Categories: Fan Fiction Original

kahin teri kamoshiyan pyaar se na jeete (Part 9)

Shia feels sad not gifted it was bimistake

Next day in college

Zara is still angry . kabir calms her. Shia is in thought and recalls Zara’s word and get sad. Amaan comes and sees her sad and goes to her. Shia sees him and gets angry and says becoz of u my sister is angry with me they argue over the past. Zara comes ther hears them . amaan sys tht all is ua wrong u did those cheap things. Zara asks wat and asks abt it . shia sys nothing but amaan sys everything . Zara is shocked. But shia sys tht even u send those goons . and misbehave with me. Zara stops her and asks wat amaan sys was true . shia tries to explain to her but she doesn’t listen . and she asks it true or lie. Shia sys…. Zara sys I got the answer and runs. Shia runs behind her . they run on road . shia asks her to stop but doesn’t shia sees car coming towards Zara and shouts. Zara stops and turns to her. Shia pushes her and get hit by a car. Zara falls and is injured on her head. Zara is shocked seeing her lying on her road and full of blood . she shouts and asks for help. She calls kabir and sys everything. He was with amaan and is shocked . he sys to amaan and rushes and they take her to hospital. doctor sys she is ok and take care of her as her bone had fractured. Zara goes inside to see her. Shia gain conscious and sys tht it was lie and cries. Zara syscnow it is not matter to me whether it’s lie or true and sys I only cares abt ua health. And asks doctor tht can she take her to home . they take her home. Shia asks Zara to come sit beside her . she does so.. Shia sys today I will sy wat had happened she sys everything. Zara sys it means Suzan and amaan are behind all this she goes . she sys to stop but she doesn’t. She goes to kabir and sys everything and sys ua bro is behind all this . kabir sys no ua sis did wrong u r blaming my bro. They argue over their bro and sis and start fighting. And breakup. They part ways . Zara and kabir in their respective rooms cries and is sad . amaan notice it asks kabir . but kabir sys nothing and goes. Shia sees Zara upset and gets to knw abt their breakup and thinks something.
In college
Zara and kabir ignore each other and goes . amaan and shia sees this. Shia goes to Zara and asks her to stop this . and sys u love him and y r u doing this . Zara sys he said about u and cannot tolerate such guy . even other side kabir sys to amaan .

Precap: amaan and shia join hands to bring Zara and kabir together.


Status Update

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