hi friends iam back with 2nd episode ☺️. This episode will only have past which happened before 8 years…so let’s start our episode and don’t forget to comment😊😊.

at park:

shubham is seen sitting near mishti and after sometime mishti wakes up and sees Shubham in shocked face..

Mishti: Abir..

Shubham: sorry not Abir..iam shubham

Mishti in mind: ohh god..why you made him forget his past??I know he is my Abir only and that’s why you made me meet him..now I should do something to make him recall his past..

mishti thinks for a while and gets an idea..

Mishti in mind:I’ll treat him in his own way now..

Mishti: iam sorry ab..Shubham for misunderstanding you as Abir..

Shubham: it’s okay ..I can understand your pain miss..when someone close to our heart dies..then our heart won’t accept it and it beats for them to return but it won’t happen.in that case I have same face of your husband..so it may affect your heart which is already broken..

mishti is shocked at his conversation..

Mishti: he is blabbering as if he is really Shubham??is he really Shubham??nooo he can’t be because he is my Abir only but I should test him so that I get relieved..how should I test him?? (Mishti thinks)

mishti gets an idea suddenly…

Mishti in mind: if he is Shubham then he should answer this question and if he is Abir he won’t answer..I hope he won’t answer..

Mishti: Shubham why did you had face change operation??

shubham is shocked at this question and mishti smiles seeing his shocked face as she thinks he is struggling to answer as he is Abir but Shubham is shocked because of his past which lead to his face change operation and he recalls his past…

FB is shown (8 years before):

after 2 years Shubham is returned to udaipur and whole family welcomes him grandly..(Shubham returned at the time where kartik is insecure with naira and mihir’s relationship due to mitali)…

later Shubham also learns about naira’s success in designing and congrats her and then he spends nice time with family for few days and then he is befriended by Kabir(who befriended Shubham to avenge Goenka’s)…

kabir makes him to get into the habit of drug addict as he (Shubham) does not know about it.. for few days Shubham got more into drugs which is unaware to entire family and one day after consuming drugs in local shop with Kabir (Kabir acts to consume drugs before Shubham but does not consume it ),he takes Kabir along with him to his house and introduces him and whole family welcomes Kabir…he spends some time with Kabir in his house and he goes upstairs to take kartik down to introduce his friend but is shocked to see kartik drinking alcohol…

Shubham: bhai..what are you doing??

Kartik (in drunk state): naira is not spending time with me….

Shubham: she is successful designer kartik.so, she may have some work as she is not having own company but working under a company so the work will be more..she will spend time with you once she finishes her work okay??

kartik starts to drink more and feels dizzy..

Kartik: then why is she spending time with mihir alone huh??(he doubts naira due to mitali)

shubham is shocked at his question..while Kabir who was also following Shubham upstairs overhears their conversation by hiding outside..

Kabir in mind: wow..another revenge..now kartik got a small hole in his lovestory and now see I will stretch it big so that his whole love story will drop down like how if water bottle got a small hole then water will leak drop by drop but if I made a big hole then the whole water will leak soon and this procedure is going to apply on kartiks love…

telling this he laughs….

kartik fallsdown in dizziness and Shubham makes him lie down in bed and goes away thinking to ask about this matter to naira…

Shubham: Kabir..I have some works so we’ll meet tomorrow okay??

Kabir in mind: I don’t know whether you have tomorrow or not because today you had drugs more than 50 packets..(laughs on heart)

Kabir: okay Shubham..we’ll meet tomorrow..bye..

telling this Kabir goes and Shubham too goes to his car and decides to go to naira’s company to pick her and ask her about her and mihir’s relationship…

shubham goes to naira’s company while Kabir too follows him in his car and naira who finished her work at that time comes outside along with mihir and shubham gets shocked seeing them together while Kabir sees them and gets happy..

Kabir in mind: ohh..mihir kapoor..I know him because his girlfriend mitali is my girlfriend but she pretending to him as his girlfriend for money only…now this is correct chance for me to fulfil my revenge on goenka family. I will use mitali to separate kartik and naira now..(he laughs)

naira sees Shubham car and goes to shubham’s car after waving bye to mihir and gets inside and Shubham starts driving..

Naira: what a suprise Shubham?? You came to pick me??

Shubham: yes..shall I ask one thing??

Naira: ofcourse..

Shubham: why are you talking with your boss in friendly manner??

Naira: ohh.. actually mihir knews about me and kartik lovestory and he wants to suprise kartik because tomorrow iam going to get another award which is not known to anyone except me and mihir so we both planned to suprise kartik and you know one thing iam avoiding kartik to give romantic suprise tomorrow after mihir’s suprise so that he will be feeling jealous now…

shubham is shocked..

Shubham: what if he feels insecure with you and mihir…

Naira: what a stupid question??he trusts me more than himself and I trust him more than myself so..he won’t see me and mihir in second thought…also I have many friends with boys which is also known to kartik then why will he be insecure ??Shubham you don’t know about our love..our love has deep trust so we won’t leave each other till end. This is our main strength in kaira…. again don’t ask any stupid question..

shubham is now utter most shock..

Shubham: ohh noo..she trusts him blindly but kartik is insecure but how can I tell her?? But why kartik is losing trust suddenly???I know he madly trusts naira but what happened suddenly??

suddenly Shubham feels dizzy while driving and he stops the car and catches his head..and naira is shocked seeing him..

Naira: what happened Shubham??

Shubham: don’t know but my head is spinning…

Naira: did you eat anything junk foods??

shubham remembers the drugs name and tells it to naira and naira is shocked hearing it..

Naira: Shubham…why did you consume drugs???

Shubham: drugs??

Naira: yes..you have consumed very poisonous drugs…

Shubham is shocked and says: but my friend Kabir told it is a snack

naira is shock..

Naira: it is very dangerous..it may lead to death also Shubham..why did you listen to him??

shubham gets scared and also feels head spinning and cries to naira..


Shubham: please save me naira please..I don’t want to die…please

by telling this he falls down and naira is shocked and she takes him and places in sideseat and she drives to hospital…

kabir who was following their car watches it and gets happy..

Kabir: 1st plan started working and now I’ll execute 2nd plan that separates kaira…(he laughs loudly)..

precap: fb continues:naira dies.kabir is jailed





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