Hello every one..
Thanks for the support…actually i posted after a long time and you supported me…..
Going back to the episode.
Shivay comes out of omkaras room, and with a smile….
Om: at least now he got to know about is feelings….i am happy for him
Rudra: but what about tia….
Om: shivay will get some way……
Shivay goes to tia and apologize for rudras behaviour….he explains that Rudra was tensed so he behaved rudely…. where tia to agree with the fact. She also assures shivay that she is with him in making anika feel good….
Tia leaves the place .
Shivay sees the locket again…..
He starts to his room.
He finds anika still sleeping, his face changes to a relief mode and sees the cctv footage again…..he doesn’t any clue……
In tias room
“mom if anika gets up and says something…then i would be finished today…..i did a big mistake by believing you guys….now i am damn struck between this….”
“no tia…we can get …as shivay is still believing you we have left with chance….so its better you stand by anika…..with in half an hour u will receive a parcel….just do as per that….”
“mom no more ideas…i will handle this my self…..”tia burst out
“no tia….its our last chance and we need to be smart and fast…”
Tia drops the call and sees the whole mansion once
“every risk for this mansion, i left my life for this mansion…and i will get this …this not only my dream but my moms too….and anika will be scored out today….and poor shivay will stay in his lady love’s depression….and the whole property will be ours….kapoors….so its gonna be the last war…..”
She moves to her room.. she calls some one….
“baby, its gonna be finished once for all….and every one here will be clueless about the happening….mom would take tare and we would be left free…..so be awake its time to ash oberois property……and shivay will be a mere puppet……”
She starts speaking to him casually….
Rudra rushes to shivay….om to join….he says about the tia speaking to some one….and conversation with her mom..
Shivay calls khanna and ask to track tias phone call…. all the three gets into the mission where shivay gets stop to see anika holding his kurta…..
Omru smile and ask shivay to stay with her.
Shivay takes her hand…and sees her with a relief….
After half an hour
Door bell rings
Khanna comes with a man, and calls for tia..
Tia gets the parcel and leaves to her room
She opens it desperately….
She sees a powder in a vial. She shakes it and finds a chit next to it
“tia..only think you need to do is just apply on anikas face..you will se the results with in 15 minutes.. but be carefull..its quiet hard to recover from its effect so u stay away….”
She takes the vial and a tissue which was with that…
“so anika let me give you a peace full death….i do it personally this time…..”
Saying which tia comes out of the room, she checks for the oberois…she moves to anikas room and finds anika still sleeping..before she could go further shivay comes out of the wash room.
Omru to come there..
Tia hides…
Om: i searched every where i didnt get any clue…i think we need to check more….
Shivay: i couldn’t guess who could be behind this….anika is ….she is the target but for whom?
Rudra: i think they might done for money……
Om : i think Rudra was right….but tias locket…..
Shivay: om are u serious….why will tia do this…..i knew her….she cant hurt any one……i remember tia giving her stuff to anika….might be she was wearing that on that time….
Om: but its diamond ..why will tia will give this to anika…..
Shivay: just shut up…. i believe tia…and no more arguements regarding this……
From the other side of the window tia comes out and smile…. “so shivay is one my side…..its good news…..baby u will repend for this foolish belief….” tia leaves……..
“lady baba chali gaye….” Rudra who was sneaking out se om and shivay
They both see him with the smile….
“Its better Rudra ne tia ko dekha…warna….wo kya karthi…we need find about the parcel….” omkara was serious
“dont worry i have a plan….”
“kya…..” shivay and om see Rudra
“shitia ka romance…….”Rudra completes with the smile
“what the wack”shouted shivay
“shitia…………kya couple name hey yaar….ek tham massth….”om gave hifi to Rudra.
“no …i am not gonna do this…..”shivay showed attitude….
“shivay its not fare…cant you do this for you love……means ur responsibilty”om was teasing
“yes bhaiyya…its shiitia….for an hour or two…or three…”Rudra to added…
Where anika moves her hand over shivays….shviay and omru see this with pain….
“pls shivay…hamari bhabi keliye…..”omru was serious
“meri anika keliye mein yeh karunga….”shivay holds anikas hands tightly….
