Fan Fiction

KAIRA yrkkh (chp 22)

Here is chp 22:
2 weeks later:
Gayu is happily married. Suwarna Manish Love and Kush are going in the car to temple for puja of Kaira and Rahul’s return. Suddenly a car came in speed and they had an accident. They were shifted quickly to the hospital and singhania family came. Manish and Love kush died, Suwarna was still alive. She requested some one to call kaira. Naksh couldn’t bear it any more and called to Kartik Malhotra who was kartik. Later suwarna requested them to record her last wish and show it naira kartik and Rahul. It was done and she too died.
Naksh called kartik.
NAK: kartik!
K: Why u called me?
NAK: Your mom dad and brothers are no more! Plz come back soon
K: What???
NAK: yes!!!
Kartik was shocked, he told it Rahul and Naira who too were shocked. The three shared a long crying hug. Later they left for Udaipur. As soon as possible they reached the hospital. Everyone was crying. Akshara ran to hug naira but she along with the brothers ran towards they Goenka family dead. They both broke down seeing their family. Naira too was crying but stopping the two too. Later the singhania family showed them suwarna’s last wish.
S: Naira, Kartik and Rahul, I am very sorry for hurting you three, please forgive me. Please naira, also forgive your family, they love you so much. Forgive them before they too leave u. Always stay happily married naira and everyone of u 3 blessed. I too have another wish, I want kartik to divorce naira, or if no divorce just stay away from each other, don’t see each other. ( kaira were shocked), Don’t get shocked, I mean I want u to get remarried with each and every proper ritual on proper muhrat, so please agree!.
Kaira and every body had teary eyes. They planned to full fill each and every wish of Suwarna. They forgived the whole family and were ready to remarry with proper rituals, but didn’t divorced each other, promising not to see each other’s face even. Later they did death rituals of the family. Now every thing was fine between singhania’s and Kaira. Now they had to prepare for Kaira’s remarriage. Later everyone was leaving for respective homes. Naira was going with Kartik and Rahul but Natik stopped him, reminding their promise. Kaira hugged each other tight and then left.
Now everyone welcomed naira to singhania family. She was enjoying with them but missing Kartik a lot. Later she went to her room, got freshen up and came down.
N: Mama papa! When will pandit ji come?
AK: Beta every Pandit Ji is busy in preparing for Ganguar. So he will come after it.
N: Means after 2 days
AK: Yes! Btw this year we will celebrate ganguar together.
Akshara took naira for preparing for ganguar, but she was badly missing kartik. Same was the case with him. Later they were in hope that they will meet on Ganguar. Family too approved of their meeting on Ganguar. Tomorrow girls had to prepare things and the next day was the functions. It was night. Naira went to her room and called kartik and they had a long conversation and slept.
Next day it was bright morning. Naira and family got up. There was a rasam for brother bringing mud for her sisters murti. So Naksh decided to bring for two sisters today, as he only brought for Gayu from last 10 years. Naksh was ready to leave but door bell ranged. Naira ran towards the door. Natik stopped her.
NA: Princess who is it?
N: Papa who else would be? It is Rahul, he would have brought mud for my murti like a brother does. I missed him a lot.
Answering natik see ran towards the door. Naksh was sad hearing it but controlled his emotions. He wished his sister to make murti of mud brought by him but stopped thinking about her happiness.
Later Rahul entered and Naira hugged him. He too did the same.
N: I missed you soo much Rahul. Thanks God u cames
R: I missed u too.
N: So u brought the mud right, and is it the best one or??
R: yes! I brought it. Aur koi shak, meh apni behen kay liay sab se best one hi laya hun. Because my sister is the best.
N: thanks! You too are the worlds best brother.
Naksh got a bit more hurt. Later naira and Rahul broke the hug. Rahul gave Naira the mud. Naira was sure kartik would have send something for her.
N: and u only came to give mud, only mud.
R: yes! Do u want any thing else, I will bring it.
N: no, but u only came with mud( in mind) ohh this idiot plz understand
R: oh I got it! Wht r u thinking of.
Rahul whispers some thing in naira’s ear. Naira thanks him a lot.
R: and I have something for u to..
N: okay, give me I will keep it
NAK: What is it Naira?
N: nothing bhai! Some thing very important for him no us.
R: have it, it’s the second one. I will give it her after marriage.
N: Hmmm! I understand.
AK: What is this naira beta?
N: Mama! It’s the murti for Ania; Rahul’s to be wife. Actually they love each other and…OH SHIT
R: what happened.
N: call Ania hurry up.
R: Okay
Rahul called ania. Naira said her sorry about not coming to her house on Friday. She narrated her the whole incident and told her not to worry,as there family would come on Kaira’s wedding where they will talk about her and Rahul’s wedding. Ania understood the situation and said okay.
Later Rahul hugged naira and thanked her for understanding and caring for his relationship while naira said that she can do any thing for her brother.
The chapter endeded with Rahul hugging Naira and their happy faces while Nakshs sad face.
hope so u liked it….will post next soon

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