Categories: Kalash

Kalash 24th August 2016 Written Episode Update

Kalash 24th August 2016 Written Episode, Written Update on

Scene 1
Janki says to inspector that you people havent given me results, SP says we are trying, Janki says i am tired of listening this excuse, if you were trying then why i didnt get any result? did you people try to find out f Saket’s FIr of vanw as true or fake, SP says you are insulting us, Janki says i will call minister only then you people will start actually working. Janki calls Minister and says i have work, my daughter is missing, i am meeting police but they are not doing anything, i dont have patience now, i want you to take action, if you cant do it then i will not fund you or you may lost your position too, you know i can go to higher lelve too, i can go to any extent for my daughter, minister says dont worry, let me talk to SP, he talks to SP, SP says i will do it. He ends call

and says to Janki that you will get your daughter today only, Janki says take action now, she leaves.
Nivi comes to Ravi and asks if he going anywhere? he says i have work, he leaves. Nivi calls Saket. Saket takes call, Nivi asks where are you? Saket says i am leaving for my wedding, Nivi says Ravi left and i think he has doubt on you, stay alert, if he finds out where you are going then he wont allow you to marry Ambika, be careful, Saket says this time everything is planned solid, nobody can go there, i will call you after wedding, he ends call and leaves. Nivi says i want to believe Saket, once he gets married to ambika, she turns and sees Manju there, Manju stares her.
Saket is driving car and smiling like an idiot, he recalls how he used to harass Devika, he says i should remind Pundit to come on time, he stops driving and calls Pundit. Pundit picks call, Saket says wake up its my wedding, you have address? Pundit says i will leave house soon, Saket says should i send car for you? Pundit says no i will come, Saket says get me married, i will make you rich, he ends call. Saket says if he doesnt reach on time then i will burn him in havan kund.
Manju says to Nivi that Saket wants to forcefully marry Ambika and it means Saket kidnapped Ambika? what is this? Nivi says this is truth but dont tell anyone, you know Saket can do anythingm Manju says you should have stopped Saket, Ambika s your friend, Nivi says yes i care for Ambika, i went to Saket to stop him but yu know how much he loved Devika, he is crazy and can do anything, he thinks that Ambika is Devika and is stubborn to marry her, i tried to convince him but he said that he will take care of Ambika, will keep her happy and he said that its for our benefit, he said that he will get my house back to me after Ambika gets married to him, its for good of everyone, he promised me to not hurt ambika, Manju says you are right, we should think about our happiness, i wont tell anyone, Nivi hugs her and says if you understand me this way then we wont fight ever, Manju thinks.
Saket comes out of his car. Ravi is driving his car and sees Saket going in market. He says why he is going in market? Ravi follows Saket in market. One man stops Saket and says i thought you will not come here, Saket says i will meet you later. Ravi is spying on him, Saket comes to one shop and says show me specila dress for my bride. Ravi looses Saket’s sight and searches for him in market. Saket is seeing dresses, he doesnt like any, shopkeeper shows him his best, Saket thinks that Devika will look stunning in this, he buys it.
Ravi comes to Saket’s car and says it means he is still in market. He looks around and sees Saket leaving shop. Saket is coming near his car. Ravi turns away and comes to shop. He asks shopkeeper what did that man buy? shopkeeper says he bought dress for his bride, he said that his would be wife is waiting for him, Ravi is shocked to hear it. Saket comes to his car and leaves. Ravi runs to his car and starts following him. Ravi says Saket is going to marry Devika? i have to stop Saket. Saket’s car stops at signal. Ravi is way behind him, one beggar asks Ravi to give him money, Ravi gives him money. Saket drives away, Ravi looses Saket’s car and says where did he go? how will i reach Devika if i dont see Saket? i should have kept eye on car.

Scene 2
Saket comes to godown, Goon says you are looking nice in sherwani, bhabhi will be stunned to see you, you are looking like groom, Saket says its my wedding so i had to look like groom not some wanderer, Saket asks him to not let anyone come here expect Pundit.
Saket comes to Devika’s room and says sorry i was late, i know you are in pain to sit here all the time, i had no choice, if you were easy then i would have kept you in hotel room, after some hours, your life is going to change, it will luxury life, see i have brought wedding dress for you, did you like it? this color will look good on you, let me free your hands. Saket frees Devika’s hands from rope, Devika slaps him as soon as she is free. She says you dont think i am weak like Devika, she might be weak and scared of you thats why you used to behave like that with her but i take your love as nothing, what will you do? will you marry me and keep me here? because as soon as i am free of here, i wont spare you, my mother will make your hell, what you think that just by marrying me, i will accept you as my husband? husband my foot, i hate you and will hate you forever, i will break your ego, i will show you what i do with wedding dress, she is about to throw away dress but Saket grabs her arm and says enough, i am not patient now, you are forcing me to do what i have kept myself to not do till now, i am giving you 25minutes, if you dont get dressed then i will strip off your clothes and will make you wear this bridal wear myself, you are just forcing me to forget about your dignity, your strength, dont force me, and i wont even wait for marriage night and will sleep you with you here only, you can tear your wedding dress in pieces but remember i will break your dignity in same number of pieces too, so think what you want to do, i am waiting, he leaves room.
Ravi stops his car and looks around, he is angry to loose Saket, he says where to find Saket? dont know how Devika is, he cries and says Devika where are you? how to save you? i dont have any way, Ambe Maa show me some way, what to do? He sees something.
Saket is calling Pundit, he says Pundit hasnt come till now, goon comes and says Pundit has come. Saket says Pundit why did you take so much time? Pundit says there was traffic on road, Saket says dont waste time, start work now, Pundit asks where is girl? Saket says she will come. Pundit sit in mandap which goons have created in godown. Pundit says all work is done, call bride. Saket goes to Devika’s room. Devika comes out wearing bridal dress, Saket eyes her and smirks.

PRECAP- Ravi calls Janki and says i i got shocking news about Ambika, Janki asks what? tell me fast, Ravi tells her how he got to know that Saket bought wedding dress for Ambika, Ravi asys i will stop Saket from marrying Ambika, Janki says we have to stop this wedding at any cost.

Update Credit to: Atiba

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