Categories: Kalash

Kalash 4th July 2016 Written Episode Update

Kalash 4th July 2016 Written Episode, Written Update on

Scene 1
Devika sees Ravi in his old house. She hides and says what he is doing here? if he see me here then he will accept that i am Devika, she hides behind dressing table. Ravi looks around in house and recalls his time spent with Devika, all their moments, their confession, Devika thinks what he is going here? is he remembering all old moments that i remember? the time we spent together, is that important to Ravi? if he had feelings then he would have not left this house, he might be killing all of Devika’s memories thats why he left this house too but why he is there today then? she hides behind dressing table, Ravi caresses dressing table without knowing that she is standing behind it, they both are emotional, Devika tries to leave without making Ravi notice her but her phone rings, Devika

thinks that if he finds out that i am hiding here then he will doubt me, i have to face him, she comes face to face with Ravi, she says you? you came here too behind me? you are following me? Ravi says what are you doing here? Devika says i came to see this house as someone told me as its on sale, Ravi says its my house, it got burn down 9months but i am little stunned to see you here in this room, Devika asks whats special in this room? Ravi says it was mine and Devika’s room, i have many memories attached to this room, Devika says then you are selling this house? Ravi says its a long story, what you are doing here? Devika says dont get wrong tracked, dont tell me that i am Devika and i came here to remember memories, my company is interested in buying thats why i came here, i am getting late, she leaves, Ravi is confused.
Ravi is driving car and thinks that why Ambika wants to buy my house? she can buy any place in this city but why she chose our house which is small, in middle class society and burnt house, why did she come alone? there was no company manger with her, only Devika can be interested in that house bit Ambika, it was clear she was hiding something.
Devika is in car and thinks i am so fool, why do i get weak and let my heart do things, i tried to handle situation today, Ravi had to come there today only, i am sure he must be doubting, i have to be more careful, i have to avoid everything related to DEvika, Ravi is smart, he is always relating me with Devika, how can Ravi sell that house? he was born and brought up in that house, he brought me after marriage in that house, does he have no emotion attached to that house? only money is important for him, i got to know it earlier only, how can someone be so cruel to sell his memories like this. She sees Nivi calling her, she takes her call, Nivi says hi Ambika how are you?, Devika says i am fine, how are you? if you need any help to renovate your house then let me know, Nivi says i know, renovation is on its way, we spent night in outhouse, now we have shifted back, work will be done soon, i have called you regarding something important, if you have time then can you come for lunch? i want to meet you, i want to know you, i never behaved well with you, i never gave you respect and love which you deserve thats why i want to invite you over lunch, Devika says thats really sweet you, i am so happy that we are friends now and you think so much about me but i am sorry, today i am busy, i will come sometime later, Nivi says dont say this, you are breaking my heart, you can manage to get time out, i will prepare good lunch for you, Devika says okay i will try to manage and i will try to come, Nivi says great, Devika asks her to take care and ends call, Devika thinks that this is what i want, i should thank her for inviting me, i will come for sure and will enjoy lunch too, you dont know that you have invited your destruction, just see what i will do with you.
Nivi says Ambika is coming, she asks servants to clean house, she scolds them and asks them to clean everything. Vikas thinks that she has gone mad, she is calling death to herself, Ambika is very clever, she cant be friends with this mad woman but if she has done this then there must be some reason behind it, lets see how my doubt will be true. Nivi is setting flowers and says Ambiak will like their fragrance. Shweta and Gurvindar tries to leave but Nivi comes and asks where you both are going? Shweta says to kitty party, we will comeback soon, Nivi says no, no one will go anywhere, dont you know important guest is coming, you dont have any duty towards it? Manju says i was telling them to not go, Shweta says but.. Manju says there is guest coming in house, we wont go anywhere, Nivi says yes no one will go anywhere, Shweta go and check preparations in kitchen, get the best crockery for lunch, Shweta says when there are servants then why i need to work? Nivi says are you some queen? did you forget from where did you come? go back to work, Shweta and Gurvindar leaves, Nivi says to Manju that you are no guest too, go and check preparations in kitchen, i dont want any gossip, Vikas says you all three are going in kitchen after 1year, be careful to not mess up food, he thinks that Ambika is only one who can change situation of this house.
Janki comes to Devika’s room and doesnt see here there, she thinks where is she? she calls Devika, Devika comes there, Janki asks where were you? Devika says i want to tell you something, Janki says first eat something, will you eat lunch, she says i dont want to eat anything, you know Nivi called me and invited me for lunch, i didnt say yes but said i will inform her, Janki says seems like Ambe Maa is on our side, Devika says she calls me her best friend so i can go to her house more and will get chance to break house, Janki says yes, you have to pur fire in their lives and happiness, Devika says i will go and get ready now, Janki asks the property which you went to see, how was it? Devika says when i was seeing that house, Ravi came there, i tried to leave but he saw me, i showed it like i went to buy property, Janki says he must have got doubt, Devika says he must be thinking why i as alone there, Janki says dont worry about it, your new life is starting, game of Nivi’s destruction has started and this way you will break all your enemies, Devika says this is my life’s mission now.
All family members with Nivi are waiting for Ambika. Ambika comes to Nivi’s house, Nivi hugs her and says you look splendid, you can come in house, first i will do your aarti, you saved my life so i owe you this, Vikas thinks that seems like Ame Maa has come here herself, come and change whole game in house, Nivi used to play games with everyone but make her puppet now, seems like Nivi’s end is near, DEvika thinks that this is star of Nivi’s end now. Nivi takes aarti plate and says its not my work, she asks Manju to do Ambika’s aarti, Manju gets tensed and says me? Nivi says why is it problem? she says no, Manju does Devika’s aarti, Devika gives her death stares, Manju recalls how she did Devika’s aarti when she came as bride in her house then how she killed her with Nivi, she starts getting intimidated by her, her hands start shaking, Nivi asks her to be careful, aarti plate is about to fall from Manju’s hands but Devika saves it and saves Diya, her hand gets burnt saving it, Nivi holds her hand and says so sorry, your hand got hurt, how can you be so careless Manju aunty? you cant even do aarti properly, Devika asks her to calm down, Nivi says they have become habituated to just rest in house, Devika says its okay, she asks Manju if she is blind? if you have eye problem then go to doctor, i am sure you have that much money, i mean what if this diya had fallen on my saree? i am sure, yesterday’s fire must have stared because of her careless only, you have to be careful Nivi, these people are careless, Nivi says you are right, Manju aunty because of you, i had to bear so much loss, i would have died in fire if Ambika hadnt save me, she asks Ambika to come inside, Manju is still scared of Ambika, Nivi asks her to go, she leaves.

PRECAP- Monty says to Devika that you can play game but it wont work with me, today a report is going to come which will prove that you are Devika only and this will happen today in this house, Devika thinks what proof i have left behind which can prove that i am Devika.

Update Credit to: Atiba

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