Categories: Kalash

Kalash 2nd July 2015 Written Episode Update

Kalash 2nd July 2015 Written Episode, Written Update on

Scene 1
Ravi says to himself that how to stop marriage, this Saket flop my every plan, this is all joke for him, 2 days are left for marriage, where ananya must be? i want to kill that Saket, how to save Devika, Saket calls him and says you are my relative so thought to ask about your health, you remember our challenge? are you still away from destination? Ravi says i am listening your rubbish, Saket says you listen but dont understand, you are going to lose soon, he says the much you go against me, the much i will go close to Devika, i had shown you trial today, i am dying to take Devika’s in my arms, its so much fun when she is in my arms, he laughs, Ravi cuts call in anger, Saket says Devika didnt tell her friend that anger make man mad.
Ravi recalls how Saket was misbehaving with Devika,

Ravi thinks what to do? he says i have to tell DEvika truth about Saket, its upto her what she decide, i will tell her now only.
Saket reaches Devika’s house, he thinks how to go in? lights are off, means all are asleep, how to go in? he says Sakshi can help me.
Rekha says to Pallavi that i am happy for Devika, she got her land back, Pallavi says she will fulfill her dream, Sakshi says i dont think Saket will allow her to do that, he is so much possessive about her, he wont let her go away for second after marriage, she gets a call, Rekha ask who is it? Sakshi says my friend, she goes in corner and ask Ravi why did you call? Ravi says i wanna meet Devika now, help me, Sakshi says i cant take risk, Ravi says i will regret whole life if i dont talk to her now, Sakshi says so you decided to propose her? Ravi ask her to not joke, its important, Sakshi says ok you be at door, i will come.

Scene 2
Sakshi comes in lounge, she opens door, Ravi comes in, Ravi goes in DEvika’s room, Sakshi closes door.
Ravi finds Devika sleeping and smiles, Devika wakes up and sees him, he puts hand on her mouth, Kabhi na Sakun aya plays, Ravi says i wanna talk to you, Devika says why did you come at this time? it will be problem if anyone sees you, Ravi says if you do marriage then your life will be destroyed.
Savitri wakes up and says all are useless in this house, nobody is there to give me water, i have to go myself, she comes in lounge, Sakshi hides and is tensed, Savitri says why i felt someone was here, she ask to come out else i will take actions, Sakshi is hiding behind dining table, Savitri gets down and they play hide and seek.
Ravi says to Devika that you are starting new life but it will be destruction, i was finding proofs but i didnt get any and there is no time for it now.
Sakshi switches on light and ask who is there? Savitri says its me, i felt like someone was in this room, Sakshi says there is no one, Savitri ask her to not think much else your elbows will hurt, Savitri says let me go, Sakshi ask her to drink water first, Savitri ask hows do you know that i came to drink water? Sakshi says you said it, Savitri says you were here from before? this means there is something fishy, i will see, Savitri starts searching here and there, Sakshi ask her to go and sleep, Savitri doesnt listen to her.

Scene 3
Devika says i trust you Ravi, tell me what is it? Ravi says i wanna tell you that.. Savitri opens door of room, Ravi and Devika are stunned to see her there, Sakshi gets tensed, Savitri comes to Ravi and slaps him, all are stunned, she ask what kind of person you are? do you have any shame or not? you come in my house and try to malign our respect, i feel like giving you to police, i have not seen shameful person like you, Ravi says listen to me, Savitri brings him in lounge, she says to Devika that i told you many time to be away from him this goon but you.. i know you think him as friend but he.. he came here in house at this hour? Devika says you are thinking wrong, Savitri says you are fool, all are happy for you marriage and this Ravi is doing cheap things, Devika says be calm, leave it, let him go, SAvitri says you are still saving him? dont you worry about your self respect, Savitri sys he is good from exterior but he is cheap and mannerless from inside, Devika says Ravi is not like this at all, Savitri says if you are involved with him? you are giving him chance to be close to you? have some shame girl, Devika says what are you saying? how can you think like this? its not like this, Savitri says he came to your room and you didnt scream, this means you were comfortable with his presence, she ask Devika why did he come? Devika says he wanted to talk something important. Savitri says at night? he could have called you, what was so important? tell me, Devika says i dont know, he was about to say but you came, Savitri ask Ravi what you were telling her? tell me? Ravi is silent, Savitri says see there was no talk, he just want to be around you, either you dont know his intentions or you are involved with him, Ravi says enough, you know why i didnt meet you before meeting Devika? because of your small thinking, you have started all this fight, you didnt give money to my brother for his work, my mother is ready to take revenge from you, she want to break DEvika’s marriage, i came here to alert Devika to be prepared for anything, i came here for your good only and you are alleging me, i am fool that i am trying to set things right, you do what you want to and if anything happen in marriage then you will be responsible for it, he leaves, Savitri is tensed.

PRECAP- Saket says you challenged me, Ravi says i have thought to drop this challenge as i have to think about my future, i have stopped doing welfare, Saket says if you are saying truth then come to farmhouse tomorrow as i have arranged bachelors party, Ravi thinks.

Update Credit to: Atiba

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