Fan Fiction

Karbala and Moharram by only Ooshi

The best part of life is childhood when there’s no limitations, no thoughts specially those who can make us anxious. Everyone who can enjoy life enjoy it before you lose it’s charm and it make u busy in itself except the Muslim boys and girls specially girls because the best part to make ur future easy/little comfortable is to sacrifice your wishes in present and the same is our religion’s teachings for us if we understand. Please I know it’s difficult but it’s our duty to follow the teachings for whose protection the incidence of Karbala happened. What is Karbala?
(In between writing the article I fall asleep. Father came and called me. My sleep broke as it wasn’t much deep. He said me to press his legs and I did it. But the thing is I can service him more by being a boy than girl. People used to be greedy for money etc. But I am greedy to service everyone specially him. Although I can service him by being a good daughter who take care of home but the thing is I don’t even want to listen his second wife’s voice so prefer to be in my room,using mobile and watching tv. Just my eating and my room are my duty which I do hardly and very less because I am very very very careless for myself or the thing just belongs to me.)
So I was talking about Karbala
To lose your sons/nephews while being known is Karbala.
A pious lady to lose her veil in market is Karbala and these ladies were not use to live without veil even in the house.
Losing your all family in front of your eyes,to see your sisters open hair without any shawl that too in market is Karbala and it’s the sister which never ever stayed without any shawl
To lose your brother who was your backbone and son of 18 years that too in ur lap while taking a thing having the initial point like an arrow but made up of long,thick stick of wood out of his heart and at the moment his heart also comes out of his body,to lose your thirsty son of 6 months in your arms whom u brought to the people to give him water but the hit the baby by arrow which was bigger than the baby’s size. The arrow entered the baby’s throat and even hit the father’s arm.
This is Karbala.
A sister to saw her brother getting killed is Karbala.
For mothers to lose their sons of 18 years, 13 years, 6 months, 11 and 12 years is Karbala and not only these sons but many other sons of different ages. And the 13 years old boy was also torn into pieces as the moment the boy fell from the horse and the horses moved from right to left over his body.
A daughter of 4 years to get chained, watching her father’s cut head and getting slaps is Karbala.
Karbala is the thirst of a whole family in a desert and this family isn’t just a mere family but the family of Prophet(PBUH) specially thirst of all these children.
So isn’t it our responsibility to practically practice the teachings for whose protection 72 people get martyred and the females of the family get jailed and lost their veils and the 4 years old girl get slapped and even died in the jail.
Other than all these martyrs there was a martyr who was sent by Hazrat Imam Hussain just to bring water for the thirsty children. And when he was coming people cut down his one arm he held the water holding pot in his other hand and horse’s handle in teeth. People cut down his other arm and he held the pot in teeth then the people(Muslims but were against him) broke the pot by arrows and he fell from the horse.
And this all was for protecting the teachings of Islam.
And this all happened in Muharram. On the second of Moharram Hazrat Imam Hussain reached in Karabala(name of place where this all happened).
So being a Muslim to obey Islamic teachings is a thing which God has ordered us to do but this order turns a big responsibility when we think that Prophet Muhammad’s PBUH family gave their lives to protect these teachings so isn’t it our responsibility to practice the Islamic teachings practically.


Love People and Nature

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