Kaise Mujhe Tum Mil Gaye 22nd September 2024 Written Episode Update: Virat and Amruta have an emotional conversation

Kaise Mujhe Tum Mil Gaye 22nd September 2024 Written Episode, Written Update on TellyUpdates.com

Scene 1

Virat wakes up and has a headache. Amruta brings a wet cloth and tries to clean his face but he says leave me alone. She says let me clean your wound. He says I know you did this.. you are jealous of my handsome face. You will be punished. I will ask my mom, she loves me a lot and can do anything for me.. he looks away and says she can do anything. Amruta asks if its hurting? he says the weirdest thing is I can’t feel anything.. I am in pain but I can’t feel it. Amruta says you can share with me to make you feel better. He says just let me be in this state of sadness, I did the same with you so why do you care about me? She says you have done many favors on me. I remember when my family didn’t have a place anywhere.. you met with me and we fought but

whenever I was in pain, you would meet me and we would have fights. She says you would do favors on me by fighting because I would forget about my pain while fighting with you. He says that’s not good.. I fought too much with you, I destroyed your life.. when mom told me everything then I believed her because the proof was against you. I never thought to talk to you.. I just wanted to punish you and in that crazy state, I married you forcefully. I was wrong, it was a cheap act, I have hurt you a lot, I know that, he holds her hand and says I promise.. whenever I hurt you, I was more hurt, it pained me to see you in pain. I sensed that I was doing wrong with you, you didn’t deserve any of that, I made you cry, I gave you so much pain. I got those papers because I wanted to know if there is something between us. I wanted you to sign those papers and get your freedom from me.. she says no. He stops her and says I am drunk so let me blabber.. you know I blabber a lot when drunk, just like you. She laughs. He says when you blamed my mom.. I didn’t trust you one bit. When mom said that you threw her in front of the truck then I didn’t believe it fully, I didn’t doubt you but I didn’t trust you either.. This is all my fault, I am sorry. I accept it was all my fault, I did wrong with you. I did trust my mom so why.. She says you had to trust her, she is your mom after all. Virat cries and says I trusted her the most, I never listened to anyone else but her. He holds her hand and says it broke my heart knowing her truth. He says why did my mom do that with me? I trusted her the most then why? it means she had been lying all along, her accident, her wounds.. everything was a big lie. She says I know that. He says you know it but still you stayed with me? why? Amruta says because.. I wanted to prove my innocence. He says you did it, I am sorry. I can’t even complain to you that you should have told me because you told me so many times but I was a fool and never trusted you. How could I though? It was against my mom. I kept blaming you, cursing you and did so wrong with you.. all for my mom. Why did she do that? why would a mother do this? maybe I was not a good son, I am not a good person that’s why this happened with me. She says no.. am I a bad person? then why it all happened to me? my father threw me out of the house so does that mean I am evil? He says no. Virat says you must have felt bad when you found out about your father’s affair right? you know what… my mom cheated me and your dad cheated you so we are on the same level now. I keep asking you what’s between us and now we have cheating. She says no.. don’t bring this up when you are drunk. She says I am going home, Dildar must be missing me. He says he is my dad, he misses me the most. She says he misses me the most, I have to go.. she starts to leave but he pulls her back and says maybe you are right, he might miss you more because you are most missable. She smiles and says missable? Harsh says Ayi is coming so Amruta runs from there.

Bebe tells Babita and Kavita that they kept everything hidden from her. Babita says so what? I couldn’t let that cheap girl become my DIL. Bebe says but you forgot about your son in all this. Kavita says she is right, we did a mistake and now Amruta will take advantage of it. Babita says stop telling me about my mistakes. The servant comes there and says Virat is here. Bebe tells Babita that let bygones be bygones, we have to bring Virat on our side at any cost now. We can’t let that Amruta win.

The episode ends.

Update Credit to: Atiba

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  • Mental illness runs in the Ahuja family, you Can see Bebe and her daughters are all bent in the head, though the third one isn’t evil she’s a few sandwiches short of a picnic. Nimrit and Virat better adopt Incase their mother’s genes manifest in their children. Though… can they hurry up with Amruta and Virat’s confession…

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    • 😂😂😂😂😂wow jade but honestly these 3 evil witches need help. Dildar needs to divorce this witch

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