Categories: Katha Ankahee

Katha Ankahee 6th October 2023 Written Episode Update: Ehsan tells Viaan about Maya.

Katha Ankahee 6th October 2023 Written Episode, Written Update on

Katha requests Mr. Garewal to never question Katha why she ended things with Viaan. Kavita holds Mr. Garewal, Aarav listens to them. Katha wants everyone to accept that she and Viaan are no longer together.

In the hospital, Teeji asks Viaan what happened. Viaan tells that he committed a mistake a while ago, but she didn’t let him break over it, she saved him, redeemed him but now she is gone. Teeji apologies, she has never took a stand for Viaan, neither before nor today, she couldn’t stand Viaan’s happiness. Teeji was blinded before, but she can see that it has always been Katha who saved her son. She wants to make amends. Viaan considers Katha and Aarav her perfect family. Teeji asks what to do now. Ehsan enters, Viaan sends him to bring discharge letter. Viaan will bring Katha back.


returns to her old apartment, she organizes everything back while recalling her memories with Viaan. She cries heavily looking at a picture of them together. Viaan misses his Robin. Katha rearranges her apartment. Falguni came wondering why the door was opened. She hugs both Katha and Aarav suggesting them to have lunch first.

The doctor refuse to discharge Viaan, he needs to kept under observation for one more night.

Teeji returns home to Maya asking about Viaan. Teeji forbids her from asking about Viaan, she must have done something terrible that made Katha end her relationship with Viaan. Maya questions, Teeji wanted to oust Katha from Viaan life. Teeji agrees, she was out of her mind, didn’t realize that there was is no Viaan without Katha. Teeji blames Maya for running her son. Maya shouts at her, Teeji shouts, she should have fight for her son instead of listening to Maya. Teeji taunts Maya for conspiring even when Viaan was on death bed. Teeji will fix everything Maya broke, will bring Katha and Aarav in this house, because it belongs to them. Maya calls it’s the end of Raghuvanshi’s name. Teeji’s future lies in her son, will book a ticket to Paris for Maya, requests Maya to leave once and for all.

In the hospital, Ehsan asks Viaan if he wants to talk to Aarav, Viaan should dial the number instead of overthinking. Viaan dials Aarav’s number. Aarav was in the lounge studying, reads his name, Katha nods him not to attend. Aarav turns the phone silent. Katha calms herself, refrains from crying.

Next morning, Katha receives a call after which she panics. She gets ready, attends another call, it was Viaan. He apologizes, its his other number. Viaan got to know what happened at the school, he wants to come. Katha wants him to rest, she will handle everything.

In the school, the Principal complains to Katha about Aarav misbehaving with children, he brutally attacked a kid in school who is currently in hospital. Aarav has never behaved this way, the principal wants to know if he is going through some trouble at home. Katha keeps looking at the door. Principal questions her, Katha will apologies to the kids’ parents herself. Katha keeps looking at he door. The principal has informed Viaan as well. Katha leaves . Viaan enters the principal office who was shocked to see Viaan in bandage, understood why Katha was tensed. The principal condemns what Aarav did today. Viaan apologies, Katha will handle everything, he will help as well. Ehsan calls Viaan asking where he is, the entire hospital is worried about him. Ehsan request him to return, sing the discharge form he filled for Viaan. Viaan returns to hospital.

Katha questions Aarav who complains about her not calling him money, he knows that she will scold him now. Katha questions, has to ask why he broke someone’s arm. Aarav didn’t intend to do that. Katha asks why he got suspended than. Katha realizes that she was yelling, calms her self than starts refresh with Aarav. Katha knows that he is tensed these days but violence is not an option. She has taught him to count till 10 to calm himself. Aarav did that. Katha wants to know what aggravated him enough to attack his friend. Aarav refuse to tell. Katha loves Aarav unconditionally, that wounded child’s son must have an unconditionally loving mother as well. Katha wants Aarav to speak so that she may talk to that mother as well.
Ehsan informs Viaan that Maya was behind everything, she was collecting information on Katha and Viaan since day one.

PRECAP: Ehsan refuse to consider Maya his mother anymore. Viaan barges in the Garewal mansion, tells Katha that only death can separate them. Reet shows Mr. Garewal the evidence footage telling tat Viaan is using Katha.

Update Credit to: Sona

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