Categories: Katha Ankahee

Katha Ankahee 7th December 2022 Written Episode Update: Katha vows to arrange the money

Katha Ankahee 7th December 2022 Written Episode, Written Update on

Katha explains she has saved up to four million in the past few years and thought that she has done something great, but it is nothing like that, she reveals they both call it magic treatment when she mentioned she would have it done but she doesnot have the money so how is she going to get it done, she gets dizzy when the doctor reveals she must show the same courage which she displayed in the past few years, he managed to convince the New York doctors because of it as they did it for Aarav. Katha mentions like son like mother as she will make sure that she earns the money so would do it in a few months, the doctor explains that they do not have much time because the healthy blood cells are declining and if it was up to him he would do the surgery right now, she asks how much time is left. The doctor

reveals they only have one week to arrange ten million and call the doctors from New York here, Katha replies he is talking about the impossible task since it is impossible when the doctor reveals they ae just saying they don’t have much time, katha explains she is a fighter and will arrange the money.
Viaan calls his mother informing they got the project, she congratulates him and even informs today is the death anniversary of his father so she has arranged for a Pooja, he replies it would have been better if she does some charity, his mother explains the Path has been arranged each year so he should go and bring Pathi jee himself as she feels it is disrespectful if she sends the driver as she feels he is near them each year, Viaan explains he has to go after hearing a knock on his office door.

Viaan walking to his chair ask the employee if they have a meeting, she replies it is not necessary they should always meet on a meeting, he asks where is Jenny when she mentions Jenny left for which she is glad since otherwise it would just be a meeting. She explains she wants to share some personal details about the heritage project, Viaan explains she must talk with Katha who is the lead designer, the worker insists on talking with him personally but he starts getting furious, she tries to get his attention for herself however replies they tend to discuss everything in the meetings and if she still wants he can have a meeting with her but only if Ashan is also present. She insists on a personal meeting which angers him so he instructs her to leave his office, she tries to apologize but he forces to leave. Ashan entering asks what happened to her, Viaan replies she wanted his personal attention after his secretary left, if Ashan knows what he means but Ashan replies he doesnot, Viaan replies she is not interested in her work and just wants to be with him, Ashan explains that some people have hormones, and they tend to have feelings. Viaan asks him to come to his house, Ashan doesnot know when Viaan informs that today is his Barsi, he calls Jeetu bhai instructing him to prepare a termination letter for Nisha, Ashan tries to convince him and then calls Jeetu Bhai explaining that Nisha picked the wrong day as today Viaan is always furious.

Katha is on the call with Nishan asking why is he advising her to talk with the doctor, Nishant explains they could get a loan if they had the property and her investments are still the same since they donot grow so easily, Katha is really tensed when Nishant advises her to calm down, she says she needs direction on where to go, Nishant informs he would try to get a loan and even talk with some NGO’s, Katha getting tensed asks if they only have these chances. Nishant ends the call explaining he would try his best.

Katha walks past the Gurdwara where she recalls the day when she knelt in front of Aditya and mentioned he tends to make her life really good as each day spent with him is really good so she wants to have this feeling each day, Aditya praises Bhagwan for completing the work for which he was requesting courage, he takes out the ring mentioning he has been carrying this ring for the past one year but did not had the courage to tell her, katha got angry because he bought such an expensive ring, but he said it chose her after which they both left. Katha looking at the ring apologizes to Aditya as he gave her the ring which has been filled with his love but he now resides in Aarav and so she would firs take the blessings of Bhagwan. Katha enters the Gurdwara but doesnot know that Viaan is also in the same place as her.

Katha walks over to the main temple where she rests her head and then Pathi jee asks ow did he come here, Viaan explains he came to take Pathi jee with him. Katha walks over to the other side praying while Viaan is busy talking with Pathi jee, he turns but is not able to see her as she is turned the opposite way. Katha stands up with tears in her eyes, she is about to turn however Pathi jee signals Viaan that they can leave, kata also goes outside, her friends signal her so she sits in the car, the friend asks if the doctors got mad demanding such a big amount. She notices that Katha doesnot have the ring and asks how much she sold it for, Katha mentions six lacs when her friend explains she was with Aditya when he bought it and the ring was worth a lot more. Katha explains even if she can sell one or two flats the amount would not be enough to arrange the entire amount.
Viaan’s mother is looking at the photo of her husband, Viaan enters explaining that he knows she is the most beautiful and must remain the same even today. She asks if he praised in the Gurdwara when he kneels in front of her explaining she only needs her blessings, she asks if Pathi jee came when Viaan informs he is preparing for the path, he explains her smile is the most important thing for her and he can do anything, she explains she just wants a hug from him.

Katha enters the house with her friend Nirma, Aarav is playing the game with Falkouni Behan, he says she must not lose on purpose as he is really a good player and strong. Nirma rushes to greet him but before that makes him statue, he asks her to release him as he wants to hit her for calling him monkey, she replies they before had the relationship of boyfriend and girlfriend but now he is just monkey. Namita asks if he wants to see the gift which his mother brought for her, she takes out the running shoes for him, but he is not excited when she explains that he would get better within a week after which they would see him play cricket. Aarav asks if they are about to get the magic treatment, she nods so he jumps in excitement hearing this Falkouni Behan starts crying, Aarav questions why she starts crying at every moment, but she replies she is laughing, Katha is forced to calm him down otherwise he would get ill. Aarav asks if she would surely get him treated, katha hugs him however is tensed.

Precap: Katha writes that she was only able to get 6 lacs for the ring and is still left with ten million. Katha picks her bag explaining she is going to the place where she should have gone a long time ago. Katha enters the house where they are preparing for a wedding, she informs them that Aarav would die if he doesnot get the transplant, the person asks if she wants them to pay for the treatment.

Update Credit to: Sona

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