Omru leaves the place…
After a while
Anika opens her eyes…she sees shivay sitting and tries to get up, but due to weakness she gets back to the bed….she notices shivay was eyeing his laptop…and finds him holding her hand still….tears comes out of eyes which shivay misses out…anika looks at him and reminisces of happenings
“i wish i could remember something about our past…i couldn’t predict you people… i couldn’t make out about tia and you…..every time i get clear a mess i get stuck more into it….and this time is worse…i dont y those people want me to die….tia said you want harm me….then…by now you should have……”as she thinks she eyes shivay still holding her hands…..and it was firm…..
Shivay finds her and comes close to her….
“are you fine now….”shivay sits next to her…..
“she sees him and tias words flashes again….”she moves bit away from his hold….which shivay notices….
“mein hoon na…kuch nahi hoga thume……”shivay tries to hold her …..
Which makes anika more anxious….
“i just went out to see……”anika starts her words
“its ok…just take rest….we will sort this out later…..but one thing …u cant escape from me….”.
As shivay says these words tears flow out of her eyes…….
Shivay consoles her, and she sleeps holding his hands again….
Om comes and calls shivay….
They leave to tia s room….
Prinku comes and informs to tia….
She calls some one and leaves out side….
Where shivay comes in and blocks her way….
“baby…you here” tia gave a smile…
Shivay holds her hand and drags her intoher room….
She parcel being placed open and gets tensed. Shivay leaves to the corner of the room near the window….he starts flirting with her…where her eyes where in the parcel….
Shivay gets a call and shouts ……
“what ok i will be there ….ya i will get omru with me………”shivay bits bye to tia…..tia on the other hand, see shivomru leaving…she is about to meet some one but finds this a good time….
She go back to get the vial, she leaves to anika…she sees her still lying asleep……
“so anika..here is ur last hope …the moment i do apply this you will feel ice cool then it will be chill all over, any way since i was anouced as his official wife…i will take over the oberoi mansion. Shivay will become devdas ….”
Speaking which tia applies the stuff on anikas hands…anika moves a little…….
Tia leaves saying good bye anika…..
On the other hand….
Rudra shouts mama….papa……
Where every one assemble…..
Tia to runs to the scenario and stays dumpstuck…..
She shouts robin……….
She sees robin falling down unconscious and his hands are tuning red…her eyes points at the vial…
She runs to him …she ask some one to call doctor…as its a anaphylaxis…
Rudra introggates how she knows…….she is hesitates where by prinku applies something on other hand where tia pushes prinku and pours water on the eye…..
“hey tho sirf ek powder hai na…y are u getting tensed…he will be alright ” om entered the scene
“wo antiseptic powder nahi hai…wo tho chemical hai.. it will kill people with in 15 minutes…its already late…plz call doctor………..” tia blasted
“so y did you get that……” voice was from shivay
Tia tries to over pwer shivay by her tears where prinku takes the vial and about to place it again…..she shouts. And husgs robin…..she shouts to spare her love…..
She says it was her mother s plan……as her fathers business was taken over by oberois and he killed himself for that…….but pls help me…..she shouts seeing robin taking his last breath….
She shouts at robin being helpless…..she sees anika coming…..and see shivay…..
Omru and shivay smile to gether…..
Fb “as shivay starts his flirting with tia…rudra peeps in and changes parcel..with the help of the gps they get robin here……”
Tia shouts sorry and hugs robin……..
Where robin gets up and tia hugs him with love….
They get settled down…where anika stands near prinku….shivay see her…..
Where shivay ask tia and robin to leave the place………….
He takes the divorce papers and tears them in pieces and thows above and anika sees the papers droping down…..shivay see this and anika with a smile….and anika with confusion…………
Shivay sees verrain and anika….he sees anika smiling all the while talking to verain…he thinks about his relation with anika……anika sees shviay sleeping and caresses his hair……..
Awesomeness overloaded
Awesome yaar.. loved it
Amazingggg…. Luv it…
Amazing di. Please post next ASAP. ? loved it.
Awesome episode ?? plzz post the next update ASAP
It is nice one dear
Awesome update
superb update
Superb dr…..just superb…..