Hi guyz i am starting a fan fiction about our beloved couple kaira i.e. kartik and naira . My friend @kaira_is_love from instagram has helped me u do like her page to get instant news about kaira 24/7. guyz do give me reviews about this episode
So guyz my story has a beginning. According to the back story for my ff tara didnt run off from her wedding n they just postponed the marriage ,naira went for the same Years to rishikesh as in show…current scene is naira has understood tht she had a misunderstanding….n m starting from the point kartik proposed naira.
(Aftr the long proposal speech by kartik)
Kartik: i really love u naira!
Naira is shocked n looks him with big eyes n runs from there to a church
Naira:(in mind) was my dreams about kartik n this tom n jerry fight between me n him is this a sign i love him..whom should i ask bhai ,gayu di,tara bhabhi,papa or mumma….no no i cant tell anyone…..In rishikesh they used to say if u feel its love then u should close ur eyes n let ur heart show u way
Naira closes her eyes n takes a deep breath..
*naira sees all the moments with kartik n her eyes get all teary*
Naira:oh ganga maiya its true its true for the first tym in my life m in love ….thts y i was so affected by the fact tht kartik was upset with me n thts y i hesitated to believe kartik is troubling papa…(she has big smile on her face)
On the other hand kartik
Kartik: arrey krishna ji did i confess too soon…was she ready ….was this tym correct….only naira can give me the answers to all this n even to my main ques about her loving me or not!!
Naira scene
Naira: this mendhak (frog) became my prince charming n i never realised this! Oh god wat he must be thinking i just ran here without saying anything!
Naira starts to go but
Naira suddenly stops
Naira:y i am being so cheesy! I should take a little fun out of this situation..i have a nyc idea…lets see wat mendhak does now!?
Scene shifts to kartik
Kartik opens his eyes
Kartik: naira …
Naira: wat happened kartik lets go where r u lost from so long i said sorry we hugged n then u were just lost! R u ok?
Kartik:(in mind) wat it was a dream but this tym i was so sure this was real …no not again i so wanted this to be in real…?
Naira (in mind) hahaha now u see mendhak…but wait in fun i hope our love confession doesnt get delayed!
Kartik:(in low volume) miss rishikesh ke pyaar mein i have become a dreamer (being in love with miss rishikesh made me a dreamer )
Naira smiles noticing it…
Kartik gets a little sad n dissapointed
Noticing kartik sad naira feels its enough for one day …
Kartik:yes naira
Naira:woh actually … hmm…tht thing wasnt a dream …i ..i was ..just..umm fooling u
Kartik gets surprised n looks at naira
Kartik:huh …wat ut was true …u were fooling me..umm then wat is ur reply
Naira:wat do u think i would say (in a bit anger)
Kartik: u should say yes only but idk …(noticing her angry look ) i want to hear it from u
Naira: so u think i would say yes? Yes? Yes
Kartik: hmm
Naira smiles n says see i told tht three times ?
Kartik smiles n is surprised
Kartik: wat yes?? R u fooling me again..omg
Naira laughs n says u r really a mendhak ..so much meaningless tar tar tar…instead of saying the meanigful things!
Both of there faces glow of happiness n they share a long n tight hug
Kaira's first date
Kaira takes a taxi to the airport but suddenly they get a phone call n they r shocked!
Guyz m going to post quite regularly so tht u can enjoy this ff …i really wished something like this happened in real show too…coz kaira together=love n life..plz do comment guyz
Hey hales ur awesome !

Loved it ,,
Thank u so much …its my first tym ever ..i m glad u liked it! ?
nice one hales..make it long..
Thank u so much ..n sure i will work on the lenght of the epi
Guyz plz note thtbthis the first episode of kaira love story begins n not episode 5 ..?
I will try my best to be regular n will keep ur demands in mind ?
Too good dear probably u should have delayed naira confession but don’t b know abiut ur twists in story so its kkk
loved it
try more twists if possible but don’t separate make anyone villain np
thank u
Thank u shilpa…actually the way actual serial is dragging their confession i was quite fed up …so planned something new ..i thought wat if they fall in love in aplace which is known for having a weather for lovers i.e. swtizerland!m planning some twists ahead…n ya even i think yrkkh is loved by all aa it has no villian as such so i would avoid tht but twist will be there for sure!
It was really such a lovely episdode.
Eagerly waiting for the next
Thank u so much namrata …it will be out by today or max by tomorrow morning…it will be exciting as written in precap ‘kaira’s first date’ ?
Hey very nice episode dear
Thank u so much anjali …next one comming soon
Thnx disha