Categories: Katha Ankahee

Katha Ankahee 12th October 2023 Written Episode Update: Viaan is in jail.

Katha Ankahee 12th October 2023 Written Episode, Written Update on

Show takes an 8 months leap.

Katha comes to Falguni’s apartment to drop Aarav. He was asleep. She leaves s side note. Falguni wants her to stay for breakfast, Katha has to reach the yoga center, she will return for lunch. Katha asks Falguni to send Aarav to school on time.
Katha prepares for the yoga class, the children enter the studio tired and sleepy unwilling to do yoga. Katha tries to cheer them up, makes them chose their yoga mat. One of the boy requests his mother. The mother tells Katha that her son has become aggressive. Katha assures that yoga will help him, redirect their energy on right track.

Katha starts, the children find yoga boring. One of the kid wants to sleep, boy consider video games fun and Yoga boring. Katha motivates them, yoga helps the mind to focus

well and win in the video games. The kids were amazed to know that Katha plays video song. Katha plays a song, the children starts following her directions in doing yoga posses. She fixes few of the poses, after the session Katha talks them about video gaming. Katha loves to win, a girl speaks that she love being the center of attention, a boy loves their characters and super powers. One of the boys play whenever he is angry, he can do whatever he wants in the game. Children asks why Katha is questioning them. Katha wants to know their generation better.

In the car, Katha listens to a video about a man telling that children are not different than adults. Children express their feeling, but are fragile to emotional pain, in order to protect themselves children build a wall around themselves.
Katha reaches her workplace to her colleagues waiting for her impatiently. They inform that everything is a mess, vendors aren’t picking the phone. Katha wants them to relax, since they know the problem, its time to find the solution. Another colleague after praising Katha talents complains about their lack of resources to fulfil a clients need. He tells that the décor piece has reached, delivery man number is out of reach, only 6 hours are left before the event starts. Katha talks tot eh client, he bashes at Katha until she makes him an offer of creating a new décor piece. Katha’s team is skilled enough to do so. The man agrees, his respect depends on Katha. He wonders how Katha brings this calmness in herself. Katha recalls yelling at Viaan while ending thing with him. Katha preaches calm state of mind to handle the external chaos. Katha starts working with his team. She glass paints, recalls her memories with Viaan. The client approves of the final outcome, he wants Katha to sign at the bottom. Falguni calls Katha.

Aarav stands with a bat, emotionless as a child cries for his cycle. The woman complains to Falguni about it.

Katha comes home to Aarav playing video games. She asks why he broke his friends cycle. Aarav refuse to consider him a friend. Katha assures that there must be a reason. Aarav calls him a liar, he rants about his cycle, Aarav got angry because everyone was considering that lie as truth. Aarav will not tolerate anyone’s lie anymore. Katha questions, regardless of the lie he didn’t deserve that. Aarav should talk to Katha first. Aarav questions, she never tells him the truth. Katha asks why he is concerned about the kid lying, why it bothers him. Aarav can not stand someone acting nice at first and than coming out as the bad guy.
Aarav will punish everyone who lies.

Falguni comes to Kata sitting in distress, tells that Aarav is improving, he didn’t used to talk but Katha brought him out of it. Katha shouldn’t worry, giving up is not her style. Katha is worried because Aarav is struggling internally, he is angry at everyone for betraying him. Katha tries her best to save her son from this mess. Katha makes tea. Falguni tells that everything was a mess before he came, everything will return back to normal once he returns. Katha sees a magazine with Viaan’s face on it.
Viaan is in prison singing a song for other cell mates. Viaan recalls his memories with Katha.

PRECAP: Viaan can not sleep, her memory isn’t letting him sleep. Katha is sure about Viaan missing her. Aarav asks when will Viaan return. Katha talks to Viaan, tells that Aarav needs him, she can not handle him alone. Viaan will return in two days.

Update Credit to: Sona

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