Categories: Kavya

Kavya 19th March 2024 Written Episode Update: Kavya helps Alka

Kavya 19th March 2024 Written Episode, Written Update on

The Episode starts with Alka getting stomach pain. Malini attends her. Kavya comes to help Alka. She asks Alka to drink some water. Alka throws the water. Malini asks Kavya to leave. Adi takes Kavya out. Kavya says I didn’t kill Omi, I want to help Alka. Adi says no one needs you here, get lost. Kavya goes.

Kavya comes to the court. She says I have fired the lawyer, I want to request for bail. Adi says we have her recorded confession. Kavya says its fake, its recorded by cheat. Adi says she is a liar. She says I can prove it. Judge asks can you prove it. She says yes, permit Sanjeev Varma to come. Sanjeev comes and gives a file. Kavya says the statement was recorded in front of a police officer, it was prosecution’s plan to trap me. Adi worries. Kavya says I was asked to read that statement and

they recorded my voice. Judge asks why did you read it if you doubted them. Kavya says then they would have doubted me, I wanted to expose them in the court. Judge says we don’t agree with you completely, but we don’t believe this recording, so we grant you the bail and give you time to get the evidences and come to the court. Kavya smiles. Adi goes out. Sanjeev asks him to hug. Adi stops him. He says you are a traitor.

Sanjeev says I m helping Kavya, because you and Kavya are same for me. Adi says we aren’t one now, go away. Kavya looks on. Adi goes to his car. Kavya sits in the car and says take me along. He says get down the car. She says you are also going home, take me. He asks her to get down the car. He opens the door and pushes her. She sits back. He says just go. She lies in his lap. She says I know you are against me, will you lie to frame me. He says you have lied too. She says its not true, I didn’t do anything, shall I tell the judge who did this. Adi says you can tell him, I will get you punished. She says fine, you know truth will win in the end, you may lose something which you can never get back. He says I died the day when you killed my brother, I m not yours, I will become a man who you hate. She gets down the car. He leaves.

Rajeev comes home. He says they didn’t agree, I have to take a transfer, else I will lose the job. Anjali asks him to leave the job. Rajeev asks how will we run the house. Mayank says I will do some work and earn money, don’t worry, Kavya is also fighting them alone, why can’t I, I can’t sit here like a coward. Anjali says yes, we have to become her strength and fight together. Rajeev says now I feel Mayank has grown up. He hugs Mayank. Mayank says I have learnt this from you. she asks shall I make tea. Rajeev says yes. Anjali asks why isn’t the water coming. Giriraj says I will make them cry for water. Badi Amma says you can’t do anything. Giriraj says Anurag, you know what to do. Alka is in pain. She cooks food. Badi Amma comes and says Omi died and you want to celebrate Holi. Kavya comes. Alka cries. Badi Amma says you get decked up then. Kavya defends Alka. She says if Alka wants to make Gujiya, then she will make it. Badi Amma throws the things and says I will see how she does this. Adi calls her out and asks are you ready for Holika Dahan. Badi Amma says evil people meet their end today, won’t you take Kavya. Adi says just family will go. Giriraj says everyone should go. Adi says yes, right, but Kavya is sick. Kavya says I m not sick. Adi says you are sick, stay home and take rest. He asks where is Anurag. Giriraj says he will come there directly. They all go. Mayank meets a friend. The man says I spoke to my friend, he is coming. Anurag comes and meets him.

Mayank sees him. He says I don’t want to talk to you. Anurag says sit down and talk. Anurag acts innocent. Mayank says dad got transferred and quit the job. Anurag says I didn’t know Giriraj will stoop so low. Mayank says I won’t come in your sweet words. Anurag says I just got to know this, Giriraj and Adi are after Kavya now, I m sure she can’t kill someone, what shall I do, who can talk in front of them, so I have come here to help you. Mayank refuses. Anurag says only you are there to help your parents, you can call me and refuse if you want, think well, keep the money. He goes. Alka goes into labor. Kavya takes Alka to the car. She says we will reach the hospital in sometime. The car stops. Kavya calls Adi. He doesn’t answer. She asks someone to give the phone. Adi takes the call. Kavya says its me, Alka is in labor, the car broke down, I want help. He says it’s a bad joke. He ends call. She goes to Alka. She says we have to get your delivery done today, I will save you, I couldn’t save Omi, I promise I will save this baby.

The episode ends.

Update Credit to: Amena


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