Kareeb ke Rishtey-ShiVi,SidAshi,RoNakshi,ArjAkshmi SS Part 4

Kareeb ke Rishtey…Close relationships…Part 4

Raavi was going through a book and getting crazy.

Raavi:This is so tough.

Pooja sat near her.

Pooja:What happened Raavi?

Raavi:Actually i find this portion tough.

Pooja:If you don’t mind,can I help you?

Raavi was surprised:Really?

Pooja:Yes.I have completed my post graduation.

Raavi:You were working?

Pooja:Ya..I was.I resigned my job and was looking for better opportunities.Then I came here.When I return to Mumbai,I will search for another job.

Raavi:So good that you can work.I don’t think I will be able to work.Papa won’t allow it.Dada and dadi think that women need not work.

Pooja:But what if your husband allows you to work?

Raavi:I don’t think papa will find such a supportive husband for me as he himself is not supportive.

Pooja:Your fate can be different.So chill.Anyways..I will teach you.

Pooja started teaching her the difficult portion.Raavi became very happy.

All were sitting for dinner.Pooja came:Hi everyone.

Nobody responded.

She dragged the chair towards the table and sat.The noise caused due to that irritated Rohit,Naren,Veena and Rani.

Naren:Don’t make noise.That’s not allowed here.

Pooja:Sorry,but how to move the chair without making noise?Some kind of noise will be there.Right?

Rohit,Naren,Veena and Rani stared at Pooja.

Rani:Are you back answering or making fun of us?

Sonakshi and Raavi became dull.

Pooja:I did’nt make fun of anyone.I just asked a doubt.

Veena:You start eating Pooja.

Pooja:Yes aunty.

Everyone started eating.Pooja saw a dish in Raavi’s plate.

Pooja:Wow,I love this.

Pooja took it from Raavi’s plate and put it in her mouth.

Veena:What’s this Pooja?Taking food from other’s plate is a bad manner.

Pooja:Sorry aunty.I take food from my dad and mom’s plates.

Rani:So your parents have not taught you manners?

Pooja got hurt.Sonakshi asked her to calm down through facial expression.

Pooja tried to change the topic by asking a question to everyone.

Pooja:Well..what food items are your favourite?

Nobody replied.

Pooja:Which movies have you seen recently?

Nobody replied.

Pooja:Raavi,shall we both go for a movie?

They gave a shocking expression.

Naren:Girls should not go to the theatre.It’s not good.

Pooja:Why?Because there are boys?

Naren:Yes.Boys and girls should not mix up.

Pooja thought:Such narrow minded people!They think that boys are aliens and girls will get ruined if they watch movies in the theatre with stranger men.

Pooja:But we are not talking to the strangers in the theatres.We are just going to the theatre to watch movies.

Rohit:Pooja,while eating food nobody is allowed to talk.So you better eat your food silently.

Pooja nodded.

Pooja thought:Having food with these people is boring.

Before going to sleep Pooja told Sonakshi:I understood one thing.It’s Naren uncle and Veena aunty who made Rohit Maasad like this.And that Rani aunty is damn irritating.I feel like kicking her out.If she leaves this house,half of the problems will be over.

Sona:Rani has fought with her husband and in laws.So she will be here itself as a head ache.

Pooja:Let’s see.



While walking on the college corridor,Raavi’s leg slipped and she fell down.She was finding it difficult to get up as her foot had sprained due to the fall.

Shiva who came there was shocked to see Raavi on the floor.

Shiva:Raavi,what happened?

Raavi was keeping silent.

Shiva:Atleast now you open your mouth and say something?

After a lot of hesitation,Raavi said:I fell down and my foot got strained.

Shiva:Show me your foot.

Raavi was stunned.

Raavi:What are you saying?How can I show my foot to you?

Shiva:Why not?

Raavi:You are a boy and I am a girl.

Shiva:Oh no!You think that I am that sort of a boy who takes advantage of girls?I don’t believe this.

Raavi felt bad.

Raavi:No,I did’nt mean it.But I…

Shiva:Don’t be scared Raavi.I will not touch with a bad intention.I promise.You can trust me.

Raavi thought:It’s not because i don’t trust you Shiva.It’s because I am scared of my dad.

Shiva held her foot and twisted it.

Raavi moaned in pain:Ahhh…

Suddenly she realized that her sprain has disappeared.

Shiva massaged her foot.Unknowingly a smile appeared on Raavi’s face.

Shiva:Are you feeling better now?

Raavi:Yes Shiva.Thank you.

Shiva:No mention.Because whether you consider me as your friend or not,I consider you as my friend.

Raavi smiled.They shared a sweet eye lock.

Suddenly Raavi realized what she was doing.Immediately she got up from the floor.

Raavi:We have to go to the classroom.The class will start now.

Shiva nodded.Raavi walked to her classroom and Shiva followed her.




Lakshmi was dancing and teaching dance to her students.

Arjun was lost in Lakshmi’s beautiful classical dance.After the class got over,Arjun went near Lakshmi.

Arjun:Hello my beautiful teacher…your dance was very beautiful.

Lakshmi:Thank you my dear admirer.

Arjun:I am proud of my wife seeing the beautiful dance.

Lakshmi:Sonakshi used to dance very well.But her husband considers her dancing passion as a shame to the family.Not everyone gets a supportive husband like you.I wish Sonakshi could resume dancing and Rohit supports it.

Arjun caressed her and said:Everything will be alright Lakshmi.Our daughter Pooja is smart enough to do that.

Lakshmi smiled emotionally.




Aarav and Pooja were looking at the beautiful trees,plants and flowers there.

Pooja:Really this place is very beautiful.This beauty can’t be found in a big city like Mumbai.

Aarav:Villages are very beautiful.That’s why.

Pooja:Yes.But I wish the minds of these villagers also had become beautiful like this place.

Aarav:Most of them are narrow minded and against intercaste love marriages.But we can’t change everyone’s mindset.

Pooja:You are right.But I wish to change the mind set of Sonakshi maasi’s family.

While walking Pooja said:I am strong.So I will change them.

Suddenly Pooja slipped and Aarav caught her by her waist suddenly.

Aarav:You said that you are strong.Then why did you fall?

Pooja smiled shyly.

Pooja:Maybe because I am a falling queen.But still I am a Queen.Right?

They both giggled.

Suddenly Pooja became unconsious.Aarav got scared and worried.

He cupped her face in his palm.

Aarav:Pooja…open your eyes.

Pooja opened her eyes and winked at him.

Pooja:I was just fooling you Aarav.Look at your eyes.How scared you were!

Aarav was embarrassed.


They both laughed.

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