Hello every one sorry for the late posting….so here goes the part 2
Till now
Anika losses her memory . and shivay finds anika missing in mansion.
So the episode starts………..
Shivay sees everyone ….he is almost at the verge of crying …but anger was outpouring at its cost………….
“how can u sent her dadi……u know she doesn’t remember anyone…so she needs security which oberoi mansion only can provide….” words came like a sting from shivay…….
“what anika will be safe in oberoi mansion and u are saying it shivay…”omkara was sarcastic in his tone…….
Hearing which shivay looked down… “i didnt know this much will happen…..”
“no shivay i was not saying about the accident….but how u behaved at the day…and u accused anika for choti mas condition……its bad……”
“i knew i did wrong but ma was getting more pressure………..due her……….and i dont want….that were i did….but i didnt expect that u people will make her leave oberoi mansion……”shivay s was more composed…………..
He sat in the near by couch and cuffed his face…..he feels his whole world was rotating around him……
“its simple shivay …let anika stay in kala auntys house till pinky gets fine…..she will be safe there……”dadi patted him…………………
“it takes time.. and it will take time….and u guys know that i cant take risk leaving her alone….”shivay replied……..
“is that only the reason………..”omkara smirked….
Shivay who was in load of tension…..shouted shut up omkara…..and leaves the place…………..dadi and om see him with a smile…..
Shivay leaves to his room………..
Shivay “i am sorry anika….i knew what ever i did is wrong…but….u dont know…..for the first time i feel like moving out of the room….and this room has nothing with out you…and what ever dadi may think i will bring u back tomo….. i cant stay here eaving u alone…….”
Thinking about the their past fights he sits in the couch and closes his eyes…….anika throws the water on the face and smiles looking at him……..he closes his eyes and uttering the word sorry anika……..
Its morning……
Shivay wakes up …..and starts with is day to day work….
“anika meri gadi kaha hai…..its been hundred times i said u not to touch my things….y cant u listen to my word……anika….anika………..and my watch…..”saying which he starts searching……..
“bhaiyya…its right in front of you…”Rudra shows the place….
“….oh…..i didnt see….”realizing anika missing he sees Rudra and looks towards the watch…..he sees her dress hanging….and closes the wardrobe. He comes out of his room
“shivay are u ok…..”om question was sharp….and towards shivay.
Shivay moved on with silence….
He moves to pinkys room and sees her awake.
“how are u mom……”shivay holds her hand.
“ya i am good….and feeling more good after seeing u….”she to holds her hand. By which a servant comes with a soup. Shivay make her have it.
“good morning pinks moms….”tia comes with the concern and stands close to shivay. She gives the a smile to every one present there.
Pinky gets glad seeing tia and shivay to gether.
As pinky finishes her soup . shivay make her lie and leave.
“billu …where are u leaving…”dadi shots a question towards shivay who was all the while rushing to wards the entrance…
“nothing serious dadi….i left some thing out so i mm gona get that back …thats all…..”melodic answer came from shivay..
“are u sure …..i think u are complicating things…”dadi to gave her reply…
“complications….well……jo raita pehela na….mein use samitne jarahi hoon…..and i will be doing it at any cost……bye dadi…..”
Dadi sees shivay leaving with confidence…..
“bhaiyya was feeling much depressed today……i hope bhabi comes back…..”Rudra sees shivay ….
“i dont know what anika was upto…have to wait…..”dadi and Rudra see each other and leaves the place.
Its kala auntys house.
Anika brings the pooja thali and ask about the things.
Mrs kala says every thing is fine and ask her to place near fire altar. She does the same.
“so u too joined this fantasy…..”
“this is not fantasy…..this is belief……”saying which anika sees some one standing.
The guy who was standing next ,smile looking at her..she too reciprocate……
“veeran doesn’t believe in this ritual…..but he sits as i say to do so…”mrs kala was all the way smiling seeing them both…..
“bua…..any thing for u….”veeran hugs her. Anika sees them. She smiles for a while and gets sad. She is about to leave. Where mrs kala hold her and ask whats the issue….
Anika nods no. Mrs kala pats her and says her to feel free here as she considers her as her daughter……anika thinks of shivay shouting at her….
Anika pov: how come they are so affectionate even at this verge….and wo insan….he wanted me to get away …i dont understand….he is shouting at me…at the same time he wanted me to be with him…..that day he showed much care…and then he started shouting at me……
I wish i dont see him again…..
She sees pandit entering the house and leaves to inform mrs kala…
By which she misses shivay who was entering right next to the pandit….
Pandit starts the pooja….and every one assemble…..shivay greets every one and look for anika.. veeran notices this and says he can be calm as she is good here. But shivay urges to see anika. And starts to search her.
Veeran takes shivay to a corner. He says anika is quite confused and its better she stays here for a while , so that she gets some peace…more over pinky auntys health will improve…..
“i know she is getting through a difficult stage….but i will make sure she doesn’t take stress any more….so i need to take her to om…..”shivay replied with a confident…..
