wanna see her once I didn’t saw her after seeing in hospital uff I am surely going to get mad kunj said frustrated …
Devdaas yuvi said and laughed …
Huh seriously that dayan too not coming today are you all planning to send me alone to Pune for that meeting yuvi kunj said ..
Oh damn I totally forgot we have meeting in Pune today right ..
Yeah there should be atleast one member from twiditi enterprises and ky international …but you all decided to bunk like teenagers today kunj said ..
Soon they thought something and smirked at each other …
I’ll go to Pune with Aditi while you accompany twinkle to hospital how’s it ?? Yuvi said while both smirked …
That would be perfect kunj said while yuvi called Aditi and remind her about the meeting ..
Oh I totally forgot about it aditi said from other side …
Yeah that’s why I called to remind you there should be one of us in that meeting Twinkle couldn’t come so you have to come for sure yuvi said ..
But how can I leave twinkle alone ? Aditi said thinking ..
Arey you go I’ll take care twinkle said while Aditi looked on they both were talking while KUVI was listening to them finally their conversation came to an end as KUVI planned yuvi and Aditi was going to Pune …
Twinkle said that she will go alone unable to the fact what kunj had planned ..
KUVI smirked victoriously and thumbs up …
Oh then I’ll soon reach office we will decided about the meeting then we will go to Pune Aditi said ..
Perfect yuvi said and ended the call ..
After sometime Aditi and yuvi met in twiditi enterprise ..
Where is kunj ??? Aditi asked him while yuvi looked on ..
Wo he is not well so was taking leave today he said ..
Oh okay they both continued working and left for Pune …
Twinkle takes her report and got ready soon she too reached hospital she was going on the way seeing in her phone when bumped in with kunj ..he held her protectively in his embrace …while twinkle closed her eyes in fear …she slowly opens recognising the touch …
You here ??? What are you doing ?? Twinkle asked kunj while he smiled …
Accompanying you to the doctor baby he said winking at her …
No I don’t need you twinkle said ..
Haww Twinkle don’t talk like this he said while twinkle hits him ..
Shameless she murmured while he smiled ….and she went inside for her check up while kunj was waiting outside …
On other side :::
Yuvi was driving the car while stealing glances of Aditi who was looking outside the car enjoying the drive ..she sees yuvi looking at her and decided to ask ..
What happen yuvi why are you seeing like this ??? Have I done something ?? She asked …
Yeah you have killed me with your beauty he winked at her …
Oh my god you and your flirting she said
Okay I’ll not flirt if you don’t like yuvi said pouting …
No no I like it Aditi blurted while yuvi looks at her ..and stopped his car with jerk ….
You like what ??? He said and moves closer while she turns red her cheeks burning …
I mean to say wo …she was short of words seeing him so close to her while he smiled putting the seat belt and moved back …
She sighed of relief while yuvi noticed her expression and smiled with in himself without her notice ..
It’s not safe to be in car without putting seat belt so I did yuvi said explaining while aditi nodded …
Oh my god was she blushing I have never seeing her this much nervous it’s more than two months since we all met …don’t know when I’ll confess to you that I love each n everything about you yuvi thought ….
His chain of thoughts came to an end when he sees Aditi looking at him ..
What ?? He asked ..
Uhmm wo nothing she said and turned her face towards window again soon their journey continued …
@ hospital ..
Twinkle was done with her checkup while they both were waiting for her reports ..
I don’t know why you came ?? Twinkle asked breaking the silence between them…
I wanted to come here and by the way what happen to you that day that you have to go for a surgery kunj asked …
I am going to die in few days happy ? Twinkle said ..
Rubbish don’t talk about death again okay kunj said and turned ..
Kyu ? I’ll talk Twinklee said and smirked ..
Okay then be ready to see my corpse before yours he said and smirked back at twinkle while she kept quiet ..he smiled within himself …
After sometime he got a call and he picked and went aside while twinkle went and took her reports she came out and sees kunj still talking he ended the call and sees Twinklee
You took your reports ? Kunj asked while twinkle nodded in yes …
Wo …are you going to stay more with Aditi ??? Kunj asked while twinkle looked on…
Why are you asking this ? She replied while he looks at his phone ..
Wo from court some inspectors are gonna come to check if we are staying together following the instructions or not kunj said …
Oh then I’ll come back to Sarna house twinkle said and kunj nodded ….they both went outside the hospital …soon they reached twiditi house …
Twinkle went inside to pack her luggage while kunj was seeing the house
Next scene :::
Aditi and yuvi was done with the meeting soon they were again on their journey back to Mumbai when twinkle called and told Aditi everything ….
