Categories: Kasam

Kasam 20th July 2017 Written Episode Update

Kasam 20th July 2017 Written Episode, Written Update on

Scene 1
Naitra comes to rishi’s room and tells Him that manpreet said he doesnt want to meet anybody. Rishi tells her he wants to be left alone and why they are not leaving him alone. Naitra tells him to tell her as she is his friend. Rishi asks what should a person should do if the person whom he loves leaves and moves on. Naitra thinks tanuja has moved on and rishi also wants to move on with her. she tells him if she loved somebody, she will keep loving that person irrespective of if the other person loves or not. Rishi thinks for first time she has said something right.

Tanya comes and tells natasha wants to speak with him. Rishi is in bed, he tells her to tell natasha that he is sleeping, tanya tells natasha is on video call and gives him the ipad. Natasha looks at

him, rishi tells sorry to her for lying. Natasha says no problem, even she lies and most of the problem gets solved with a lie.

Rishi asks her if she is really AK’s daughter, natasha says no I am ur daughter, rishi gets shocked, natasha laughs and says how she lied. Natasha then tells him she wants to do IQ test on him and tells the story that tanuja told her. Rishi tells her prince should be given a chance and one shouldnt lie and the princess should return the doll to the prince.

Manpreet comes to rishi’s room and makes him get out of bed for business meeting at some office. Tanuja asks natasha if she can go to office. Natasha tells her to go. Tanuja tells her if she doesnt want her to go, she can call AK and tell him she doesnt want tanuja to go. Natasha tells her to go. Tanuja leaves, natasha tells her prince should be given another chance.

Rishi is in car and driver is driving fast, rishi asks him to drive properly, driver tells him MP told him to take him to the office fast. AK tells samar to take tanuja to rishi’s office and samar tells him he will make sure tanuja goes to rishi’s office. Samar calls rishi and tells him they are coming to his office for collaboration meeting and asks him where he is. Rishi asks if AK is back, samar says tanuja will be attending meeting as business partner.

Rishi tells the driver to stop the car, leaves him in the middle of the road, and he drives the car back to his office. Driver calls Manpreet and tells him rishi left him and has gone back to office. MP calls rishi and rishi tells how dare the driver complain about him and tells him he is fired and he is going to back his office for collaboration meeting and cuts the call. Manpreet thinks now he will have that meeting and thinks wat is wrong with rishi and why he is behaving wierdly nowadays.

Rishi is waiting in conference room for tanuja to come, he comes out and looks for her. He turns back, tanuja enters, tanuja sees him, rishi turns back and sees her and starts walking. Both walk towards each other. Rishi tells her how she made him wait and tells her he is not talking about meeting but about the 7 years she made him wait. Samar again comes and tells them lets go for meeting.

Rishi tries to hold tanuja’s bag, she notices and pulls her bag. Meeting starts and rishi asks his secretary to explain about the project. Rishi keeps on looking at tanuja. she notices and keeps the file in front of her so that rishi is not able to see her. Rishi turns his head sideways to look at her and falls off the chair.

Rishi gets up and tells samar he is not feeling well and if they can keep the meeting tomorrow. Samar agrees, tanuja says no she cant come tomorrow and to finish off the meeting today itself. Rishi tells if she doesnt come tomorrow, all the shares will go to bedis. tanuja agrees to come. All the members leave except samar.

Tanuja gets up and her pen falls down. she bends to pick, rishi also bends down from the other side of the table and looks at her. he then messages Manpreet to call samar as he has again become a haddi. Manpreet calls samar as preeti, samar leaves from there.

Tanuja tells rishi she knows how he fell down, rishi asks how and comes near her. she tells him coz he was looking at her. Rishi comes near her and asks her why she was so tensed before the meeting, tanuja denies, rishi tells how her heart was beating fast. tanuja tells him it used to beat fast and not anymore.

Rishi then tells why she always talks about past and tells her nothing has changed in 7 years. tanuja leaves, rishi holds her bag, tanuja tells him to leave the bag, rishi pulls the bag and tanuja falls on rishi and her head rests on his shoulder, she gets up and both have eye lock. Tanuja turns back to leave and her gets stuck on rishi’s shirts button. she tells him this is all because of him and tries to remove her hair. Rishi asks her if she has feeling for him and to tell the truth, else she will see his dead face, tanuja looks on.

PRECAP- Rishi says to Naitra that I cant give you place in my heart as I dont have one now. Naitra says I know you have Tanuja in your heart but I just want a little respect, I dont want you to tell anyone what relationship you have with me and Tanya, Rishi looks on.

Update Credit to: Atiba

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