Hello every one, sorry , actually this time i am quite late …i went for the vacation so i could not catch up with the ff…..
Till now
Anika losses her memory. Though shivay get distorted by the fact but he manages to support her. But this turns negative when pinky fell illness which has become more worse due to anikas interference unknowingly. So shivay gets anger and shouts at her. Dadi makes anika stay in her relatives house knowing which shivay gets raged and leaves to get her back to oberoi mansion. But anika denies to get back to om as she considers no one close there. That family to supports anika , but shivay gets out raged and carries anika in his arms and takes phereas and he confronts her his wedded wife and takes her to om. As day passes anika comes to know about the past through tia…..and verain.(dadis relatives grandchild almost the age of shivay….)…
So here goes the episode
“its divorce issue anika…”tia says innocently
“its enough tia…..i dont want any drama ahead its better u people leave the place right now….”dadi outbursted everyone….
“nahi dadi…i need know….konsi divorce……is that true that i got married….but to whom…..”anika sees every one with pain…she goes towards om and ask him to say as he considers her as his sister.
But om silence instigates anika against her own will . and cries out at every one to say the truth, where tia takes the advantage and says the whole story of how shivay married her by trapping sahil and how he got her signed in divorce papers……
Anika gets shattered and drops herself in near by couch. Dadi comes and holds anika.where anika gets self away from dadi…..every one leave her alone .
Its past 15 minutes….
She enters her room and finds shivay speaking to some one. She thinks of tia and verains words and looks at him. Shivay see her and signs to wait for a minute. She stares at window.
“so…what the issue…..u know u surprise me tody…..”
“ i surprised u…..”anika s voice was steady
“mmmm….for the first time u accepted my order without questioning me….and ”
“is that true that we are married…….”
“…………” shivay backs off with question
“is that true that we both signed divorce papers?”
“…………”still shivay was in silence
“i need some reply shivay ………kya sab sach hai…..boliye sach hey ya nahi……….”anika went straight and stood in front of shivay. And for the first time shivay bowed the head as he could not face her……
“..y are u thinking about these thinks….just concentrate some other….u are taking stress.. so”shivay was almost stammering
“i didnt ask about this ……….”anika was quite confident…..
“i am not interested in answering you…….so ….just take rest” with greater difficulty shivay completes the big sentence and tries to leave. Where anikas moon gets struck in shivay watch , they both see each other..
“u need to answer me shivay…….”anika stands holds his hand….
“ so u wont leave me ……..”
“i need answer shivay……”
“…..yes. …since tia was missing on the day of marriage, i made u to sit next to me as bride…and we both got married with all rituals and in front of everyone……and….and……”
“we both signed the divorce papers…..”anika added
“no anika thats different….i cant explain u more….its complicated……..”as he says he comes near anika and holds her hand…..
“its ..ya its true that we signed the divorce papers …but we had too….we didnt have option left out….and thats all i can say now……trust me i wont let anything that hurts u……and u will be with me…….”
“till the divorce gets completed”anika again completed the sentence….and takes her hand from his hold
“i said already u will be with me….and i dont want any other to be added ….is that clear”shvivay was almost losing his temper.
“but y, its true that we are getting divorced with in couple of months they y u want me to stay here……and i dont remember what we shared but now…its clear that we are parted so better we get used to it…..so i am leaving the mansion now” anika finished with confidence. Which triggred shivay .
“well is if this is ur decision, then hear to me…….i brought you here, so u cant step out of OM against my will, and one more thing….regarding the divorce…even if the divorce get full filled…u will be with me…….and shivay singh oberoi doesn’t have the habit of hearing no… is that clear……….”shivay looked at her…….
“this not possible shivay i am leaving now”
“so think about sahil……..u may not remember but he is ur brother…and just 10 years old….”shivay was sarcastic and moves towards her…..
“u cant do this……”anika starts loosing her confidence which was certainly shown in her face……
As shivay advances , he holds anikas hands and swings it backwards…..he lifts her face which was looking down somewhere….he sets her free flown hair…where anika takes her breath and her eyes were blaming him for his guilt.
“may be u forgot what i can do with you, but remember….unless i leave u , u cant get away from me…….”his tone was quite calm and composed as he won over her even this time. As he completes the sentence tears drop out of her eyes…..
“i told u already….u dont look good while u cry…so dont try to attempt……and sahil does not know about the accident so pretend that as if nothing happened…call me if u want any thing……….l” he wipes her tears and leave her…..anika stands still while he leaves the room…….
Anika still staring at the way he left, recalls about his words……..how come a person be so mean and caring at single time…..he used sahil as trump card first and now he is caring for the same kid…..
“i need to meet sahil……”anika comes out……he sees Rudra moving. And calls out
“yes bhabi…..”
“wo sahil ………”anika
“i knew u need to meet him , but bhiayya had already sent him on his school tour to banglore…..and more over he does not want u to meet him at this condition…….sahil is returning for this weekend…..so u need to wait.” Rudra was all the way smiling.
“oh……so ur bhiayya..i mean shivay already sent him”
“ya….sahil come on the day of accident…but shivay bhiyya didnt want him to see u …as he might break down……so he sent him….dont worry shivay bhaiyya will take care…and sahil will be safe…..”Rudra gets a call leaves….
