Categories: Katha Ankahee

Katha Ankahee 30th March 2023 Written Episode Update: Aarav wins the yellow belt.

Katha Ankahee 30th March 2023 Written Episode, Written Update on

Aarav responds to Viaan’s instructions and motivation, gets back up and fight. Aarav makes his move, knocks the opponent down, the instructor had to stop him from continuing. After consultation the judge’s announced Aarav was the winner with lead of three points. Viaan and Aarav hugged it out. Aarav couldn’t believe that Viaan came, Viaan couldn’t leave Batman alone. Viaan praise his moves.

Ehsan tells the committee about his bond with Viaan, he has never seen Viaan do injustice or take advantage of anyone. He asks how can a man like Viaan scar a woman for life, the woman used Viaan. The committee must not let Viaan fall out for helping. The committee responds as Shamita has a similar touchy story. The important element of this case is evidence which is against Viaan, Ehsan might lose

his partner if Viaan is unable to prove his innocence. In case the company members try to defend Viaan, the reputation of it will ruin. Ehsan is sure that Viaan will be proved innocent. Katha is waiting for Keith to transfer the recording, she texts him.

Viaan congratulates Viaan on his yellow belt, ask how he feels. Aarav was tense before but seeing Viaan here gave him confidence to win a black belt today. He asks if Viaan will visit regularly from now on. Viaan informs about his test as well. Aarav is sure that Viaan will, at last he is Batman’s Robin. Viaan has brought Aarav a poem, Kavita. Aarav questions, tells that his grandmother’s name is Kavita. Viaan tells Aarav will be able to comprehend this poem, read it loudly whenever he feels scared of lost. Aarav asks Viaan to read it before his test, Viaan has learnt it by now. The poem is for Aarav to learn now. Viaan hugs Aarav. Aarav assures that he will read it before taking his green belt test. They say goodbye to each other with their symbolic hand gestures.

Katha comes to her cabin, Meera informs that she has decided to shift her friend with her. Katha act out, Meera tries to explain that a married man has right to live happily as well. Katha wanted to tell Meera something but didn’t know how. Katha knows that Meera’s friend is Yuvraj Garewal, he is Katha’s brother-in-law. Meera is shocked. Katha knows why Yuvraj is acting so, he isn’t fighting for love and respect but hope. Reet is an overprotective woman, stressing Yuvraj for wrong expectations. The day Reet realizes her mistake she will patch things with Yuvraj. Meera questions Katha for not telling about her relationship with Yuvraj. Katha calms Meera and makes her sit down to explain. Katha tried her best to not interfere in Meera’s personal life, she analyzed the situation from outside. Katha thinks that Yuvraj must give Reet another chance to change, Meera asks about herself. Meera said it herself that they were just friends. Yuvraj’s parents have already lost a son, he has two daughters, Reet is pregnant. She asks if Meera would like his parents to lose another son, his daughter to grow without a father, to Reet to be abandoned whilst expecting. She asks what Meera would do. Yuvraj’s issue can be resolved, it will take a lot of support and effort and Meera can be that for Yuvraj. She must talk to him about all that is at stake here. Jeetu comes to inform Katha about the cross-examination procedure starting.

Aarav reads Neeraj the poem his friends gave him. Viaan hands over his files to Ehsan, they hug each other. Katha awaits Keith’s message. Viaan approaches the meeting room, Shamita sees him.
The committee asks Katha to start the questionnaire as the board will arrive in a while. The board starts with cross examination. Katha questions Viaan for rehiring a woman whom he claimed to have misbehaved with him in past. Like Viaan told earlier, he has changed, owing to that he thought of giving him and Shamita another chance. Katha asks why he called her to his office. Viaan negates, Shamita came to his office herself saying that she is uncomfortable here. Than Shamita was asked if Viaan took his phone with him. Shamita has no vivid memory; she was coughing hard. Katha rephrase, asks if Viaan texted her inside or outside the office. Shamita thinks that Viaan must have taken it with him. Katha tells that a peon testified that Viaan came to get the water in café, his hands where empty. Shamita questions the message to be ridiculous. The committee asks Shamita to answer the most important question of this investigation since it’s directly related to the evidence. Katha ask if Shamita thinks Viaan to be smart or dumb. Shamita claims Viaan to be extra smart. Katha asks why a smart man sitting in position of power texted her, leaving an evidence behind instead of asking her directly. Shamita counter questions, a man in power doesn’t value women like her. She tells that chats are posted online to catch the cheater. Shamita was asked to leave as she had made her point. Katha receives a message from Keith telling that the video will identify the culprit. Katha calls the board members; she has something important to show everyone.

Ehsan and Viaan waiting in the cabin were taken Jeetu for the final decision since the board members have arrived. Viaan prepares himself, fist bumps Ehsan. They all leave.

Everyone enters the conference room. Shamita, Viaan, Teji, Ehsan and rest of the board members. The screen was being prepared for Katha to present the final verdict of Viaan and Shamita’s harassment case. Katha greets everyone for being here, she knows that the case with zero eye witnesses is hard to tackle. Her team struggled concluding this trial with Shamita’s solid evidence against Viaan while his team showed their blind trust in him. They found Shamit’s stories to be inconsistent and Viaan’s claims to be untrustworthy, they thought he was lying. The evidence Shamita provided was the most important part of this trial, which is the biggest riddle to solve. Viaan claimed to have sent Shamita a recommendation letter which is nowhere to be found. Katha tells everyone why she has attached her laptop to a screen, the night Shamita came to Viaan’s office he was on call with his friend, though Viaan put the call on hold it was being recorded on the other end. The recorded video call will help everyone reach a conclusion.

PRECAP: Katha plays the recording to Viaan narrating his song. Viaan shy’s away, Katha understands. Viaan tells that actions taken in anger never end well. He acknowledges him hurting Shamita and her avenging him for it. Viaan propose to end the matter here.

Update Credit to: Sona

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