“shivay y cant u understand”
“i knew what am i heading to …so plz let me take her……and thanks for taking care of her……”shivay tries to leave….
“hold on shivay…..prinku asked us to take good care of anika…..so u would be aware of it….so suddenly y are u changing ur decision…is every thing fine….in om….”
“ya fine….so i came her to take with me…..”
“strange…..u are much eager to take a employee….i dont understand…….and more over…i am planning to take her to the industry as she is interested……in colours….i noticed….so .”
“anika wont come with u….did u get it…..and i am taking her with me…..”voice was almost roaring………which made everyone to focus on them…..
Mrs anunty comes close and ask y this much tension between them….
By which anika to comes out. She sees shivay standing and gets back. Shivay who turned to respond to mrs kala sees anika standing. He goes close to anika. He holds her hand and ask her to come with him.
Anika hesitates and looks at him. She gets tensed seeing his anger. She tries to remove her hand from his hold. Shivay who senses this…turns to towards her, finds her tensed. He gets calm and holds her hand more tight .
“look anika….i knew i hurt u much…but its ..its …mom…and i cant take a chance…so…….i am sorry……and i promise this wont happen again….. i promise……u come….”as he says he holds her face and caresses her hair… while she looks him rolling her eyes….
He holds her face… “ anika pls belive me….i wont hurt u again…..i promise….now u need to be in om…and i cant let u any where…..” he holds her hand and starts to walk….
“i wont come…….”she takes her hand from his hold and gets back…..
Shivay who didnt expect this…goes near her.
“shivay….if she is not willing…then y are u concerned….its better u carry on…..and she will be safe here…..”veeran blasted at him….
“i said….i am taking her with me…so i am taking….” he goes and holds her hand.where by veeran to holds his hand.
“i said no…..and u dont have any rights to do this…….so better leave”
“i have rights…i dont need to explain u……leave….”he drags anika
“shivay …sorry..this is not om….so behave…u cant take anika without my permission…”veeran shouted at him
“i dont need to ask anyones permission to take my wife ….u got it……..”shivay lashed at him
“wife…” ….
“are u in senses shviay” mrs kala raised her voice…
“yes ….i am…..so u got ur answer.. i am taking her…”
“no…i am not his wife…..he married to tia……are u not ashamed to betray tia….she is good….”anika outbursted….
“ya …u tied knot to tia…then anika…….sorry shivay ….i didnt expect this…..its better u leave….”veeran outraged….
“i said anika is my wife…..no more explanations…..”shivay started dragging anika ….where veeran stops him. They both arugue and anika to supports veeran.
“ok…at last…..i agree with u all. ….u want me to prove about our relation ship..ok…..” he drags anika towards fire altar……
Anika shouts about his action and veeran to comes towards them. Where shivay shouts khanna.. and his gaurds surrounds’ the whole members present there……where shivay drag anika near the fire altar. Anika resist…and shivay takes her in his arms……
They complete the pheras and sees the sindoor in the thali set by anika…he takes it and fills her maang……
He holds her hand….
“now…u are my wife…and u need to come with me…..”shivay sees anika who was all the while staring at him and tears flows over her cheeks…..
Every one see this with shock….shivay heads towards veeran
“so now i am taking my wife….i hope u dont mind this time………” as he says he drags anika to wards the entrance and khanna to follow shivay.
Scene shifts to oberoi mansion.
Where dadi and omkara are tensed about the shivay.
Rudra shouts shivay came………..every one look at the entrance. They see shivay holding anikas hands . anika sees every one…and tears starts in her eyes…..
Dadi see sindoor in her fore head…and goes and holds anika…anika sees her and shivay leaves the hold. Anika hugs dadi and cries….
Shivay sees this and leaves the place.
Anika says what shivay had done to her. She see tia coming..and tries to speak where tia goes out with anger. Anika feels bad as she betrayed tia. Dadi consoles anika and make her have some food. She ask anika to go to shviays room where anika hesitates…..dadi insist.
Anika leaves.
“i knew he is going to do some thing but i didnt expect i will spoil the whole thing……”dadi fumed.
“but one thing……he proved today that he cant be away from anika…….i am happy for him…..i hope we get our anika back…… ” omkara voice was calm.
“mm i to feel the same……i am happy that he brought her back….”dadi to joined….
Anika who left sees shivay changing his attire in his room. Shivay senses her and ask her to come in. But anika goes and and sits near the pool.
Shivay sees her and leaves.
Anika gets out of the shivay s room..and peeps outside. She finds every one sleeping. She goes and opens the door. She gets shocked seeing someone there…
Anika sees her hands which was cuffed with the bed. She sees shivay who throws the key. And starts smirking at her.
Sorry for delay. Hope u like it
Superbbbb great one..
Itna wait kraya for the epi
Plz post next soon
Good one…
Awesome…..loved it
plzz post d nxt 1 asap…
It is awesome dear….. Waiting for the next update….
Superb pls update soon
Nice and it is totally different compared to other ff.please update next episode asap
Amazing part
amazing update….
thanks pragya, love the story so far.
It’s really good. Please update ASAP.