Categories: Karn Sangini

Karn Sangini 31st January 2019 Written Episode Update: Kasturi Is Caught Red-Handed

Karn Sangini 31st January 2019 Written Episode, Written Update on

Radha shows Uruvi’s earring and says she found it in Kasturi’s room. Uruvi is shocked and asks how did her earring go there, what is happening. Radha asks to think calmly, she will find out reason. Kasturi’s father asks her not to play with that box, it may backfire on her. Kasturi says nobody can find out about that box and where it is. Radha and Uruvi discuss how to find out details about that box and what Kasturi is up to. Uruvi tells Radha has to spread false news to Kasturi that Karn is returning tonight. Aunt enters to pick food when Radha says Karn is returning after he heard about yesterday’s incident and asks not to inform anyone about it. Aunt thinks she has to inform Kasturi first. Radha and Uruvi smirk.

Aunt informs Kasturi is that Karn is coming

tonight. Kasturi panics and thinks she has to hide box. She goes to garden to hide box when Uruvi enters and snatches box. She opens box when Tantrik’s image emerges and tells she called him via this box, what he can do for her. Uruvi sees Kasturi freeze and asks what happened to her. Tantrik says she is hypnotized. Uruvi asks him to let Kasturi confess her whole crime. Tantrik gives banana leaf and charcoal to Kasturi. Kasturi confesses her whole crime that she got greedy when she heard Karn became Ang’s king and tried to enter his life, but when she heard he is married to Uruvi, she made all plans, revealing them in detail. Tantrik takes confession leave and gives it to Uruvi. Kasturi collapses.

Uruvi takes confession leaf and gives it to Radha. Radha is shocked reading confession. Uruvi says Kasturi is very wicked and can go to any extent. Kasturi passes by. Radha stops her and warns to get out of her son’s life and drags her away when Kasturi stops and says she will go once her father is found. Radha orders guards to find out wherever Tilak raj is and bring him here. Kasturi says only Uruvi knows where her father is and pleads to return her father, she will go from here. Guard informs Tilak raj is found. They reach near water well and Tilak Raj is pulled out of it. Uruvi asks guards to press his stomch. Tilak raj spits water and wakes up. Radha asks how did he fall into water. Tilak raj tries to point towards Uruvi when Kasturi stops him and says they should point at anyone and should leave this place soon. Uruvi says she cannot go from here acting as innocent. She brings black magical box and says Kasturi hypnotized her via this. Radha takes box and walks when Kasturi pushes it. Box falls and brass jewelry falls out of it. Radha says it is Kasturi’s mother’s jewelry. Aunt asks where is black magic in it. Kasturi reminisces exchanging box when everyone were busy attending Tilak raj. She continues her drama, and Radha doubts Uruvi and walks away.

Precap: Kasturi taunts Uruvi that Radha will not support her now, she will be kicked out of Karn’s life soon.

Update Credit to: MA

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