What you are going back twinkle okay okay I’ll meet you tomorrow as it will take time for us to reach Mumbai Aditi said from other side ..
Hmm yeah I’ll join you tomorrow at twiditi Twinklee said and ended the call …
Kunj too went in her room searching for her when his eyes landed on her nuptial chain he took it in his hands …while twinkle who came back from washroom sees him …
If you are done with inspection can we leave ??? Twinkle taunted him while he smiled …
Yeah but this I think you should wore it twinkle he said showing her …
No I don’t want to she replied ..
Okay then I’ll keep it with me kunj said…
No why you will keep its mine huh twinkle said trying to take it …
That’s why I am saying to wear if you don’t want it I’ll keep it kunj said…
Having no mood to fight with him twinkle turned gesturing him to make her wear while he smiled and side her hairs and put the chain in her neck …
Now it’s on the perfect place kunj said and smiled soon they went and reached Sarna house …
Next scene :::
Yuvi and Aditi had stopped on a dhaba to have their dinner while yuvi was resisting to go but Aditi took him saying the food there will be the best …
Soon the sat opposite to each other and orders their food while talking to each other …
Tell me something about you ? Aditi told yuvi while he looks at her ..
What you wanna know ??? He asked
Don’t you want to get married look at your best friend he is married she said ..
Yeah he was pretty fast I want to enjoy my bachelor’s still but now I am thinking to settle with someone like you…yuvi said Aditi looks at him followed by a eye lock between them ..
What ??? She asked ..
Hmm nothing why you didn’t got married still even your best friend is married yuvi said smiling…
Just ? even I want to enjoy my bachelor’s she said and both laughed soon their dinner was served their were still talking having secret glances of each other …
@ Sarna house ::
Twinj was back to Sarna Mansion twinkle looks around and finds the house decorated with flowers stating “WELCOME BACK” she smiled kunj came from behind and watched her he smiled too …
Go get freshen up soon then we will have our dinner kunj said while she nodded forgetting everything …
Kunj smiled and served everything and was waiting for her making the ambience romantic and perfect to have candle light dinner …
Twinkle was back soon she sees it and smiled ..
May I ??? Kunj asked forwarding his hand while she have hand in his ..
He took her towards dining table they both settle themselves he served dinner they haven’t started any conversation just their eyes speaking which was longing since years to talk …
After sometime they too finishes their dinner and kunj gave her medicines she took it and laid on bed admiring kunj …while he sat on couch for sometime to work …
Soon sleep took over twinkle due to medicines and she was in deep slumber kunj after finishing his work got up from his place and went beside her ..
He kept on staring at her lovingly the hairs disturbing her sleeps he tucks them behind and placed a peck on her forehead ….
Next scene ::
Yuvi drops Aditi to her house while she thanked him he smiled …
Meet you tomorrow bye he said ..
Yeah bye she replied ..
He turned to go but turned back again and saw her both smiled ..and yuvi left ruffling his hairs …
He is so cute Aditi Whispered and left inside …
At midnight kunj hears some noises and wakes up with jerk and saw twinkle moving restlessly in sleep and blabbering something ..he opened the lights and sees her ..
Twinkle twinkle what happened he asked seeing her …
While she was still sleepy got up and looks at kunj face ..
Plzz don’t leave me why everyone leaves me plzz don’t leave me she was blabbering continuously while kunj pulled her into a hug she was still sleepy …
No one’s is leaving you twinkle no one he said while she kept on blabbering he broke the hug and cups her face …
Why everyone’s leaves me kunj har koi chod jata hai mujhe pehle papa fir maa fir..twinkle said …her eyes not opening fully ..
No twinkle no one left you he said again…
Jhoot Sab chod Kar chale jaate hai mujhe kya mein itni buri Hu she said while kunj nodded in no ..
It’s nothing like that twinkle he said ..
It’s like that only kunj Tumne bhi toh mujhe chod Diya na she said while kunj looked on teard eye …
Sab chod Kar chale Gaye pehle maa papa ..tum aur …she said ..
Aur ??? Kunj aksed …while sees no response from her she slept again …
Why this happening with us kunj said looking at her …
Next morning :::
Yuvi was awake first today while twinj comes downstairs together and sees him …yuvi too looks at him ..
Hey twinkle how are you he said and hugged twinkle while she smiled ..
I am fine now she said ..
