Categories: Katha Ankahee

Katha Ankahee 27th April 2023 Written Episode Update: Vanya meets Viaan.

Katha Ankahee 27th April 2023 Written Episode, Written Update on

Neerja is working on a design, Katha enters the apartment greeting Aarav. She wonders why Neerja is worried. Neerja informs him about the shelter design made by Viaan, she is confused about it. Katha questions her for taking help from outsider while having an architect at home. Neerja is touchy in this matter. Katha looks at the design and suggests Neerja to change her architect who isn’t listening to her. Neerja knows that Katha is looking for an excuse to prove Viaan wrong. Katha is solving Neerja’s problem, she wants a lodging facility, but her architect is selling her a house. Neerja questions, Katha tells that she is focusing on shelter and a home. Neerja is confused. Katha tells that the ones who lost their house needs a home. Neerja wants the same, she wants to give them rooms and lounges.

Katha asks her to take a tour of the shelter home, she makes Neerja visualize the designs using her apartment as an example. She makes her see the terrace where sunlight can be used by old ages residents to cure themselves. She than leads to shows her image of a common rom where everyone can enjoy each other’s company, all doors open to the common room giving it life, they move on to single huge dinning room made of concrete so regardless of conflict everyone is eats together. She shows her an open Kitchen, she refuses to have an open kitchen to give woman some time to rest. Katha asks Neerja why she works in the kitchen, Neerja works in kitchen to contribute something to the family. Katha tells that an open kitchen in shelter home will keep everyone busy with their contribution. The shelter home will have a ramp instead of stairs, a high wall ceiling with widows in every corner, not a single corner will go to waste. Neerja thanks her for showing the whole building, Viaan read her dream while Katha read his. Katha clearly knows why Viaan made this design, if everyone listens to her, they will mistake her being the designer. Neerja wants this design, it’s perfect.

Viaan buys tea from a vendor, Ehsan records him bringing the tea. Ehsan tells Viaan that the smile he carries is out of love, asks how he knew that Ehsan needed tea. Ehsan mocks him, tells that Viaan already has a connection with him, supposed to make a connection with Katha now. Ehsan tells vendor that Viaan was supposed to drop a woman off. Ehsan asks Viaan not to give him a look or else he would fall in love with him again. Ehsan is trying to fit his eyes and mind in Katha, Viaan questions him. Ehsan tells that his love feeling will fade owing to the time he is taking. Viaan thinks that attraction will end but love wont, but he has something through which love will never end. Ehsan wants to know. Viaan thinks that respect will never let love fade. Ehsan has never been in such love. Viaan tells that it’s the kind love which doesn’t change with season, true love is like a tree which supports in scorching sunlight or storm or in loneliness of autumn, the tree never leaves but wait to make everything beautiful once again in spring. Ehsan taunts Viaan for having a PhD in love.

Aarav shows Katha the dream catcher he made for Yohan to have a nice sleep. Katha recalls telling Viaan about her dream to show the actual hand sketch of a design. Aarav plans to make one for Robin so he my get his girl. He wishes for girls to see Robin through his lens to know how special he is. Aarav leaves.

Robin loves it, Batman tells that it’s a dream catcher. Batman is supposed to hang it above his bed, every night when dreams visit, the right one will cross he net to reach Viaan. Robin asks about the bad ones; Batman tells them that the net will catch the bad ones. He asks Robin to dream good about proposing to his friend and her accepting it. Robin loves it, Batman tells that his mother says that dreams are a trailer of future. Robin wonders what he would do without Batman, he wants to meet Robin’s friend. Robin denies, will introduce Batman at right time. Batman wonders how long he will fight alone. Robin isn’t alone, he has Batman. Robin tells that winning is necessary, fighting is. Batman apologizes but this bouncer will fly above Virat. Robin explains that Virat strengths his position in initial innings than win the match with his victories. He says that good thinks take time, people take time to trust, once the trust has been gained their positions strengthens. Robin tells that a certain situation has created a big wall between him and his friend. Batman has a solution; he will make a window in between the walls.
Katha is doing yoga; Aarav sits on the sofa nearby. Katha inquires if he is upset about the food. Aarav is stressed for Robin; he isn’t able to help his friend. Katha asks if it has to too with that girl. Aarav insisted Robin to introduce him to his friend so he may talk to her, but he refused. Katha agrees with Robin, it’s better for elders to conduct such conversation. Katha asks Aarav to get up and have breakfast. Aarav has a plan, he might not be an adult, but Katha is who always has a solution. Batman calls Robin. Ronin will call in a while, he is getting late for the office. Batman asks him to call, he has a new idea.

Viaan calls Katha asking if she went through the resume. Katha is going trough the CVs while being in auto heading for office. Viaan tells that he picked on CV, he is excited for new recruitments, they will bring new energy in office.

A woman enters the office, she observes the ambiance especially Mr. Raghuvanshi’s photo. She calls her mother telling her that she has reached the office, reminds her to take her vitamins. Her mother didn’t forget, asked her to send a photo. She will show her, he owns the biggest cabin. Viaan intervene asking what she will show. He knows her name, Vanya, and tells her that the interview is scheduled a little late. Vanya couldn’t sleep out of excitement; she was talking to her mother who wanted to see her office. Viaan question, she has to go through an interview and a round of tests to get an office. Viaan wishes her best of luck, hope she makes a home here. Vanya tells Viana what she didn’t write in her resume, she can see the future. She can see herself being part of EarthCon, Viaan will hire her. Viaan asks her about the confident. Vanya has confidence in bulk, she only needs this job to use it. Viaan appreciates.

Precap: in the interview, Vanya tells Katha that she comes from a small town and wants to hear Viaan saying that she can come to Mumbai. Viaan tells that she can come to Mumbai, Katha looks at him. Reet plans to bring Katha close to Viaan to see what she does about it; she cannot see her being part of Garewal family as they all pose for a picture together. Teeji asks Katha to introduce her friend’s daughter, who is a lawyer, to Viaan.

Update Credit to: Sona

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