Categories: Katha Ankahee

Katha Ankahee 29th March 2023 Written Episode Update: Katha finds a way to help Viaan.

Katha Ankahee 29th March 2023 Written Episode, Written Update on

Teji requests Katha to favor Viaan in this case as head of it. Katha is neutral for being the head here, Viaan will not be punished for the crime he didn’t commit. Teji refuse, sometimes the innocent has no way of proving themselves. Katha should refrain from listening to Shamita, Teji is unaware of her intentions. Katha will not favor anyone no matter how uncomfortable it gets, she tells her about changing the AV on 50th anniversary for the better. Teji knows, Katha asks if Teji never realizes Viaan’s pain. Teji questions, she knows about Viaan’s pain upon mentioning his father. Katha corrects, tells Teji that her idealizing her husband that makes Viaan feel abandoned and unwanted, which is the root cause of all his problem. Teji with tears in her eyes silently leaves.

Viaan comes home

to his mother going through old albums, he hugs her from behind questioning for it. Teji is finding something, when the life tests, it teaches a lot that one never knew. Teji is trying to find her reflection in Viaan’s photo. Viaan questions her for speaking so. Teji recalls him attaining 1st position in 5th standard, she informed everyone about him being like his father but never attended the prize distribution ceremony, similar she missed the moment he got his 1st squash tournament. She reminds him about the time she was called to school for being caught in fight, Teji never asked him once what happened but started yelling instead. Teji has never supported Viaan in time she should have, like the 50th anniversary where she was supposed to celebrate Viaan and not her husband. Viaan has been through all this pain without saying anything. Viaan has spent his entire childhood in trauma of being abandoned by his father, with time he realized that his father took his mother with him as well. Viaan felt lonely that day but never lost hope of winning his mother back. His love for Teji never faded, he was to immature realize his mistake then. He used to think that old wounds never heal but now after committing a mistake he realized that living in the past makes one blind, making his past a blueprint lead him towards that mistake. He has learned to live in the present, Teji apologizes for everything. Viaan hugs her, the accepted and understood their mistake, now they must forgive themselves. They both love each other.

Katha struggles with eh case, Neerja questions. Katha tells her about the message being strong evidence to prove Viaan guilty. Neerja asks her to crack some way to prove Viaan’s innocence. Katha has gone through case files multiple times yet has no solution in mind. Aarav sitting in back receives Viaan’s call asking about tomorrow’s plan. Aarav wants Viaan there. Viaan will try his best for now he has asked his Karate champion friend to call and help Aarav. Aarav requests Viaan to visit tomorrow. Viaan asks him to call his friend.

Aarav calls Viaan’s friend who will teach him some moves, he puts the call on record. The man assists Aarav in doing lunges. Katha noticing comes to him calling it difficult moves for him, she puts the call on hold. Aarav questions, he was on call. Katha tells about the call being put on hold; Aarav informs about the recoding continuing even after the call being put on hold. Katha comes back to her table.

Katha realizes Viaan telling about being on call with Keith. Neerja questions, Katha has a solution. She called Keith, explains him everything. Keith got worried he thought that Viaan got busy thus never called him back. Katha asks about the call being recorded. Since he was composing a tune with Viaan Keith thought of putting the call in record. Katha requests him to share it with her, its imperative to save Viaan’s life. Keith had a lot of calls that day, he will share as soon as he finds the recording. Katha is grateful to Keith for helping, he knows the importance of it as Viaan’s life is on stake.

Next morning, Viaan serves Teji her favorite breakfast that’s waffle without syrup and freshly squeezed orange juice. Teji questions Viaan for not panicking about the committee’s final judgment that is to be announced at 3 pm today. Viaan asks if Teji doesn’t trust him. Teji trusts Viaan but as mother she can not see her son struggling, she feels like him hiding a storm inside him. Viaan has no control over anything, he hasn’t done anything wrong thus doesn’t care what happens. Teji questions as they might lose everything with this judgment. Viaan will not lose his mother, he would have her still, life has tested them multiple time before but unable to drag them apart. Teji trusting Viaan is enough for him, nothing will happen to Teji in his presence. They will enjoy their breakfast now, he serves her syrup, notices the tension on her face.

Aarav is worried about his fight. The commentators called him for his fight. Aarav and his opponent bow down at each other to start the match. Aarav fights but gets knocked down. Viaan comes to him, he explains him a trick with his hand gestures to help him fight him. Aarav approves.

PRECAP: Meera informs Katha about her decision to shift her friend with her. Katha tells that her friend, Yuvraj Garewal is her late husband’s younger brother. Jeetu informs Ehsan and Viaan about the board members waiting for the final judgment. Katha tells everyone about Viaan being in a call the night Shamita claims him of s*xually harassing her, since the call was bein grecorded it will help them find the truth.

Update Credit to: Sona

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