Seriously boss missed you these house feels so lonely without you he said and smiled …
Their started sharing a bond while staying together …kunj too smiled ..
Let’s have breakfast he said all the trio sat and had their breakfast and reached twiditi …
Yuvi went inside first and sees a man hugging Aditi he was back face to yuvi ..
Twinj who came behind yuvi saw that too as soon as twinkle saw Aditi and that man her eyes sparkled too she ran too shocking KUVI …
Twinkle is here Aditi said looking at her while the man turned and hugged twinkle too …KUVI was shocked seeing him ..
“Ranveer” they both said together
Screen freezes
So how was the shot ???
It had twinj as well as advi scenes ..
Thanks to all of you for supporting me on the last one seriously lovedd the comments ???
What do you think ranveer is a friend or foe ?????
Well share your views ?? today’s chapter was long ??
Bye bye allahafiz ?
Fir milengay chalte chalte ??
I don’t what ranveer is …..bt I really loved it a lottt
Advice were cute….twinj were romantic….
Again ek aur suspense…..ufff seriously if you hadn’t post episode this soon I would have died ……of curiosity….
Superb epi…loved it a lott
Wow superb episode dear aditi ?and yuvi is too good? love twinj? and am confussed what ranveer is doing and how he know twiditi plz post soon &solve this mistrey and can you plz post your next 2episode today ?plz plz post dear?
awesome episode
twinj and advi scene was really amazing
and i think twinkle had miscarriage (may be)
as in dream she was saying that everyone leaves her her parents kunj and…….so i guess she lost her baby also….eagerly waiting for the next part soon
Superb episode dear n I also think twinkle had lost their child post soon dear can’t wait ?
Allah hafiz babye
It was really sweet ?
Twiditi were amazing ?
Twinkle ? I guess in nightmare the person whom she was gonna regard after kunj was might be there baby ? just a rough guess but poor girl she had suffered alot ? twinj sweet romantic moments were bliss ? Post soon ?
Nice episode ?
Loved twinj , twiditi and Advi ?
Poor twinkle ? I hope she hadn’t lost her baby ?
Post soon ?
hii Sam
it was mindblowing…
twinj & yuni scenes were awesome…
I also think twinkle had lost her child ….
poor twinkle …& i m confussed ,ranveer character is positive or negative …?
plz post soon can’t wait to read next
luv u
Suspense pe suspense- suspense pe suspense- ab aur kitna suspense.

Episode was mind blowing. Loved Twinj moments and loved UV and Aditi moments too. Good planning by Kuvi.
Did Twinkle had a miscarriage when Kunj left her? Just curious to know.
Thank you for giving so fast updates and please give the another update also real soon.
Brilliant episode

Loved it to the core??
Twinj and advi scenes???
Did twinkle had a miscarriage? Bcz when she said everyone leaves me she said maa,papa, kunj ‘and’…
Loved how kunj welcomed her back to sarna mansion
Twinkle’s nightmare……
Kunj consoling her…??
Excited for next
Post ASAP dear
Love u loads
Stay blessed??
Superb episode di I think twinkle lost their child post soon dear can’t wait ?
I think this “Ranveer” is the one who supported Twiditi after kunj.
Great update it was.
But i still wonder what disease is twinkle suffering from ?
Loved Advi scenes.
Hello sam di sorry sorry sorry for being late mein aur bhi sorry likhti but ff. Ke baree bhi aur is amqzing writer ke baare mein bhi toh likhna hai so the episode was so shocking ranveer is the one how? when? why ?dis it happen and kunj ans uv ka reaction dekhne mein maza aayega di plsss do par soon di aap three shot compitition mein patt le rahe ho kya plsss jaldi baatain ans plsss jaldi se next part likhna di love u take care
Nahi Yaar I didn’t take part in 3 shot ?????
Hey dear sorry for late comments was busy sorry
Episode is awesome
twinj moments were lovely
Loved yuvi n aditi moments too
Yuvi plan was awesome
I think twinkle lost her baby when kunj left her post soon dear cant wait to read further
AUR twinj ka baby right
god no and yrrr this is soo tense and ranveer ki entry damn
cant wait
Awesome amazing
Was Twinkle pregnant??
And ranveeer what he is doing here?
OMG I’m too excited for next part.
Post soon
Awesome episode sammu dear
Yrrr mere ko lagta h twinkle pregnant thi
Ranveer entry shocking
Twinj last scene emotional
Post soon dear
Luvvvvvv u sweetheart