Categories: Karn Sangini

Karn Sangini 22nd January 2019 Written Episode Update: Karn Saves Kasturi

Karn Sangini 22nd January 2019 Written Episode, Written Update on

Uruvi requests Kasturi to get down horse, but she does not listen to her. Horse gets out of conttrol and speeds away. Uruvi calls Karn who runs behind horse. Kasturi shouts for help. Karn pulls her down form horse and they fall on ground. Kasturi smile looking at Karn over him while Uruvi stands sadly. Aunts taunt childhood love increases each day. Karn scolds Uruvi that she should have stopped Kasturi and explained her not to ride his horse. Uruvi tries to speak, but he continues scolding her. Uruvi says she explained her but.. Kasturi asks not to scold Uruvi as she explained her, but she did not listen. Karn scolds her next that she is not a 9-year-old kid now and her childishness will risk her life some day. Kasturi stands smiling at him and he walks away. Aunts taunt Uruvi that Karn scolded

Kasturi like a husband, they never saw him scolding anyone like this. Uruvi gets more sad hearing this.

Karn walks to his room and thinking Uruvi is present there apologizes her for misunderstanding her. Kasturi speaks from behind and says she did not mind and offers him turmeric milk saying she knows he does not like it, but he has to for her. Uruvi shatters more hearing that and stands crying. Karn walks to her and wiping her tears apologizes her for scolding her and says he is concerned for her as his wife and concern for Kasturi was just for a friend. Kasturi passes by and shatters hearing that. She walks to her room and picks a box from her trunk. Uruvi brings her medicine and asks to have it soon.

Kasturi’s father tells Radha that he is assured that Karn is concerned for Kasturi, so he can leave peacefully. Kasturi calls Karn. Everyone ruush to her room and are shocked to see rashes all over her body. She alleges that she got rashes after consuming Uruvi’s medicine. Karn says it cannot be and himself tastes it. Radha says Uruvi cannot harm anyone. Rashes emerge even on Karn. Uruvi brings medicine for Kasturi’s rashes, but Karn stops her and orders guards to take Kasturi to clinic and apply sandalwood and tulsi paste on her rashes. Kasturi’s father alleges Uruvi that she is jealous of her sautan and tried to harm her. Uruvi says this is not true. Karn walks away saying they will discuss about it after Kasturi gets well. Radha walks towards Uruvi seeing her crying, but aunt takes her away and another aunt taunts Uruvi. Kasturi smirks reminiscing mixing mild poison in Uruvi’s medicine and taking oath to oust her from Karn’s life.

Precap: Kasturi tells her father that she has created doubt in Karn’s heart for Uruvi and soon he will kick Uruvi out. Father smirks. Uruvi packs her clothes and tells Radha she is not needed here anymore and it is better she leaves from here.

Update Credit to: MA

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