Kabhi Kabhie Ittefaq Sey 1st March 2022 Written Episode Update: Charu calls off Anu’s marriage

Kabhi Kabhie Ittefaq Sey 1st March 2022 Written Episode, Written Update on TellyUpdates.com

The Episode starts with Divya asking Golu not to joke. He says this has really happened, I m not joking. Everyone cries. She says it’s a huge amount, how did you get so careless. Anu says you had the keys. Golu says I always have the keys, when I kept the money, I don’t remember if I took the keys or not, today the cash was missing. Chandru asks how will we arrange so much money. Chavi asks will dad go to jail. Charu says it’s a big amount. Anu says not more than our courage, don’t panic, nothing will happen, what did the manager say. Golu says he didn’t complain to the police, if we didn’t return money or catch the real thief then…

Charu holds Golu. Golu says forgive me. Sunanda says he made a mistake. Yug says don’t worry, we all are with you. Goli says we all will

give money to your bank, we will sell the jewellery and break FDs, we will not let you go to jail. Everyone pacifies Golu. Goli says we all will fight for you. Golu cries. Charu says yes, you aren’t alone. Anu says no one is alone in the family. Ankit says I can arrange ten lakhs. Golu says no, how can we take money from you. Ankit says let me help. Chandru asks do you doubt someone in the bank. Golu says no. Anu says we have to arrange money to save Golu, police will find the thief. He asks Charu to cancel his marriage first. Golu and Sunanda ask why. Anu says we will save that money and use it here. Charu says he is right, I will call Riddhesh and tell him that we can’t keep the marriage now. The guests praise Anu and say Gungun has got a good fate. Gungun thinks my fate is bad. The ladies ask Gungun about Anu. Gungun says he is mad. Garima says she means he is mad for her, he loves her a lot, he is caring. Charu calls Riddhesh and says a problem has come, we can’t do Anu and Gungun’s marriage. Riddhesh asks what. Charu says sorry, we have to cancel the marriage. Riddhesh asks why, did Anu say anything. Charu says no, I can’t tell you, I m really ashamed for this. He cries. Gungun asks what happened.

Chandru says I have calmed down Golu. Charu says we have to arrange 82 lakhs. Goli says I can take 10 lakhs personal loan. Chandru says me too. Divya gives her jewellery to sell. Everyone cries. Charu returns the jewellery and says I m not so shameless to sell the bahu’s jewellery. Sunanda says jewellery is not just to wear, but to use in such times. Goli says sell the jewellery you had kept for my marriage. Charu asks how will we arrange the total amount, we will sell this house, family comes first. They all cry. Chandru says it won’t be sold so soon. Goli says we can keep it mortgaged and take loan. Charu says we don’t have time. Chandru asks shall we talk to Riddhesh. Charu asks do you want me to beg or rob him. Chandru says no, he will have rich friends, they can give us 50 lakhs loan. Sargam says his idea is nice. Charu says when love bonds speak of money, then it becomes a deal, one loses esteem first, our family’s biggest asset is our esteem, I can die but not lose esteem. Riddhesh and Gungun come there. Charu says you here. Riddhesh says sorry, I didn’t understand what you wanted to say, what happened, why did you decide to cancel the marriage. FB shows Riddhesh asking Gungun what did you do. He scolds her. Garima calms him down.

He asks what did you do that they cancelled this marriage. Gungun asks what, really. She smiles. He says you have sense or not. She says they cancelled the marriage, not me, I don’t know anything, they would know it. FB ends. Riddhesh says I m sorry of its Gungun’s fault. Chandru says no. She says see, I didn’t do anything, dad scolded me a lot, what happened. Goli asks her to go to Golu’s room. Gungun says I know why Goli is asking me to go upstairs, you all don’t want me to know the reason, I think its my marriage, its my right to know the reason, I will go if Goli is saying, I will go, because she is also my Bua. Golu is with everyone. He gets sad. Anu and Yug say nothing will happen. Golu cries. He says I m worried for the family losing respect, what else does a middle class family has. Anu says family is there to support in difficulty, you won’t go to jail. Golu says sorry, we had to cancel your marriage because of me. He slaps himself. Anu and Yug stop him. Golu says it was better that I didn’t come back home and jumped into some river. Everyone pacifies him. Golu says if anyone calls my family a thief’s family, then I can’t hear it. Anu says we still have time, think well, who can do such a thing in your office. Golu says I don’t understand, its my mistake, how can I blame anyone. They get shocked seeing Gungun at the door.

Golu throws his bank ID card. Gungun picks it. Riddhesh says they aren’t telling us the reason. Gungun says the reason is big.

Update Credit to: Amena


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