Categories: Fan Fiction Original

Kaisa Ye Pyar Hai (Episode 7)

Really Sorry guys..i ws busy wid my Semester exams..nd didn’t got tym to write..dis days…

Recap:-samrat hold her hands..nd pulls her close to him..

He asks kaira to stop crying..nd she stops still she is in Samrats arms..suddenly her phn rings..nd its kshitij..he tells her dat he has informed her mom abt being cuming late home..she tells ohkk..whr u.he says..on d ways..she says ohkk…

Kaira sits in car widout saying anything..she thinks in her mind wat i ws doing..i cnt fall for samrat again..he will nvr love me..he will nvr accept me…y even m thinking dis..i cnt cheat kshitij…m.doing wrng..

Kshitij comes after 15mins..wid mechanic..he fixes d prblm..nd den they leave for home…Dat day kaira ws feeling very light hearted…kshitij droped samrat first..on Home building gate…Kaira smiles…waves Samrat..samrat too waves..bye to her…

Kshitij drops kaira home ND kaira thnks for his tym..which he gaved to her…he tells anything for u..kaira..tries to smile..nd goes frm..der…

Its 1.30 bt still kairas nyt ws sleepless..d whole tym she ws thinkinhg abt samrat..dat y he dnt hav any gal frnd till nw..y he huged me lyk dat..y he is caring..for me..i need to clarify dis all Samrat…she samrat dat she wanted to meet him..tomorrow evening..she wants to talk..

Samrat rplies her in a second of tym..kaira sleeps …nxt day morning..Kaira as usual starts by gng to office..nd den after lunch..samrat cls kaira..dat he is free she available…kaira replies..she will meet him by a nearby restaurant..he agrees..

Kaira meet Samrat..samrat ws standing on main gte of restaurant nd welcomes her..nd they go inside..Samrat asks her wat will she have..Kaira replies nothing..i want..i just want few answers frm u..

Samrat says..ohhh cool..den start ur question answer after all questions he will ask her 1 question nd she has to reply dat questions..truthfully..Kaira agrees…

Kaira Asks samrat..wat u doing wid me..y u behaving lyk u damn care for me…?
Why u behaving..lyk u still care nd love me…!
I knw u nvr loved me..nd I dnt want u again in my lyf nor as a friend neither as a partner for lyf…

Samrat tells her to stop questioning nd to drink some water..he tells her..yes m in love wid u again..dats y m doing dis..m behaving lyk dis wid u..Kaira is fully shocked to hear dis..she dnt to react..once her all wishes wer to b wid Samrat ND today..she is NT to handle..dis situation..kaira leaves…

Kaira goes to d same beach..whr she went dat day..samrat too reaches der..nd finds Kiara too over der..he goes Sits silently beside her..nd keeps his head on her shoulder..tears rolled over his face..

Previous episode’s link…


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