Categories: Kalash

Kalash 14th December 2016 Written Episode Update

Kalash 14th December 2016 Written Episode, Written Update on

Scene 1
Nivi says why Saket didnt come till now? i have to do something soon, i cant bear this jealousy anymore, i cant see Ravi and Ambika close now, i did so much to get Ravi, i should be with him, i will have to kill Ambika fast.
Saket comes to Ambika’s home, he asks Jyoti where is Ambika? she says Ambika is not home. Saket says he is mad.
Saket comes to Nivi and asks what happened? why did you wake me up? Nivi says what is your problem? you should have come sooner, Saket says i am not your employee, i brought flowers too, Nivi says for what? Saket says for someone special, Nivi says i have urgent talk, she closes door, and says i cant see Ravi and Ambika close so i have decided to kill Ambika soon, Saket says have you gone mad? you started this tape again? i love Ambika, dont

think like this about her, Nivi says what would you do? Ambika is not yours, you think she will marry you? i thought you would have understood till now, let me tell you that you are nothing but a big loser. Saket grabs her by neck and strangles her, he says have you gone mad? i am Saket Kapoor, dont try to kill Ambika, i will kill you if you try it, i cant lose my love again, Nivi attacks him with vase, he falls on floor, Nivi gasps for air.
Devika calls Janki and says i wanted to meet you, take care of yourself, Janki says i will come and meet you, i have meetings, Devika says you should have taken rest. Ravi comes there, he takes call and says to Janki, how are you? Janki says i am fine, why? Ravi says i have some work with Ambika, can i take her? she will call you later, Janki says i will talk to her later, he thanks her and ends call. Janki says what happened to Ravi? Ravi asks Devika to come with him, she asks where are you taking me? Ravi says i am taking you on date, Devika says dont joke, Ravi says i am taking you on date for real, she says i wont go, i havent even changed, Ravi says you are looking so nice, Devika say you have gone mad, Ravi says from the time you have come in my life, i have gone mad. Devika says i will change only then i will go on date, Ravi says okay, she goes to change.
Nivi comes to Saket and asks if he is fine? she says i am sorry but you were strangling me, i dont understand why you fight with me, we have to make our enemy loose, we have to remove Ambika from way, Ambika doesnt love you, we have already proved it, she spend nights with Ravi, Ambika can never be yours, even today she is going with Ravi on date, she is not interested in you, Saket says how you know she is going on date? Nivi says i listened Ravi talking to someone on call, he was planning date, it will be romantic date, this is truth, if Ambika had interest in you then she wouldnt be doing this, she is playing double game making you believe that she has interest in you, she might be fooling Ravi too, Ravi is a committed man, he is fulfilling his marriage, its Ambika’s fault, Ambika doesnt deserve you, she doesnt need you, Saket asks which hotel they are going to? Nivi says he was talking to manager of hotel near mall, Saket says i will do everything alone now, Nivi says you are hurt, you cant leave, Saket says my heart is hurt more, he leaves.
Ravi and Devika are in car. Devika asks where are you taking me? Ravi says its surprise, Devika says tell me or else i will not go there, Ravi says this is our first official romantic date and you are still stubborn, Devika says i have some standard, you cant take me to some roadside stall, from where did you get idea of taking me on date? is this your some plan? Ravi says i dont do planning, you are my wife, you are my class so i wont take you cheap place.

Scene 2
Nivi says dont know why saket behave like this, i did mistake, i shouldnt have told him about Ravi and Ambika, what if he hurts Ravi? i wont let it happen, i have to stop Saket. She takes her phone and calls Saket but he doesnt pick up.
Ravi brings Devika to nice hotel, she asks if this was your surprise? he says no close your eyes, he puts hand on her eyes and take her to pool side of hotel, its all decorated with colorful clothes and flowers, Devika is mesmerized seeing it, she says its so so beautiful, i love it, Ravi says yes, Devika says why we are alone here? Ravi says maybe all knew that we are on our first date, Devika says dont give me stupid explanations, i like this place, Ravi says thanks for liking place, devika says thanks for bringing me here, i am happy, Ravi says i am happy seeing you happy. Ravi takes her table near pool, devika says place is so beautiful, Ravi thanks her, Devika says i didnt know Ambala has such good place, Ravi says you came here and made this place special. Waiter bring drinks, she says we didnt order anything, waiter says Ravi ordered everything beforehand. Devika drinks and says this is my favorite drink, she asks if today is something special? Ravi says you are special, you have made my life special, thank you for coming in my life, i dont like when you are not close to me, i get happy when you are with me, you are my every hope, i am nothing without you, Devika gets sad hearing it, he asks if i said something wrong? she says no, Ravi holds her hand and says i got chance today to talk to you, i will tell you my heart thing today, i love you Ambika. Devika says i dont understand, Ravi says your eyes are telling me that you understand everything, when i look in your eyes, i see everything which you dont want to say but i know, you want to know what i see in your eyes? she asks what? Ravi says our future, that we will live together, we will make it beautiful with our love, only you can know the depth of my love, our heart beats sameway, Devika is lost in his eyes, humdard song plays, Devika says what happened to you? did you mix something in drink? why you are saying all this? Ravi says if my love is infront of me and is so beautiful then i dont need any intoxication, i want to tell you everything which is in my heart, Devika says what you have to say that you brought me here and did all this? Ravi says should i say it? she says say it, he says close your eyes, she does and says this is last time, Ravi says dont open your eyes till i say so, he takes rose and comes to her side, he sits on his knees infront of her and asks her to open eyes, she does and sees Ravi kneeling and offering her rose, Banjara song plays, Devika is surprised and emotional.

PRECAP- Ravi asks will you dance with me? Devika is emotional and gives her hand in his, Ravi says thanks for trusting me. Saket sees them and gets angry.

Update Credit to: Atiba

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