Hello every one…..hope u like this track…..
Going straight away to the episode
Shivay confronts her for working under verain.
Anika criticizes as she would be in great need for money after divorce so she started to work from now….
Shivay leaves the room
Anika see him . and leaves to wash room
Tia sees this with smile
Tia pov: so hungama as started , now shivay will make anika leave…..because how can he accept his so called wife is working under some one ………..and now is ego is hurt so ….shivay singh oberoi is back….
She sees shivay leaving oberoi mansion.
Its night….
Shivay was busy with the laptop…..
Anika enters the room, and goes straight to shivay….
“so anika….whats up…..”shivay was cool
“i didnt expect u will do this……so cheap”
“mein ne kiya kya……..”shivay looked up to see her. She was almost burning him with his eyes….
He looks down to see his laptop again.
“any way i am busy ….lets speak later…..” shivay continued is work.
Anika closed his laptop with a bang sound
“anika what did you do…………is my deal….”shivay shouted with cool ness
“its not that cheap shivay……u made verain…..verain…..”
“so u got to know about it…..i said ….u didnt listen so …i did my work….anyway u might be tired take rest”shivay smirked at her….
“are you not ashamed to do this, verain ki galthi kya hai…wo tho muje help karrahatha……”
As shivay knows about work , he ask verain to stay out of anika. But verain does not agree. He also questions about the relation does shivay share with anika ,
“who the hell are u to question our relation ship…..on dadis sake i am calm else…..”shivay roared
“i love her…..and i am gonna marry her” verain s answer was spontaneous
Hearing which shivay holds his shirt and shouts “you are speaking about my wife remember……a word against her…..”
“shivay i am serious, the day next ur divorce will be our engagement…..”verain answered in a plain way………
which makes shivay more aggressive. He gives 4 hours time to terminate anikas project. But verain doesn’t agree.
After 4 hours verain gets a copy of cancellation of the project undertaken by verain designers . on enquiry he gets to know that hands of shivay being at the back of this. Verain who was with no choice left terminates anikas project. Anika who comes to know about it fumes.
“verain ki nahi, its ur mistake that u crosses my orders… because of u verain is suffering….i think now u would understand whom u are speaking to….so be a good girl stay in home……..”as he says anika angers gets high and starts taking breaths in deeper way ….
Her breath less ness increases and she tries to have water. Shivay who was all the way sarcastic sees her condition , helps her but anika refuses .
Anika takes the water and sits for a while holding her head. Shivay sitting next to him . he gives the needed tablets , and anika sleep holding shivays shirt all the while.
Dadi , who came knowing the issues sees this with smile… shivay sees her and signs her, she to nods positively.
Night passes.., anika wakes up from the sleep. She sees shivay sitting and finds herself with in his arms…..she remeinsces of sleeping after taking medicines and lying on shivays shoulders…..
“so all this time he was holding me…..so that i dont get disturbed in sleep…..how come he is behaving like a rogue and caring at the same time…….”thinking which she steps out of the room.
She wanders near the pool….she hears some sound and goes to find it……
She sees tia speaking to some one and almost in the mood of crying…..tia sees anika there and drops the call
“i knew its all because of me…but i tried he is not……..”anika was looking at tia….
“no ..i knew its not your mistake, it’s my fate which is back firing me.. shall i ask you something u just say the truth without thinking” tia was almost emotional
“mmmmmmmmmmm”anika assured
“u love shivay….see u were already married to him, if yes plz say this moment i will leave…..because its difficult to bare these things”tia out bursted her cry…
“……say anika”
“… tia …you took serious, i dont remember any thing and at this time i dont share any relationship with shivay, on the day of divorce i will leave….u know i tried all but ..he is quite adamant….”anika words made tia sky high.
“sach……”with over excitation tia hugs anika …..anika to reciprocate…..
“ok , this is enough and you will be with me………..”tia was in cloud nine and they continued the chat for some more time…..
Its morning……
Shivay sees anika missing , gets surprised as she woke so soon today. He gets freshen up and comes to kitchen. He sees the servants standing out side….with more confusion he moves in.
“what…..the ….wack……”shivay voice was amplified n times……..
“who .who….who……did this……” saying which he sees the kitchen which was no less than a dampingyard…… “bathav kisne kiya…..” he sees every thing spread out randomly and the his exotic Italian spices where shattered through out the floor in the spread of atta…………….
Every one assemble hearing shivays cry.
“mahil , ..wo ghee ki dabha thejiye………..”anika comes from the other side with spinach and vessel in her hands………..
“so u did this”shivay was shouting
“kya kiya meinne………u restricted my ways i accepted….i am in house and that to cooking….still with this you have a problem”anika face showed multiple reaction
Dadi and omru cup their mouths…
“cooking……..”saying which he glances the whole kitchen.
“so what are u making”
“wo…mein…she sees the kitchen and respons…..wo wo….palak ka achar…….”anika replied with her brilliant smile
“palak ki achaaar…….and useme ghee ”shivay felt has if he was sitting in a hot pan…….
He shouted at the servants to clean everything and drags anika to his room……
“leave me….if u have any problem then let me go on my way……u making my life hell…….”anika outraged with words
Shivay who was irritated in kitchen was alarmed by her words….he sees her and drags her with in his arms and starts smirking… “so u were doing that purposefully so that i will chuk u out……try something new…..its very old………..”
His eyes was full of sign of victory and anika started fuming……he tightens her hold and says try some thing new and crisp this is old………………..
He leaves her and the room
Anika sits in the couch and thinks how much effort she made to make the kitchen mess…………
“no problem….i will win over him soon…”she starts with some work……..
Its almost 7…pm
Anika finishes her work and praises herself for doing this perpectly…
She rechecks every thing…
1. Shoe from shoe rack was happazard.
2. Wet towel being placed over the bed.
3. Things over the dressing table was not in place…
4. Blanket and pillow was liying in floor
5. Floor near the wash room was wet and slippery
6. Wadrobe door where half open
She scans the whole room and gives the sarcastic smile…..
She locks the door from inside and sees through the window .
She hears shivay entering as he was speaking to tej. They part and shivay goes to open the door. He finds it locked and knocks it…..gently
Its been 5 mintues and he losted his paitents he almost knock like a bang where anika opens from other side…..
He moves into the room and stops at the door. He was about to shout but composes himself and goes near the wadrobe. He finds his wadrobe was mess. He takes the deep breath and moves to wash room and finds its way. He gives a deep breath, and sees anika who was sarcastic and smirking at him. She is waiting for his anger to burst out.
Shivay straight away goes to his wadrobe ….anika who was sitting gets keen at him, he takes her dress….and puts in the middle of the room. He comes closer to her and says now this room looks good…..
“sorry this to backfired …try some thing new…..and now u are making this mess clean…else….u know what i will do ………”shivay leaves with a smile.
Anika sees the mess and sits cuffing her hands.
Shivay falls unconscious…. pinky throws anika out of the house. Tia smiles seeing this.
I really enjoyed the update . I didn’t expect that you will post this soon this time. It was wonderful. Eagerly waiting for the next part
Amazingggggg..Anika ke tareke ???????
Loved it
It is awesome dear….
Amazing update… loved it..
It’s was an awesome super duper episode. Anika trying to make shivay angry and leave OM but all her plan failed by shivay. I’m eagerly waiting for your next episode update soon……….
pragya, you are an amazing writer. I’m a big fan of your ff. you are the same pragya, who write jab thak hai jaan ff of shivika. I read all parts of that ff all are amazing ???
Awesome…….. totally luv it…. Waiting 4 nxt post soon dear……..