“shivay will take care of sahil…..but just now he was blackmailing with his name……shivay is like maze…neither i could find the start nor the end and i got struck in the middle….” anikas mind voice was so loud……
The day ends with calm. When shivay returned home…he found anika leaving the dinning table after the dinner. He didnt question her but confirmed about her health from dadi and janavi. Even anika didnt start any issue. Tia who expected the drama was quite disappointed with the on going things. But she was confident that anika will never compromise as she instigated her against shivay.
Its night.
Shivay with his night suit enters the room and finds anika sleeping in the bed. He near her..and cover her with blanket…he caresses her hair. He gets some relief seeing her sleeping calm and moves back towards his work. He sleeps beside and covers himself.
A while after, anika takes the blanket and peeps towards shivays side……
“that god…he didnt questioned me….” thinking which she recalls his gesture…..she closes her eyes.
Sun rays peeped in to the windows and doors of the oberoi mansion.
Shivay wiping his eyes sees anika still sleeping beside. He gives a smile….and gets to fresh up……
He comes out and sees her still sleeping. He asks prinku to take care of anika, as he has a important meeting today. Rudra to join prinku in her mission. Shivay leaves with confidence.
Its past 1 pm….
Dadi asks the servant to call anika for lunch….she comes back and says anika is not in her room. Dadi gets stunned hearing this….and shouts at every one for being careless. Every one search and could not find her in mansion.
Prinku starts crying as shivay gave her responsibility of anika. Everyone console prinku. While pinky fumes about the unnecessary mess created by anika.
Everyone starts searching…while time passes…..every assemble in the hall and sees shivay entering the home
They get tensed where shivay gets surprised seeing every one….
“wo …wo….bhaiyya” Rudra was trembling in his words..
“kya hua……….sab teek hai na……”shivay sees casually, suddenly he searches for anika…..
“ prinku …is everything ok with anika na…..”shivay was calm
“wo…wo bhaiyya…..anika bhabi…..”she was almost fainted.
“prinku are u ok…….y are u trembling……..”a voice raised from stairs
Every one see the side…..
“i asked you prinku…….”voice raised again.
“anika bhabi……app..”Rudra was struggling with the words…….
“mmmm…..ya i am here…….”anika replied with the smile….
Shivay sees anika and gets relaxed……he leaves without probing the issue…..which makes every one feel freed.
Tia who sees this gets irritated.
Tia POV: i thought after she knows about her marriage truth she will leave but no….i think i should do some other thing that she gets out by her self…..and shivay will come back…so as his property….and this time is should not wait for a long way…….
As she thinks she sees anika passing by. Tia stops and calls for a tea chat but anika denies saying that she as to complete the assisgnment…..tia probes and anika leaves
“so…..baazi tho ab palatega…….anika u are my cutie pie and i know this will work soon….”tia s mind voice was alarming her in positive way….
Every one start with the work. Shivay comes out of the wash room and sees prinku standing there.
“is every thing ok prinku….”shivay was calm.
“wo…..wo……”with trembling prinku says everything happened.
“what……….anika was missing…and suddenly she reappeared” shivay was looking at her…
“yes shivay, anika was not there…..and we got tensed and all of a sudden she entered when u came…..”
“are u serious tia”shivays voice was tensed…
“yes shivay……and …and …..anika said also said that she is gonna work under verain…..so she went to meet him…..” before tia could complete shivay was furious enough to react……
Tia sees anika entering the room and leaves with wild smile…..prinku leaves the room.
Anika sees shivay and goes to take things from her wardrobe….shivay who was staring at her moves to wards her…..anika who turns with the dress gets stopped seeing him….
“so you started your thing again….”
“what you upto shivay…….”
“where were you, ”shivay was almost roaring….
“……………….” anika was about to leave…
By which shivay almost lost his temper, forward towards her…..anika gets back…..
“ .i asked u anika….”shivay
“ by this time u would have got the information, so u want me in my words…..” anika was sarcastic this time…
“i heard u are working under verain ”
“mmm..ya…so i had to….”
Hearing which shivay gets most furious and drags her to wards him.. “kya zarurath , hai iskeliye….”
“zarurath….shivay…what will i do after divorce…dadi ne kaha ki mein marriage assembler thi so i am trying this…”
Shivay backs off hearing this…..and leaves the place……
Anika sees him
Shivay confronts verain for his cheap character and tia instigates anika against shivay.
Shivay shouts at tia.
sorry guys it got posted in kb page due to misunderstanding so I am reposting two parts again
Hey it was really fantastic you are showing a different shade of Shivay. But you are making as to wait a lot for the updates. Can you please make it little bit faster. So that we will not miss your ff.
Fantastic.. Awsomeeee.. Shivay..Plz Post the next soon plz
Superbbbbb one!
This and last 2 updates… amazing !!! Enjoying your ff very much. Keep writing dear ?
Amazed as always. Superb. Post soon
Nice one dear… But plz update regularly..
It’s was an nice episode. I’m waiting for your next episode. update soon……….
Superb update…
Awesome dear