Categories: Katha Ankahee

Katha Ankahee 10th August 2023 Written Episode Update: Everyone in the office are happy for Viaan and Katha.

Katha Ankahee 10th August 2023 Written Episode, Written Update on

Teeji asks Katha if Viaan deserves to carry burden of her past as well. Katha questions her to making Viaan hide his identity, past defines a man, people should learn to live with it. Teeji asks if Mr. Garewal would accept Viaan as his son, would he find an Aaditya in him.

Mr. Garewal cannot see Aarav in stress, he is Katha’s son. Viaan might be Aarav’s friend but becoming Katha’s partner would ruin things for Aarav. He wants a friend while Viaan would be hoping a father son relationship. Mr. Garewal questions Viaan for running a child’s life. There is a difference between being a father and a father figure. Viaan will marry Katha, try to take Aditya’s place but what if Aarav stopped him from doing so, wants to know if that would be right or not.

Katha comes to the office,

everyone greets her. Nivedita comes complimenting her dress and glowing face. Jeetu comes talking about bright and sunny days. Katha questions, it’s gloomy and cloudy outside. Jeetu suggests moving to the cabin upstairs. Katha asks if her ceiling is leaking. Jeetu tells that the cabin upstairs is spacious with a better view. Jeetu leaves to attend to a colleague. Katha comes to Vanaya; she greets her as well. Katha cannot handle the nice behavior. Vanya asks her to calm down because everyone is happy and excited for her and Viaan.

Jeetu and Nivedita discuss project details with Viaan. Jeetu points out Katha leading the project. Nivedita suggests Katha being a supervisor letting others lead. Viaan questions her, she thinks that it healthy to prioritize personal life especially for major milestones. Jeetu aggresses, Nivedita leaves. Jeetu tells that everyone is happy for him and Katha.

Katha shows Viaan the project. Viaan appreciates everyone for coming up with brilliant results. Nivedita gave Katha the credit. Katha tells everyone about Nivedita disapproving of the initial designs, her challenge pushed Katha to produce her best. Katha thanks Nivedita for making her think out of the box. She knows that Jeetu didn’t come with the cabin shifting idea himself. Katha comes out of her room for her new inspiration, usually taking notes from Jeetu’s peep talks. Katha doesn’t need a view when everything around is beautiful. Ehsan tells that this skill melted Viaan’s heart. Katha tells that EarthCon is a family, everyone is around to be with each other on every gloomy and sunny day. Jeetu calls Katha the soul of this company. Vanaya gives Katha a hug. Ehsan wants to know what organ he represents. Vanya tells mouth, Jeetu calls him to be the brains. Everyone poses for a picture to remember the day. They purposely make Viaan and Katha stand together.

In the cabin, Katha asks what’s bothering Viaan. He knows that there is something bothering her as well, he insists her to go first. Katha tells him about Teeji’s message. The same thing happened to Viaan; Mr. Garewal texted him. Katha tells that Teeji talked politely, she showed concern regarding Katha’s past haunting Viaan and Mr. Garewal not accepting Viaan in Aditya’s place. Viaan questions because Teeji accepted their relationship, but maybe she isn’t sure about it. Mr. Garewal isn’t sure that Viaan would be able to make place in Katha’s life. Viaan tells that Katha was the villain of their love story before, now when she is here everyone is pointing fingers at them. Katha thinks that their parents have hardened with age, it will take time to melt them. In order for them to accept this, Viaan and Katha should slow down. Viaan grabs her hand, tells that she allowed him to show affection after everyone is aware of the news. Katha has to go to meet Mr. Garewal. Viaan doesn’t let her, tells that she must be tired because she is always on her mind. Katha leans towards him saying that all these talks suit Ehsan, he should be the Raghuvanshi he is.

Ehsan and Vanaya were in an online video call where they presented their project to the royal family. They try to convince the man to give their design a chance. The man was convinced, he asked them to finalize the project with Maharani. Vanya wanted to celebrate; they were about to high five. Ehsan backs out, goes to his chair. Vanya women handle him, he was sacred, Vanaya intended that. Ehsan wants to leave; she blocks his way. Ehsan reminds that Vanya is Viaan’s sister, he doesn’t want people to think bad about them. The world depicts negative pictures. Vanya is not sorry for herself, will not change herself for this world. Ehsan and Viaan cares enough, he leaves the office.

Katha comes to meet Mr. Garewal, tells that Viaan told him about their conversation. Mr. Garewal taunts Viaan for no respecting his request. Katha clarifies that he shared to tell him about Mr. Garewal’s concern. Kavita asks Mr. Garewal if he doesn’t want Katha to move on. Mr. Garewal cannot accept everyone, especially the ones he doesn’t like. Kavita questions, Aarav and Viaan are friends, above all Viaan loves and cares for Aarav. Katha fells important that after years of relationship he accepted her as his daughter and went to meet Viaan out of concern. Mr. Garewal being a protective father. He wants to know if his concerns are valid. Katha agrees, she asks her to consider her trusting the process valid. It may be valid but not right for Mr. Garewal. Katha thinks that there is no one better, honest and caring for her and Aarav than Viaan. He knows the importance of Aarav in her life. Mr. Garewal cannot do anything if she accepts this, but he will not support her here. Kavita questions, Katha came here to take his blessing, he also knows that Viaan won’t do anything without his permission. Mr., Garewal questions, Viaan went against his mother. Kavita thinks that children aren’t rebellious if they support the right thing behind their parents back. Mr. Garewal was applauding Viaan when he went against his mother’s will to help Vanya. Mr. Garewal doesn’t approve of anything going against his will. He leaves. Aarav hears the conversation.

PRECAP: Viaan, Katha and Aarav are out for dinner. Aarav bumps into another kid, a fight broke. Viaan stops the child from hitting Aarav. The child’s father came, an argument arose. Aarav asks Robin to stop. The man taunts Viaan to clear his relationship. At home, Viaan wants to give his and Aarav’s relationship a name. He suggests marrying Katha.

Update Credit to: Sona

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