Categories: Katha Ankahee

Katha Ankahee 8th December 2022 Written Episode Update: Katha requests Aditiya’s father for financial assistance

Katha Ankahee 8th December 2022 Written Episode, Written Update on

In the morning katha checks out the savings she has, Katha explains the ring was of six lacs and some people even helped her but still ten million is left, katha mentions this is the only way and she cannot break the promise which she made to Aarav, she doesn’t know what to do for it. Katha explain her mother died because of cancer while the father also died, and then her husband died in a car accident, she explains her son was just one year old at that time and she lit the Chita with Aarav in her hands, Katha explains the mother is the protector for her children and Aarav is in front of her with the eyes filled of hope, he would not die like this and must grow old living a happy life after which he will die in his warn bed, katha rushes to pick her bag instructing Nisha to stay with Aarav, she

asks where is Katha going who replies where she should have gone a long time ago. Katha exclaims even if Aarav is her son, he has the blood of someone else.

Katha gets out in front of a big house, she slowly enters the house opening the door to see they are dancing on a function, the guests exclaim she must be feeling really good and just desires a boy, she explains that papa she loves both the girls but she desires to have a boy who would play with him. Her mother-in-law exclaims in their family they never talk about if it would be a boy or girl, she blesses her and then the father comes with the tray of gifts containing money and jewelry, she gets excited when he exclaims that all their money belongs to these children, and she doesn’t know what his grandparents have planned for their newborn Grandson.

The father notices katha standing at the door, he angrily walks over to the corner when turning look at Katha, the son and daughter in law discuss why she has come here, he replies he would throw her out of the house but she stops him explaining she would firs think of the reason she came here and if their mother invited her but her husband replies it cannot happen until their father is alive, the father after a while asks a worker to take Katha to his library so she sits there, he looks towards w wife who has a smile on her face.

Katha reaching the library sees the photo of her husband, she recalls the day when she went to the registrar office, the employee thought they both were running from their house when he exclaimed if their families are not happy with their marriage then what is their problem in it, they both wed according to the rituals. Katha is crying when she hears the door open, she wipes of her tears and stands in front of him. The father explains she would have seen there is a ritual of their daughter in law but he is sitting here, she must have come here because of something really important, katha explains that she desires something for her and Aditya’s son Aarav since he has blood cancer and they only have one week’s time for the bone marrow transplant.

Reet is angrily walking with her husband when she explains katha came to ruin her special today after so many years, Reet replies his father doesn’t listen to him as Katha is really a bad sign for their family because she first caused Aditya Bhai to lose his life, their mother exclaims that Katha was devastated and might have a very big reason for coming here, she leaves scolding them to not create a seen as there is a function going on here. Reet exclaims that she knows women like Katha are gold diggers and she just desires money from their family.
The father asks Katha if she wants money from him, Katha explains she needs it for his Grandsons treatment assuring she has exhausted each way she had, even then she was only able to collect four and a half million while she still needs ten million.

Ashan noticing Viaan is really tensed, requests his mother to calm down while he would go and check on Viaan. Ashan meanwhile Viaan’s mother is still crying. Ashsan suggests Viaan they should go on a long drive explaining he needs to check out the new club which has been opened, Viaan taunts because the club would not be successful without him, Viaan replies he would not leave his mother tonight. Ashan explains that his mother is expressing her sorrow, but he is just torturing himself by thinking about the past memories, Viaan asks if he realizes that his betrayal is the last memory he has of him.

The father asks if she desires money for the Grandson for the child whose face he has not seen till now, katha replies Aditya came to talk with him when the father explains he just came to make him accept the sign of his deception, he explains nothing had happened without his permission but then she came and Aditya left to marry her without even thinking about himself, he explains that he created this Agarwal empire for Aditya but he left everyone. Katha requests him to forget about what happened in the past, Aditya’s mother listens to their conversation from the door and is shocked to hear that her Grandson is suffering from blood cancer.

Mr Agarwal in anger replies that Aarav is not his Grandson, as Aditya died in that accident and with that all his relations. Katha explains he disowned Aditya because he married her when she was not of their social status, katha mentions his son died but he did not even come to his funeral and now even his Grandson is about to die, Mr Agarwal can save him but even then, is stuck in what happened ten years ago. Katha mentions he can still remain angry with her but must save her son because the ten million is not much for him however it means the world to her as it can save Aarav, Mr Agarwal orders her to get out mentioning he will not even curse her son because they donot have any relation.

Precap: Aarav asks what they should name the puppy, katha replies it is his responsibility to which Aarav explains he needs to live long in order to take care of the puppy, Katha hugs him. Katha vows in front of her friend to do whatever she can in order to save her son however this time neither the money nor the time would be a hindrance in his treatment.

Update Credit to: Sona

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