Categories: Kasam

Kasam 7th September 2017 Written Episode Update

Kasam 7th September 2017 Written Episode, Written Update on

Scene 1
Rishi says to Abhi that enough of your drama and crying, I will answer you people like you want, I will do what you people are doing, I will answer back now. Abhi says just dare go to Tanuja, just try to touch my Natasha then I will tell who Abhishek Khurrana is. Rishi says in storm, stones get broken, this is storm of daughter-father relation and it will throw you, go and tell your Tanuja that it will happen what I want, she brought you inbetween and this fight will end when I get Natasha back. Abhi says dont blame Tanu for your mistakes. Rishi says she was accused the day she made you Natasha’s father, anyways I will see you court now. Abhi says I bet on it. They glare at each other and leaves.

Raj asks Manpreet to call Rishi. Rano says I did right thing, Natasha is my blood

and I want her. Raj says relations are not taken by force, Rano says Natasha is in someone else’s house. Raj says she is with her mother. Rano says I want my granddaughter thats all. Beeji says enough, when we and her father doesnt want custody case.. Rishi comes there and says I want to fight that case and win my Natasha, she is our blood and she will come here, I will fight this case and will win it too.

Abhi comes home and says to Tanu that you had only this man to marry? you are a strong girl and that unstable man, he goes mad when your name is taken, I thought he is angry man but he is of good family and manners but he is not, I maybe anything but better than him but that Rishi is cheap and can go to any extent that jerk, Tanu says please. Abhi says he challenged me that he will meet us in court and will take Natasha from us. Tanu says thats why he was calling me? Abhi says did you ever think that he will fight for our Natasha in court? I told him that he cant take my Natasha from us. Tanu says you dont know Rishi, if he said that he wants Natasha then he will take her at any cost, he will snatch my daughter from me. Abhi says our daughter, she is our Natasha and I wont let anyone snatch her from us, trust me, he cups her face, and says he cant take her, he leaves.

Raj and family comes to Rishi. Raj says you said that you dont want court and Law to involve, you fought with your mom and in years, you yelled at her and I let you because you are right but what happened that you.. your mom was wrong and still wrong but why you are doing mistake? Rishi says you know what Tanu did? she sent Abhi to tell me to stay away from my daughter, is that right? Manpreet says Tanu cant do that, Rishi says you stay away from this, stay silent. I never let anyonje come inbetween me and Tanuja but Tanuja let Abhi come to me and threaten me, they both insulted me so much, he challenged me then fine, Tanuja doesnt want to come then she doesnt have to but now I will bring her shadow here, I will bring my heir here, I want Natasha and I want her thats final. Beeji says I know you are angry but its about your daughter, this is about relations. Raj says think about Natasha, she is small girl, think will it be fine that she goes to court? its not right. Rishi says Tanu didnt leave me with any choice, I cant kidnap, Abhi is threatening me that he wont give me my daughter, I am stuck, I want my daughter but who is this Abhi? he is nothing but I am Rishi singh Bedi and you all know that I am crazy, he challenged me and now I will show him what Rishi Singh Bedi is, I want my daughter at all costs, I did everything right in life but was proven wrong, I dont care that I will be wrong in her eyes again but Natasha will come in this house for sure and nobody can stop me, he leaves, Naitra looks on.

Scene 2
Abhi is in his room, he recalls Rishi saying that Natasha is his daughter, he recalls Tanu saying that Rishi was her husband, he punches bag in anger.Tanu comes there and says why you are hurting yourself? stop it please.. he stops and says you want to go back to Rishi with Natasha? tell me, answer me. Tanu says I dont want to go to him, why you keep asking that question? what has happened to you? Abhi says think for sure, because once this custody case starts then I wont move back, I will win it for sure and then if you ask me to give Natasha to Rishi then I wont let you, so do what you want right now and dont blame me later because you wont get chance, tell me do you want to go to Rishi? Tanu says no, I dont want to, I know you care for me and Natasha, I want me and Natasha to stay here with you. Abhi says lawyer is coming to meet you.

Rishi comes to meet lawyer, Rishi says you sent notice? he says yes. Rishi says this case is very very important to me, do anything but win this case.

Abhi and Tanu meets their lawyer Mr. Mehra, Abhi says I want to win this case at any cost. Lawyer says we will win it, Tanu says this is custody case, lawyer says if it was murder case and they had eye witness too even then I would made you win. Abhi gives him blank cheque and says you will get two more after winning case, you can take any amount, I dont care about it I just want my Natasha.

Lawyer says to Rishi that dont worry our case is strong. Rishi says no we are fighting against a woman and a mother who was with her daughter for 7 years, she is a mother and they have advantage. Rishi’s lawyer says to Abhi’s lawyer is Mr. Mehra, he has been with Abhi and have been winning cases for him for 5 years. Rishi looks on.

Manpreet comes home. Ahana asks where did you go with Rishi? why were you not taking my call? Manpreet says it was on silent,we went to meet lawyer. Ahana says you should make Rishi understand not take his side, you should tell him that Tanu has most right on Natasha, mother has first right on baby and she has raised her alone, that mother cant give her baby to someone else, make Rishi understand that this is wrong. Manpreet says try and understand Rishi doesnt care about right or wrong, he just knows that Abhi have taken his daughter from him and wants Natasha back, nobody can make him understand or stop, he has decided it and he will fight this case and I am sure he will win too,nobody can stop him now, not dad, not you, not Beeji, even if Tanuja comes even then he wont listen to Tanuja. Rano hears all this and looks on.

Tanu is in kitchen, she recalls Rishi saying to her that he will take Natasha and nobody can stop him, she is in tears recalling custody case notice, Tanu says Rishi was right, you will make Natasha separate from me and you are actually doing that right now, you are trying fully to snatch Natasha from me, how can you do this? how can you make mother separate from her daughter? she recalls her moments with Natasha then Rishi’s challenge that he will take her away, she cries silently.

PRECAP- Rishi is in car, he passesby Tanuja glaring at her. Tanuja thinks that atleast you understood this thing, from today this last connection between has been broken by us.
Naitra looks at Tanuja’s photo and says I dont understand if I should hate you or feel jealous from you or pity you.

Update Credit to: Atiba

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