Hello everyone..i knew all are waiting for me right..to knew about chiku..so without delay we can get into story…
Abhi who is standing at terrace get confused by the sight which he has seen through his eyes…yes..our chiku is sitting outside of his house looking at moon and crying..abhi slowly gets down and stand near chiku..but he is not even looking at him..abhi slowly sit beside him..chiku turn his face towards him and raise his eyebrow…
Ab;I think someone is crying here alot..i thought he must be a strong Person just like me..but….
Chiku remain silent…abhi continues..i really don’t like such a people who cried alot.. actually when I came to this village…i see a person whom I loves alot..whom burst in anger all the time..i always fight with him..but I knew he is too innocent and loving..
Ch:who is that..?
Ab;actually that Person is not here now..
Ch:where did he goes..
Ab;he hides inside someone and points his hands on chiku..and place his fingers on his chest .inside this…
Chiku suddenly hugs him and cry
.abhi too hugs him back..
Ab;chiku ..why are you crying this much..is Maa scold you..
Chi;my darlings said that she loves you..hey don’t smile..i knew you are smiling in heart that I lost her…
Ab;is for this silly matter you cried..
Chi;this may be simple matter for you not for me..
Ab;arey chiku…you will get someone better than her n.a…
Chi;no..no one is better than my darling..
Ab;oh if you think so what is the need of talking about pinku with you..actually I already make her try to understand that you loves some one else ..will get ready to love you..but she is…
Chi;what she loves me..(suddenly all tears on him get vanished and smile appears on his face )
Ab;ya I think so..but what is the need of talking all this now..
Chi;did she tell that to you..
Ab;leave it chiku..i knew you have no interest to hear it..
Chi;please tell me rockstar…
Ab;k ..if you compel me then I will tell you.actually today I talk with her alot.. and about proposing pragya…she tells that she too wants to propose some one that way.
Chiku smiles..
They both remain silent for sometime…
Ch:k..iam leaving my darling..as she told that she loves you..i can’t make her cry for that..her happiness is important to me..
Abhi smiles…
Ch;but one condition..
Ab;what condition..??
Ch:you must help me set my love with pinku..
Ab;so soon..
Ch;actually I have no interest..she is my friend n.a… I don’t like to see her in sad that s why..
Ab;k it’s done..
Ch:Are you sure..
Ab;of course..
Chiku forward his hand..friends..
Abhi smiles and place his hands over it and tells friends..
Next day at noon
Pr:maa..do you see chiku today..did aunty tells that they are leaving somewhere…
Sar;no beta..she is In her home..
Pr;then why did he didn’t come and meet me till now..
Sar:did you both fought yesterday..
Pr;no Maa.. ( may be he is anger on abhi..thats why)
Da:what s serious discussion is going on here..
Pr:nothing dadi..actually chiku didn’t came to meet me till now..
Da;oh that’s it..how can be came here..as he is with abhi..
Pr:in surprisingly…what you said with abhi..
Pragya rush towards dadis house..and enters in abhis room..where she sees abhi Abhi and chiku playing carrom board..talking jokes and laughing..
Abhi sees pragya..
Ab;oh madam..close your mouth and enter inside..its not a restricted area for you..abhi and chiku laughs..chiku now you play..
Ch;ok rocky…
Pr:rocky..at look at abhi..abhi winks his eyes on her..
Ch:haa..rockstar short form …rocky..
Pr;oh god what all things happening In front of my eyes..is Iam seeing dream..
Abhi pinches her hand..because of which pragya shouts ouch..
Ab,look you are not dreaming it’s all happen in real..
Pr:but how this happen..achaa..YOU got a new friend so you forget me n.a. chiku..the one who wait to become morning to see me..didnt meet till now..
Ch:whats this darling..all likes a change..na..actually Iam bored with spending time with you..
Pr;oh so Iam i become such a boring person soon..
Ab;not soon ..you always are..abhi and chiku laughs and done hifi..which makes pragya in anger..
Ab;chiku..did you feel some bad smell..
Pragya look confused..
Ab;it’s because someone is burning with jealousy now..
Pragya who hears through pillows at him..
Ch:don’t hurt my rocky..
Pr;Oh.. what a surprise… suddenly 2 dushman..become 2 friends..
Ab;who told you that we are dushman..we are friends n.a… chiku..
Ch;of course friend..AS pragya leaves..
Abhi signs chiku..chiku holds pragyas hand and make her sit near them..
Ch:darling..are you anger on us..
Pr:is I say so..no n.a…
Ab;something’s are not be said directly can be read from face itself..
Suddenly chikus maa calls our chiku..
Ch; I will come soon and goes from there..
Pr;what so.
Abhi sits close to her..and place his hands over her shoulder..
Pragya tried to get rid of his clutches..
Ab;so fuggi..when you are proposing me..
Pr;have you gone mad..
Ab;mad..me..tell me iam waiting …
Pr;I will not do it..
Ab;you will not do ..which means..
Pr;what ..
Ab;you must face it’s after effect…
Episode ends..
sooo cut dear as chiku and abhi are now Frnds,I really like their bond its soo sweet dear…but plzz try to update frequently plzzzzzz
Wow wonder full awesome lovely cute n also fun Love u alot honey muhmaaaa
So cute….. Abhi and chiku friendship…. Super….
Superb episode di….loved it a lot…that too abhi’s and chiku’s conversation…wow…and also pragya’s anger towards them…I love the way they both irritate pragya…eagerly waiting for the next episode di..love you di.????????
nice post http://tumiwap.wapka.me
Nice episode….
Superb epi dii.. chiku nd abhis conversation was soooo cute dii??.. loved it.. lovely update… eagerly waiting for next part dii.. love you so much??
Wow finally abhi and chiku bonded awesome darlu loved it muuaahh???????
Awesome episode…Chikku always cute…
Superb episode and I’m eagerly waiting For ur next episode so please Upload it daily as possible
Wow nice episode. I read today’s episode 5 times and I am eagerly waiting for next episode. Please upload it as fast as possible.
Abhi and Chiku superb Jodi
superb dear… loved it..!!
Superb diii…abhi and chiku scenes are so cute…