Fan Fiction

Kaira : Together for a moment called Forever by Vrushy ( Chapter 21 )

Hello Everyone.
Chapter 20
When it rains Love !!

Everyone burst out crying including Naksh. Finally, finally his wife has got what she wished for, what she prayed for and what she waited for three years.

“Step in.” Manish said looking at Keerti.

With in a fraction of second, Keerti is embraced by all the family members. Naksh smiled at his In-laws and raised his foot to step inside the house.

“Wait. I have accepted my daughter that doesn’t mean that I accepted you too. I am still mad at you, Naksh for taking my daughter away from us.” Manish said angrily.

Naksh froze at his spot and everyone turned to him. Naira frowned in confusion looking at the helpless state of her bhai. Keerti lowered her head and bit her trembling lower lip.

“Papa, actually there is no mistake of him. The night before marriage, I threatened Naksh that I would kill myself if he doesn’t stop this marriage. I gave him the idea of eloping. He never wanted to do this.” Keerti declared.

Everyone stared at her with an unbelievable expression. Manish once again collapsed in the chair. Naksh approached him and sat on his knees before Manish and placed his hands on his.

“I really apologize papa. I know that we did something extremely wrong against your wish and you have every right to be mad at me. I am sorry that I eloped with your daughter . It happened in the heat of the moment but as the fog that covered my eyes slowly started clearing it is then that I realized how much pain I gave to my beloved ones.” Naksh said.

Naira looked at her bhai with worry in her eyes. It was hard for her to see him in this broken state. Manish didn’t break the eye contact and looked at Naksh as he continued to speak.

“I didn’t understand your state exactly until your daughter said about my parenthood. I am here, jumping in joy for the arrival of my child who didn’t step into this world. I am feeling that father’s love papa and trust me I am repenting to separate you from your daughter.” Naksh said.

“Now that you both have realized your mistake, there is no point in staying mad at you. It’s just a feeling of insecurity which every father has about their children’s life.” Manish said.

He made Naksh stand up from the ground and smiled at him. Later he hugged his Son-in-law briefly. Everyone in the house smiled genuinely for the first time after three years.


Later on Naira wanted to go shopping and Karthik had accompanied her to the mall. They had shopped all the things that they needed and were headed on their way back home.

It is almost midnoon but being a cloudy day, the atmosphere is light. After a few minutes, she turned to Karthik whose total concentration is on road.

“Will you stop the car for a while.” She asked him. He did as she asked and turned to her.

“Do you need anything ?!!” He asked her.

“Let’s go for a walk.” Naira said locking her eyes with him.


Karthik rubbed his palms and draped them around himself. He took a deep breath and turned to Naira who is walking beside him with her head down. It has been ten minutes they started to walk but none of them spoke a word.

“I can’t say that I understand you because that will be a lie but I am really sorry for creating a trouble in your life.” Karthik said finally breaking the silence.

“You are not a trouble, Karthik. I just want sometime to build and accept our relationship.” She said with a sad smile.

“I am not in a rush either.” He replied and they both exchanged a warm smile and continued to walk towards their car.

“So, Friends ?!!” Naira asked forwarding her hand for a handshake.

“Friends.” Karthik said as he took her hand in his.

Karthik is feeling light after their short conversation because the time required to fix their relation will help him to get out of his past. Even he knew that he was still stuck in his relationship with Gayu and he needed to move if he had to accept Naira.

Precap : Goa. Drunk Kaira. Revelations !!
So finally they are friends now. Love will happen soon.

Also what actually went wrong in Karthik and Gayu’s relationship will be revealed in the upcoming Chapters !! Stay tuned for lots of drama.

Do comment. Keep smiling. Keep watching Yrkkh !!


Your wish is my command.

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